My Name is Jack Maxey, and I’m a Fabricator

Jack Maxey The Fabricator

What’s a Fabricator?
A fabricator is an intelligence agent/asset that generates disinformation by lies, deceptions, or by producing forged materials in order to substantiate their claims. A fabricator is often cited as a reliable source behind black propaganda. Multiple fabricators are usually used to justify a Big Lie.

The Dashing and Debonair Jack Maxey
By way of classification, Jack Maxey is a member of the class of establishment Republicans who produced the Italian Job, the Absolute Proof, and a score of other election disinformation actors that were designed to derail any attempt to conduct a real election integrity investigation.

Jack Forrester Maxey and his former wife, Talbott Maxey, come from old US media families (N.W. Ayer and Media General); they’re true blue-blood American aristocracy. Jack was raised in affluence in PA and graduated from Yale with a degree in History. Following his graduation, he was commissioned into the US Navy. After leaving the service, he worked for Phil Graham, who first served as a Democratic Congressman (1979–1983), then as a Republican Congressman (1983–1985), and finally as a Republican Senator from Texas (1985–2002).

It is worth noting that Phil Graham was a senior economic adviser to John McCain’s presidential campaign. Another little-known fact is that Graham had a close, friendly relationship with Joe Biden. In 2010, Graham said, Joe Biden was one of my favorites in the Senate. Completely wrong, but a very sweet man.”

After Maxey’s political stint, he worked on Wall Street, “holding many positions in the alternative space of hedge funds and private equity.” He also spent time in Puerto Rico as an entrepreneur. In 2017, he returned from the cold and was ‘inserted’ into the conservative movement as a journalist. He traded his tuxedo for a western belt buckle and chowing Tobacco and published a few pieces for the Miami Standard and Big League Politics (two articles with Cassandra Fairbanks). By late 2018, he hit prime time as Steve Bannon’s co-host on the ‘War Room.’

The Transformation
Image 1
: Maxey’s miraculous transformation from a multi-millionaire Palm Beach socialite to a Tobacco chow’n, western belt buckle/baseball cap/cowboy boot wear’n, devoutly religious, red-n-blue patriot warrior

Jack Maxey and Team America World PoliceJack Maxey the Little Yale Prince
Image 2: The Palm Beach millionaire inside joke is that the MAGA movement is an uncouth riffraff that can be easily manipulated with a few religious/patriotic slogans and imagery. Many motifs from the Maxey patriot warrior persona are taken from the 2004 movie Team America: World Police and are a parody of the MAGA movement.

Maxey is the poster child of the Republican establishment, ready to commit Harakiri with a rusted fork rather than see Trump in office again. In this regard, he’s not alone; other members of his Palm Beach society were engaged in a similar activity and donated to causes like lip service election fraud investigations.

Talbot Charity Events
Image 3
: Attending endless charity balls is hard work, but someone has to do it

Jack and Talbott Maxey, who divorced in 2009, donated over $10,000 to one such organization called Fight Voter Fraud, which, not surprisingly, hasn’t found any concrete evidence of voter fraud. For her part, Talbott Maxey is connected to Bridget and Bill Koch—who also contributed to the same voter fraud investigation organization and are linked to the ‘New-Right’ political/PsyOps projects like Q and the manosphere movement, which were designed to target and subvert the MAGA movement.

The Maxeys
Image 4: Sample content used to authenticate Maxey and construct his network

Exfiltrated with a Submarine in the wee hours of the Night
According to Maxey, in early 2021, he gave The Daily Mail content from HB’s laptop, and as soon as the information was published, mysterious black SUVs appeared outside his house. He immediately felt that his life was in danger. As a result, he fled the US to Switzerland, where the long arm of the Biden ninja assassins couldn’t reach him.

Jack Maxey Beach Beach 2014 Hush hush operations in Zurich
Image 5
: Gangsta Jack Maxey at a Palm Beach party and conducting hush-hush leaking operations in Zurich

After going off the grid, agent Maxey—with the help of his Daily Mail handler, Josh Boswell (who had access to the HB laptop content in October 2020 but suppressed its publication)—started promoting various false claims about the laptop. This has been achieved via a carefully executed media blitz and by selling himself as a patriotic avenging angel and the leading expert on HB’s laptop.

Not on vacation
Image 6: Jack Maxey, a man of action, and “yes, blonds do have more fun!”

On March 16, Maxey uploaded a photo from Zurich airport with the caption “NOT on vacation. stay tuned…” suggesting that he was on the run. He also stated, “I came here so that we could do a forensic examination of Hunter’s laptop safely in a country that still respects human liberty and the ideals of liberal democratic principles.”

Maxey’s latest earth-shattering revelation is that his top-secret Swiss cyber laboratory managed to recover 450 GB of deleted content from the HB laptop. This allegedly includes 80,000 images/videos and more than 120,000 archived emails. Maxey stated that he is sitting on the data, and “in the coming weeks,” he plans to put it all online in a searchable database.

Whitehat GMBH
Image 7: The top-secret Swiss cyber laboratory? Whitehat GMBH is a Swiss shell company fully owned by Maxey, incorporated on March 31, 2022, two weeks after he arrived in Switzerland.

It Ain’t Worth Jack
So what’s the deal with Jack Maxey and his friends at the Daily Mail? The whole story is a well-crafted US/UK-based active measure, and the likely objective of this little operation is to:


  1. Publish HB laptop content and lace it with disinformation in order to discredit the laptop at a later time (by making it impossible to separate the wheat from the chaff). This has been done previously by the same people (e.g., GTV) who are currently working with Maxey.
  2. Trigger a law enforcement action related to his false claims of uncovering a large amount of child porn which could lead to the confiscation of all copies of the drive and the persecution of anyone who worked on the laptop for possession and distribution.
  3. Create shiny object claims about the HB laptop to divert public attention from the republican party leadership’s (i.e., McConnel, McCain, Graham, and others) linkage to grifting/laundering operations in Ukraine.
  4. Take the heat of ‘conservative’ news outlets like Fox, who knew all about the HB laptop weeks before the 2020 election but opted to suppress it.
  5. Raise money on the false premise that he uncovered new uber-damaging content that no one else has and that he can/will use to help win the 2022 midterm election.

If you are still not convinced, here is an eighth-grade-level explanation for why Jack Maxey is a fabricator:

Due to the condition and stability of HB’s liquid-damaged MacBook Pro, John Paul Mac Isaac could not perform a block recovery or a true clone of the drive. Instead, he made a manual data copy intermittently powering off the laptop. He successfully recovered the contents of the user’s home folder, a total of around 220GB of data off the 256GB non-removable SSD.  Due to the differences between the original, more efficient APFS filesystem and the HFS+ filesystem used on the target 500GB SSD sent to Rudy Giuliani’s office, the size of the home folder ballooned to nearly 300 GB.  The 500GB SSD reported 200GB free and 300GB used, even though there were only around 220GB of accessible data.  Because these were new SSDs and no other data was recovered besides the home folder, it would be impossible to recover ‘additional’ deleted files from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

On August 28, 2020, John Paul Mac Isaac overnighted a 500 GB external SSD drive with a copy of the HB laptop image to Rudy Giuliani’s office. At the time of shipment, Giuliani’s drive was about 60% full (300 GB/500 GB).

Need more confirmation? Here is JP in his own words


Laptop Serial Number
Image 8
: The specs for HB’s MacBook Pro

The Compressed Archive Theory
To the Maxey apologists who will argue that the 450 GB could have come from recovered compressed archives, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but the bulk of the allegedly recovered 450 GB would have had to consist of the 80K of images/video files he claims to have recovered, and files like JPG, PNG, MP3, MP4, etc., can’t be compressed significantly.

Admission of Possessing Child Porn
The cherry on the cake in Maxey’s fabricated claims is that he found child porn on the HB laptop. Both state and federal law prohibits the production, distribution, reception, and possession of child pornography. The mere acceptance and possession of such content, even without the intent to distribute it—which Maxey admits to doing—is a crime. A first-time offender convicted of possessing and transporting child pornography under 18 U.S.C. § 2252 is subject to fines and a statutory minimum of 5-20 years.

Providing DoD Crypto Keys to Foreign Agents
Maxey stated that he recovered DoD crypto keys HB used to log into a secure DoD system. This claim, just like child porn, is problematic, to say the least. If Maxey indeed recovered these keys (the only way to know that he did for sure would have been to use them to log into the DoD system) and if he shared them with the Swiss authorities as he claims to have done, then as a former US naval officer who knows how US government information classification works, he could be prosecuted for violations of multiple laws including: hacking into a government system, disclosing classified information, and espionage.

It Didn’t Come from the Cloud
The argument that Maxey could have recovered the 450 GB from HB’s cloud account is also unlikely for the following reasons:


  1. HB used two-factor authentication for all his online activity (and frequently changed burner phones). So, for Maxey to access HB’s cloud account, he must first get a 2FA login token.
  2. HB started clearing his online content when he realized the consequences of abandoning the laptop and the FBI picking up the device. By mid-October 2020, HB was in full bleaching mode scrubbing his online accounts, including his Pornhub page (where he removed some of his homemade videos and the page’s wallpaper showing Hallie, his sister-in-law, in the nude). Considering this, it’s unlikely that HB would have kept 450 GB of incriminating evidence in the cloud two years later.
  3. The number of cloud-linked files on HB’s laptop was small (under 20 GB). So, unless Maxey found another cloud storage system that HB was using, the recovery could not have come from HB’s iCloud account.

Either way, if Maxey had accessed HB’s cloud account, that would have been considered hacking, and he could have been charged with conspiracy and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) and network intrusion. As far as the fairytale that he fled to Switzerland to avoid prosecution by US authorities is concerned, yeah, well, good luck with that one, the US has an extradition treaty with Switzerland, and child pornography is also illegal in Switzerland per article 197 of the Swiss Criminal Code.

Is it Payback Time?
Jack’s father, Thomas Fleming Maxey (BoA, Yale, 1959), was the vice chairman and CEO of N.W. Ayer. This New York advertising firm was considered to be one of the oldest agencies in the country and one of the most prominent, with a reported $826 million in billings during the 1980s. N.W. Ayer developed some of the most famous slogans, including: “When it Rains, it Pours” for Morton Salt, “Reach Out and Touch Someone” for AT&T, “A Diamond is Forever” for De Beers, and “Be All You Can Be” for the US Army. Then, in 1986, the company went down in flames. After running the US Army’s advertising for 19 years, they were found guilty of bid-rigging, kickbacks, and improper charges concerning their $100 million-a-year contract with the US Army. As a result, they were indefinitely suspended from further government business. This, in turn, triggered the exodus of other large corporate clients like AT&T.

It just happens that the three-year federal investigation/persecution of N.W. Ayer was conducted by none other than the USA for the Southern District of New York, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani. The N.W. Ayer’s executive vice president at the time was Jack’s daddy, Thomas Maxey. Considering this and other evidence, Maxey’s fabrication of the content of the HB drive could, among other things, be a payback to Giuliani for destroying N.W. Ayer.


To all publishers and promoters of individuals like MG Thomas Mcinerney, Jack Maxey, Garret Ziegler, and Patrick Byrne, these individuals are fabricators and should be disavowed. Proceed with extreme caution when using any information from them or their networks>>> END BURN NOTICE >>>


*** Update 04/08/2022 ***

Just in case it’s still not clear why I published this post, the problem I have with Maxey’s HB laptop claims is not that he’s exposing real incriminating information to the public; it’s that he is fabricating evidence that, in the long run, will be used to discredit ALL of the evidence on the HB laptop.

As I wrote back in October 2020, after running the ‘original drive’ through various data, linkage, image, and forensic analytics, we concluded that the content was authentic and identified dozens of areas where the Biden family members and their network broke the law. We then provided verified and actionable intelligence to federal law enforcement and published several illustrative samples (see a References section below).

There is no need to embellish the content of the HB laptop; the information on it is sufficient to persecute dozens of individuals for a conspiracy to commit election fraud, including reporters, judges, politicians, senior DOJ, FBI, State Department, intel, treasury, and many others. Bad actors like US Attorney David Weiss (who spent years shielding Hunter Biden), Judge Freeh (the former director of the FBI), who paid bribes to the Bidens and was aware of their corrupt practices, Judge Guido Calabresi (who as the dean of Yale Law school likely enabled HB’s admission in return for an appellate judge appointment on the Federal 2nd Circuit), or James Baker who in his capacity as Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel suppressed the laptop story should be exposed as well. We don’t need any more media circus and narrative engineering; what we do need is public hearings via a select committee to investigate the HB laptop, followed by an appointment of a special prosecutor, indictments, arrests, convictions, and hopefully, lengthy prison sentences.


Jack Maxey Over the Target
Image 9
: We’re not in Palm Beach polite society anymore – The spelling challenged Jack Maxey issuing death threats against me, calling his minions to “crush” and “destroy this traitor POS”

Don't start believin
Image 10: Don’t start believin’…

*** Update 04-11-2022 ***

American Hero
Image 11: Two weeks in the life of a fabricator. On March 28, Maxey promoted JP Mac Issac as an American hero. Two weeks later, after JP challenged Maxey’s disinformation about recovering an additional 450 GB from the drive, he threatened him with bodily harm

*** Update 04-12-2022 ***

Fake Biden Porn
Image 12: Sample fake content affiliated with the Maxey disinformation operation purporting to come from the HB laptop.

*** Update 04-15-2022 ***

Kim Dotcom
Image 13: Birds of a feather flock together. Kim Dotcom, AKA Kim Schmitz, AKA Mega Kimble, AKA Kim Tim, AKA Jim Vestor, a lifelong career criminal, a known fabricator, and a purveyor of child porn who is fighting extradition to the US since 2012, has joined the Maxey HB laptop disinformation campaign.

Patrick Byrne vs. Maxey
Image 14: Welcome to the Republican grifter disinformation networkAnn Vandersteel (the former princess of BalaBURN and a wholesale disinformation purveyor) with two disinformation artists (Patrick Byrne and Jack Maxey) who are accusing each other of lying (both are!) and are referencing a third disinformation artist (Garret Ziegler) who is currently working on another fake version of the HB laptop

Ziegler Letter
Image 15: From the desk of a fabricator – Garret Ziegler (one of the lead developers/promoters for another Republican establishment, Active Measure called Italygate) loves note inviting me to join the Republican grift and Active Measure club and advising me on various matters of etiquette and holy scripture. Note that the first letter is printed using digitized font (likely for plausible deniability), and the second is handwritten.


Articles by Jack Maxey’s Profile I Bannon's War Room Journalist I Muck Rack
Image 16: The literary corpora of Jack Forrester Maxey. Out of the four works, 1 is an obituary; one was co-authored with Patrick Howley (a rabid frothing-at-the-mouth racist, bigot, and a paid Jew hater), and two with Cassandra Fairbanks, a Bernie Sanders supporter, the go-to person for the Guccifer 2.0 disinformation operation, and a paid Russian propagandist with the Russian Sputnik news.

*** Update 05/09/2022 ***

During his May 8, 2022, interview on The Stand Up America US Show with MG Paul Vallely, Maxey dropped some bad news (min 3:00). He said that after some serious deliberation about the publication plan, he decided not to release the HB hard drive to the public after all. But, there was some good news: the notorious black SUVs allegedly following him were no longer an existential threat, and the prodigal son was leaving Switzerland and coming home. The new plan is to assemble a crack team of academics and intelligence community professionals to analyze the data and present it to the US Congress and Senate. Due to the hash-hash nature of this new operation, Maxey couldn’t share the exact location of his research facility, but he hinted that it would be in a “large state” like Taxes.

Jack, I have a productivity suggestion for you: Why don’t you move in with the 2000 Mules team? Why not combine your fictitious research facilities/teams? It would be a perfect grifting fit, and you’ll be able to half the expenses and double your cons.


*** Update 6/14/2022 ***

The article titled “EXPOSED: Massive amounts of new child porn, documents and emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop,” published on March 24, 2022, by the Miami Standard, has been deleted, and the site has been scrubbed. Maxey has also started a public campaign using several SM suck poppet accounts, explaining that he didn’t actually find/see the child porn on the laptop himself, but was told about it by others.

Miami Standard Child Porn


Sources and References
Massive amounts of new child porn, documents and emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop
N.W. Ayer Barred From U.S. Business
What’s a Fabricator?
PA Senate Public Hearing on Ballot Drop Boxes Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee hearing, March 31, 2022

Jack Maxey’s Father, Thomas Fleming Maxey, R&R in N.W. Ayer
Account executive, N.W. Ayer, Inc., Philadelphia, 1964-1971; vice president international, N.W. Ayer, Inc., London, 1971-1972; vice president, N.W. Ayer, Inc., Philadelphia, 1972-1973; senior vice president, N.W. Ayer, Inc., New York City, 1973-1981; executive vice president, N.W. Ayer, Inc., New York City, 1981-1987; president international, N.W. Ayer, Inc., New York City, 1987-1989; vice chairman, N.W. Ayer, Inc., New York City, since 1989; also board directors, N.W. Ayer, Inc., New York City.

Jack Maxey’s Father in-Law, John Stewart Bryan III, Chairman of Media General, Inc.
Media General dates back to 1850, when the Richmond Dispatch was founded, a predecessor to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. In 1887, Joseph Bryan acquired the Daily Times and subsequently additional newspapers. His son, John Stewart Bryan, joined him in the newspaper business. He was the publisher of the Richmond Times-Dispatch and The News Leader from 1908-1944 and the president of Richmond Newspapers, Inc. from 1940-1944. Upon his death in 1944, his son, David Tennant Bryan, succeeded him as publisher of the Richmond Times-Dispatch and The News Leader. His son, J. Stewart Bryan III, succeeded him as publisher in 1978 and chairman of the board of Media General in 1990.

Media General entered the television business in 1955 when it launched WFLA-TV in Tampa, Florida, as an NBC affiliate, and the company also had radio stations in Richmond and Tampa. Richmond Newspapers, Inc. became a public company in 1966, and the company changed its name to Media General in 1969. After that, the company grew for many years by acquiring newspapers and television stations, principally in the Southeast. Media General was an early pioneer of the digital media business, and in 1994, The Tampa Tribune launched an Internet service called Tampa Bay Online. With the proliferation of new technology, the business continued to evolve and change. In 2012, Media General implemented a historic transformation of its business when it sold most of its newspapers to World Media Enterprises, Inc., a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway. Following the sale, the company has focused on local broadcast television and digital media. In 2013, Media General combined with Young Broadcasting and increased its number of stations from 18 to 31. In 2014, Media General combined with LIN Media and increased its stations from 32 to 71.

Copyright 2022 Yaacov Apelbaum, All Rights Reserved.

141 thoughts on “My Name is Jack Maxey, and I’m a Fabricator

  1. When I saw the 450 GB of deleted data my first thought was how big is the hard drive? You nailed it.

    I feel like at least one of the people operating under the “Q” name is playing the same game as Maxey………

    • Yep, the same people behind Q are also involved in the Maxey operation.

      Next time you are in drugstore, You should pickup a card and send it to Stanley McChrystal thanking him for the Q gift that keeps on giving.

    • So, having extracted deleted information from a hard drive, I know that a 500gb hard drive, if filled and deleted 3 times, potentially has 1500 gb of data on it to be recovered. Therefore, you are an ****.

      • Hi Mr. Burnham with the Burnham Chiropractic Enterprises,

        Two comments about your comment:

        1. I apologize for editing your comment, I am happy to dialog, but, please no profanities.
        2. Sorry, a 500 GB drive can only hold <500 GB. If you fill the drive 10 times with 500 GB you will likely only be able to recover some of the content from the last 'fill'. All the old fills would be overwritten. In fact, this is the concept behind drive wiping algorithms. Yes I too find the the laws of physics frustrating at times, but, alas, there is not much we can do about it.

      • Thank you. This article is a hit piece written by a lowlife that would sell their own grandmother for a Starbucks latte with sprinkles.

  2. Are you insinuating that Stanley McChrystal is behind Q? Would love to see how you came to that conclusion, and if you’ve written about it.

  3. The story about Hunter Biden leaving his laptop at a computer repair shop seems hard to believe to begin with. What was wrong with it that it had to go to the repair shop? With all of Bidens money and lots of incriminating evidence on the hard drive why not just buy a new laptop and download all the data onto it? Maybe the laptop was planted there in hopes that the information on the computer would get out as a way of blackmailing Joe Biden or the Biden family. As I recall it Biden did not want to run for president then all of a sudden he did. I thought the FBI was aware of the laptop before before the story broke on Tv. Maybe Jack Maxey is actually working for the Biden Family to discredit what’s on the laptop. I doubt if JM was on the run – who posts a picture of himself at an airport if he doesnt want to be found.

    • Hi Randi,

      See comments in line. I also suggest you go back and read the HB laptop related posts in the reference section at the bottom of the post. FYI, these posts were published in mid October 2020. Over a year before Moxey even got his copy of the laptop ;-)

      The story about Hunter Biden leaving his laptop at a computer repair shop seems hard to believe to begin with.
      (YA:1) I can confirm that this is a fact.

      What was wrong with it that it had to go to the repair shop?
      (YA:1) HB originally brought 3 laptops to the shop for repair. All three had different issues such as unresponsive keyboards and boot problems. HB came back the following day to pick up two of the laptops (one was made accessible using an external keyboard and the second couldn’t be recovered because the HD was soldered on the motherboard). HB left the third laptop for data recovery. The third laptop is the device that became the laptop from hell.

      With all of Bidens money and lots of incriminating evidence on the hard drive why not just buy a new laptop and download all the data onto it?
      (YA:1) See previous comment.

      Maybe the laptop was planted there in hopes that the information on the computer would get out as a way of blackmailing Joe Biden or the Biden family.
      (YA:1) The laptop wasn’t planted there. HB delivered it himself and signed on a work-order in his own handwriting and provided his cell phone number for contact (which JP called when the repair was complete)

      As I recall it Biden did not want to run for president then all of a sudden he did.
      (YA:1) The content on the drive indicates that he was strongly encouraged to run and agreed to do so in 2019.

      I thought the FBI was aware of the laptop before before the story broke on Tv.
      (YA:1) Yes, JP gave them the original laptop and kept a copy for his own record. so, they had access to it for three years. After running the ‘original drive’ through various data, linkage, image, and forensic analytics, we concluded that the content was authentic and identified dozens of areas where Biden family members broke the law. We shared the analysis with federal law enforcement and published dozens of illustrative samples. So, even if the FBI lost the laptop in 2019 (as they now claim) in October 2020, they got a detailed actionable CI report from us about the problematic content of the drive.

      Maybe Jack Maxey is actually working for the Biden Family to discredit what’s on the laptop. I doubt if JM was on the run – who posts a picture of himself at an airport if he doesnt want to be found
      (YA:1) Roger that!

      • Hi YA

        Thanks for replying to my comments. However, whats puzzling me about the situation is – why would HB allow someone else to handle data (child porn) that if found on the computer would have to be reported to the authorities? In my view no data is worth getting caught! Its almost like he wanted to get caught or he was forced by someone else to have the computer looked at so that the data would be exposed. Is it possible the problem with the laptop from Hell was manufactured?

      • Hi Randi,

        There is a lot of adult porn and other bad content (like drugs and drinking), on the laptop, but the laptop does not contain the child porn that Maxey claim to have recovered, that is a fabrication.

        Considering his state of mind at the time, It would have been perfectly in character to try and recover the data from the 3 damaged laptops.

    • Dear Robbie Crouch/Ellie Van Dalen

      Thanks for your comment.

      Go back read my post again and the links at the bottom of the post to other HB laptop related postings. We published the information about the HB laptop in mid October 2020, that’s more than a year before Moxey even got his copy. The issue is not that the laptop contains evidence of criminal activity (it does, plenty!), the problem is that Maxey is knowingly fabricating evidence that will eventually be used to discredit the whole laptop.

    • Dear “Grateful American” AKA Shari M Seaman AKA Shari M Goodman. I’ve taken the liberty to edit your comment and removed the profanity.

      Sorry, no Communist/Globalist Oligarchy has been involved in the production of this post. I do this for free of charge :-)

  4. there is no such thing as ‘Qanon’. There is ‘Q’ and there is the ‘anons’. Having followed the drops since they began anyone with military experience could see this was a counterintelligence op; not a LARP or disinfo site. Too many experienced ‘anons’ who had been in the business agreed. Then there is the tacit blessing of 45 and his inner circle. If McCrystal is involved then Mike Flynn is also part of this and now credulity is strained. The piece on Maxey can work in both universes oddly enough and he is the type of RINO scum that was always going to be DJT’s biggest issue; not the moron Dems…

  5. O-kay
    is it possible that Maxey is simply out of his depth, and therefore making inaccurate statements? “Damn, Jack, you said it wrong; instead of saying “we thought we had 250GB to release, instead we have 450gb of data to release!”, You just announced you were going to release more than was possibly on the drive!”

    Would it be possible that someone had, gasp, put a larger drive in the laptop than the one it came with? I am NOT saying that is the case, I’m saying there is a POSSIBLE scenario wherein the laptop came into the shop with a 500GB drive installed. Which, btw, you could clear up; most decent forensic imaging software does tend to note the parameters of the originating media.

    DISCLAIMER: I have minimal apple product experience. they make me ill. because they suck.

    If you simply do not like the man, I understand. but theoretically if you had allowed for the possibility of him not being a Geek and having miss-spoke, would you have written the same thing?
    And….would you care to bet any money on that “you can not recover more than 500GB of data from a 500GB drive” crap? depending on what type of data it is, of course. I’m a bit lite right now, but I could put up a couple thousand.

    • Maxey is a fabricator and knows exactly what he is doing. Recovering 450 GB from the HB laptop is a very specific claim. There is a big difference between this claim and the suggestions that some people are making that the 450 GB came from HB’s cloud storage (which is also untrue, because we know how much cloud storage he was using based on the file pointers on his laptop to the cloud storage).

      No one put a larger drive into the laptop because we had access to the original SSD when the data was recovered.

      HD storage is a finite quantity. You can’t store more than 500 GB on a 500 GB drive (besides, the original image was only 220 GB). Yes, the OS stores some files in a compressed state (like JPGs), and then uncompress them when they are opened, but the sum of stored data can’t exceed the drive’s physical capacity.

      Why don’t you keep your money and take your significant other to a nice dinner instead. Lets use the following thought experiment, if you take a 500 GB drive and write 500 GB of files to it. The drive will fill-up and at a certain point it wont accept additional data (unless you delete some files). If you instruct the OS to overwrite the 500 GB data with let’s say another 500 GB set of files, when you are done with the second file copy operation, the old 500 GB of files will no longer be accessible or recoverable. Unfortunately, there is no amount of Disney magic to overcome this limitation.

  6. There’s a simple potential explanation for this. And it may be that Hunter had an archive folder that was zipped (compressed), and then deleted. After recovery and unzipping, it could balloon to 450 GB.

    • Noop, HB didn’t have any sizable hidden compressed folders on the drive. Maxey made the whole story up for one or all three reason I mentioned in the post. The only plausible (but still untrue) explanation for the sudden discovery of 450 GB of new materials would be that he hacked (which is a crime!) HB’s cloud storage and downloaded it. But even this is false because as soon as we started publishing the content in October 2020 HB deleted his on-line content including his PornHub page.

      I’ll also point out the obvious problem with Maxey’s claims to have recovered 80K image and video files can’t be attributed to some hidden compressed archive because Images and video don’t compress well ;-)

  7. You all make it really hard for those who love our country to believe anything; you all contradict each other and tell different stories/information. I think you’re all on the OUTSIDE and don’t really know anything; whatever happens will happen because the right ppl are running the show; otherwise, Obama and the globalists win and we become a ONE WORLD GOVERNEMT with big money at the top and the rest become serfs!

  8. So the word “****” is now considered profanity! You know what is profane? Your lies to smear decent courageous men willing to risk their lives to expose the truth. Further proof of your deceit is when you deliberately “outed” my name. You are one evil dude and you don’t frighten me!

    • Dear Mrs. Goodman,

      The concept of you using the shield of ‘anonymity’ to post vile comments on my site is described in Plato’s Republic (see details below). I told you once to clean up your language and I’m not going to tell you again. If you continue to post these nasty grams, I’ll block you.

      “Suppose now that there were two such magic rings, and the just put on one of them and the unjust the other; no man can be imagined to be of such an iron nature that he would stand fast in justice. No man would keep his hands off what was not his own when he could safely take what he liked out of the market, or go into houses and lie with any one at his pleasure, or kill or release from prison whom he would, and in all respects be like a god among men.

      Then the actions of the just would be as the actions of the unjust; they would both come at last to the same point. And this we may truly affirm to be a great proof that a man is just, not willingly or because he thinks that justice is any good to him individually, but of necessity, for wherever any one thinks that he can safely be unjust, there he is unjust.

      For all men believe in their hearts that injustice is far more profitable to the individual than justice, and he who argues as I have been supposing, will say that they are right. If you could imagine any one obtaining this power of becoming invisible, and never doing any wrong or touching what was another’s, he would be thought by the lookers-on to be a most wretched idiot, although they would praise him to one another’s faces, and keep up appearances with one another from a fear that they too might suffer injustice.”

      — Plato, Republic, 360b–d (Jowett trans.)

  9. Very well researched Yaacov. Excellent analysis. I always thought Maxey was a bit of a squirrel that always bragged he had the goods and never produced anything. Sorta reminded me of the guy in high school who always bragged he banged the prom queen. I Always wondered who the hell would give him anything anyways? Gulliani I can understand, but Maxey? I was wondering if Steve Bannon discovered he was a fraud and thats why unceremoniously left, or if it was because Bannon wouldn’t let him talk…but that thats what he does best. Interested in your thoughts on him. Also these ‘Q’ discussions areinteresting. As Nostrodamosly cryptic as it is; if this is disinformation by democrats, why would they incriminate themselves in various crimes with these so call “predictions”, that we know they have committed? Thanks for any insight you may have.

    • Thank you for the kind words JB. See comments in-line

      I always thought Maxey was a bit of a squirrel that always bragged he had the goods and never produced anything. Sorta reminded me of the guy in high school who always bragged he banged the prom queen.
      (YA:1) Can’t comment about his past promises to deliver, I’m just judging him by what he claims to have found. Back in 2020 we went through that drive with a fine-tooth comb and have written about the content extensively. Yes, the Biden’s are one of the most corrupt families in DC and Hunter is a privileged Yale golden boy criminal. But that said, there is no need to accuse him of crimes he didn’t commit or embellish the findings. As it is, there is planty on the laptop to convict dozens of indeviduals. There is rule in intelligence analysis which states that any form of disinformation is designed to inflict damage, there is no such thing as good disinformation.

      I Always wondered who the hell would give him anything anyways? Gulliani I can understand, but Maxey? I was wondering if Steve Bannon discovered he was a fraud and thats why unceremoniously left, or if it was because Bannon wouldn’t let him talk…but that thats what he does best. Interested in your thoughts on him.
      (YA:1) Bannon gave it to Maxey in order for him to develop a narrative about the drive (not to analyze it). If Bannon wanted to develop a pipeline of finding that could be released to the public, he would have hired a few intelligence analyst to do the work, but he didn’t. Instead, he gave it to a former hedge fund manager. Keep in mind that long before Maxey got the drive, Bannon gave it to Guo Wengui’s GTV. These boys didnt waste any time and immidiatly started pushing out tons of disinformation like claims that JiaQi Bao’s real name was Bo Tiantian and that she is the illegitimate daughter of Chinese opposition leader. They also developed the narrative that the laptop contains hard core child porn (a claim that Maxey is also parroting). All of this BTW strongly suggests that Guo Wengui is not a dissident but a dissident hunter. So, yes, I agree with your assessment that Maxey hasn’t produced any new/original material becuse his is a narrative engineer.

      Also these ‘Q’ discussions are interesting. As Nostrodamosly cryptic as it is; if this is disinformation by democrats, why would they incriminate themselves in various crimes with these so call “predictions”, that we know they have committed? Thanks for any insight you may have.
      (YA:1) Q has always been a republican operation and was funded by the same sources who run the Lincoln project. The brain behind it was Stanely McChrystal and it’s CONOP was taken directly from the Digital Soldier initiative. The same applies to the famous Kraken, which was G-Flynn’s baby and to other influence operations like Pizzagate.

  10. Thanks Yaacov. Several questions:

    1. I was wondering if you could clarify or provide context for this, from Miranda Devine’s Laptop from Hell:

    “There is one photo of potential concern in Hunter’s image library, of a topless pubescent girl. It is a blurred snap of three teens, taken in the mirror of what looks like a school bathroom. One girl is putting on makeup, another is taking the photo. The third is in the background, reflected in the mirror as she gets dressed, with one breast visible.
    The photo was uploaded to the laptop among thousands of images on a shared iCloud account, which included shots of dozens of kids playing sport and clowning around with friends.
    Once he discovered the photo, Rudy Giuliani was concerned enough that he brought it to the attention of former NYPD commissioner Bernie Keric, whose advice was that possession of the image could constitute a criminal offense of child pornography under the New York penal code.
    This is what prompted Giuliani and Keric to drive to Delaware in October 2020 and hand over a copy of the laptop’s hard drive to police.”

    Would that not be child pornography?

    2. Did Bannon get a full copy of the laptop? Why did the New York Post need get it from Costello (another excerpt from LFH):

    “[September 25, 2020]: Over the course of the next few days, it became evident that Bannon did not have the laptop. “he only person with the hard drive at that stage was Costello, and he was keeping it tight. On September 30, Morris took a one-hour Uber ride to Long Island, where he showed her the incriminating emails and documents he had identified in a month of forensic digging.. [October 10, 2020]: The editors insisted the Post must have the entire hard drive before publication. Morris issued an ultimatum to Giuliani: “You wanna give selective bits to the Daily Mail or Breitbart and get a sloppy job done, be my guest, but we’re not doing this unless it’s done right.”

    3. Can you confirm the Marco Polo leaks? Are all of Hunter’s messages there? How did Garett Ziegler acquire the messages unredacted?

    4. Doesn’t Maxey deserve some credit for getting the story into the MSM?

    5. Why did Giuliani/Bannon not provide a copy of the hard drive to the NYT/WaPo earlier on? Do we have a record of someone providing or offering a clone to these organizations at that point? It seems ridiculous the MSM would not have access to a clone earlier on and would have to wait for Maxey well into 2021.

    • See comments in-line

      1. I was wondering if you could clarify or provide context for this, from Miranda Devine’s Laptop from Hell:

      Would that not be child pornography?
      (YA:1) Not according to the DOJ’s definition:, which defines it as:

      “Child pornography is a form of child sexual exploitation. Federal law defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (persons less than 18 years old). Images of child pornography are also referred to as child sexual abuse images.”

      2. Did Bannon get a full copy of the laptop? Why did the New York Post need get it from Costello (another excerpt from LFH):
      (YA:1) Yes, Bannon got a copy of the laptop as well as the NYP. Bannon also gave a copy to GTV. GTV is the source of the fake child porn imagery such as the one suggesting that HB was the adult man with a young oriental girl wearing a bathing suit.

      “[September 25, 2020]: Over the course of the next few days, it became evident that Bannon did not have the laptop. “he only person with the hard drive at that stage was Costello, and he was keeping it tight. On September 30, Morris took a one-hour Uber ride to Long Island, where he showed her the incriminating emails and documents he had identified in a month of forensic digging.. [October 10, 2020]: The editors insisted the Post must have the entire hard drive before publication. Morris issued an ultimatum to Giuliani: “You wanna give selective bits to the Daily Mail or Breitbart and get a sloppy job done, be my guest, but we’re not doing this unless it’s done right.”
      (YA:1) Can’t comment about who said what to whom.

      3. Can you confirm the Marco Polo leaks? Are all of Hunter’s messages there? How did Garrett Ziegler acquire the messages unredacted?
      (YA:1) Marco Polo is a RINO disinformation line of effort (much like the Lincoln Project is) that is running in coordination with Maxey. Keep in mind that they are the same group behind the Italian Job and several other ongoing anti-Trump operations.

      4. Doesn’t Maxey deserve some credit for getting the story into the MSM?
      (YA:1) All disinformation is designed to cause damage. If Maxey wanted to help get the word out all he had to do was to report the information accurately.

      5. Why did Giuliani/Bannon not provide a copy of the hard drive to the NYT/WaPo earlier on? Do we have a record of someone providing or offering a clone to these organizations at that point? It seems ridiculous the MSM would not have access to a clone earlier on and would have to wait for Maxey well into 2021.
      (YA:1) The problem was that once GTV started publishing their disinformation about the child porn, no media outlet would touch the content and do a deep dive reporting. There was also the political agenda of not helping Trump. For example, in mid-October 2020 Tucker Carlson/Sean Hannity and Josh Boswell from the Daily Mail had access to detailed intel product about the content of the drive (see sample below) but made a political decision not to publish it. I can tell you based on SIGINT that the editorial decision not to publish revolved around ‘getting Trump out of the white house’. You may want to check out the story about Tucker losing the USB drive below for more details.

      • 1,2. Makes sense.
        3. I went through the Marco Polo leaks myself after reading LFH. They comport entirely with the book, and in fact go beyond it. If there is misinformation in there, can you point to a false text or document that has been published? Simply calling them RINOs is a much more roundabout argument than debunking one of the thousands of unredacted messages they posted.

        4 .I disagree with the blanket statement that disinfo is necessarily designed to cause damage. For example, one can see Giuliani/Bannon’s campaign as a two pronged thing– 1) surface the more mainstream/valid allegations about influence selling/criminality/conflicts of interest to center-right publication , while 2) feeding more tenuous or outright false claims to the far right base, knowing they wont be mentioned by MSM. See point 5. Note: We can agree to disagree on general disinfo patterns, I’m more interested in the particular facts/evidence.

        Regarding Fox News and WSJ, why would a “Thumb drive” be provided to them instead of a Clone? Isn’t a Clone needed for a proper forensic analysis like the Washington Post, or previously the Daily Mail did?

        What evidence do we have of a Clone being offered or sent to the MSM prior to Maxey? “Rudy Giuliani told The New York Times that he gave the New York Post a copy of a hard drive that led to its story on Hunter Biden because other news outlets would “spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out.” This was a terrible media strategy that (in the absence of evidence which I’m looking for) give the MSM an excuse now to say they were never offered a clone device for verification until Maxey in June 2021.

        5. Why is it necessary to blame Guo, when Giuliani himself was alleging CP? Examples: (Oct 20, 2020) (Oct 20, 2020)
        “Giuliani’s bombshell report, which comes on the heels of a trove of emails and documents exposing Hunter Biden leveraging his father’s connection to ink lucrative lobbying and consulting contracts, alleges that the former veep’s son participated in a naked facetime call with a 14-year-old girl.”
        “Giuliani also added that Hunter Biden possessed “numerous pictures of underage girls” during the October 20th Newsmax interview.” Giuliani to Bannon (Oct 23, 2020): “They say its a money laundering investigation. Well it takes 3 years for a money laundering investigation. But they have taken no action about the kid(s?)“ (Sept 22, 2021)

        What proof do we have that the MSM was offered verifying materials (namely a Clone, since I’m not sure forensic can validate authenticity of the laptop otherwise)?

  11. Evening yaacov what happened to the research on ashley babbits killer michael byrd, maybe murderer is more on point

    Hunter is protected because his paymaster was kolomoisky of the privat heist makes danny ocean seem small time

    • Kolomoisky = George Soros = The ATM machine (also known as Ukraine) that Obama, Polosi, McConnell, Kary, Bidens, Clintons, and many other of our leading politicians use for private financing. So, yes, I agree, when George Soros tells Biden to jump, he jumps.

  12. This whole story bothers me tremendously. Maxey has been hinting that this 450 GB of “deleted data” is from THE hard drive that JPI copied, but look elsewhere and he implies it came from “one of Hunter’s laptops.” Nobody who wants to get the truth out muddies the water this much.

    What can be done against this sophisticated level of manipulation? It seems overwhelming to combat. Those that do are maligned as naysayers, even JPI himself.

  13. Maybe 10 days ago I saw the Jack Maxey self-interview/closeup with him in a Swiss cafe or something. He weirdly blessed himself, Catholic-style. Definitely emoting. I fell for it. Now he’s transformed into an attack dog, going after you viciously, not very Christian at all! So he’s a phony at that, too. I’m glad you published the details of his marriage to the wealthy girl from Richmond VA. They were married in an Episcopal church so there’s some fakery going on with his faux Catholic public piety. Your article really got under his skin.
    Interesting observations you made about the collapse of the Ayer advert co and Rudy’s role in that — long before he was Mayor of NYC. Also the suggestion that HB got into YLS thanks to Guido Calabresi’s looking ahead to future employment on the federal appeals bench. One hand washes the other, right? The woman who is the Dean there now is a real turkey and the place is succumbing to wretched political correctness. Long articles last week about protests at the school against a conservative speaker. Embarrassing.
    I remembered when Maxey was on the blog with Steve Bannon and the Indian guy. He really is a legend in his own mind, the way he lingers the selfie camera on his odd face and hair and just stares like a droopy bloodhound.
    I am glad you are back. Can’t believe that Donald Trump has caused so many people to lose their minds. The elites of all political persuasions really hate the man and don’t care what they have done to our country in the process. I’m counting absentee ballots at my local board of elections this Tuesday, Primary Day for the county.

    • Thank you for the kinds words Dr. Dre.

      The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow;
      to cast down the poor and needy, to slay such as are upright in the way;
      Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows will brake.

      חֶרֶב, פָּתְחוּ רְשָׁעִים — וְדָרְכוּ קַשְׁתָּם
      לְהַפִּיל, עָנִי וְאֶבְיוֹן;לִטְבוֹחַ, יִשְׁרֵי-דָרֶךְ
      חַרְבָּם, תָּבוֹא בְלִבָּם;וְקַשְּׁתוֹתָם, תִּשָּׁבַרְנָה

      Psalm 37:14

  14. What a convoluted game.

    Thank you for your diligent excavations, Yaacov.

    I’d like to share an interesting find, apropos of nothing, unrelated to HB:

    If one Google searches for ‘yetzer hatov’… one might be surprised by the algorithmic bias of the results…

  15. Mr Apelbaum:
    Though much of your work is good or appears so, sometimes you accuse others of what you yourself do as well. Before going off on D’Souza for misquoting Browning as Shakespeare, consider that you wrote an article on Maxey describing hari kari when it is actually hara kiri:
    ‘Harakiri (or hara-kiri) most often refers to a form of seppuku (or ritual suicide), often miswritten as “harikari”.’This is from wikipedia which has many inaccuracies but in this case I think is accurate although I do not speak Japanese.
    I would like to think that your work has a higher degree of accuracy, especially since you write on important subjects.

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