In the exclusive club where the DC Swamp meets,
An AI Raven above their door seats.
To the defaming fact-checkers and truth-wreckers,
The Raven replies: “The Bidens are corrupt and ought to be stopped.”
They argue that SM censorship is a thing of beauty,
That it kills ‘fake news,’ It’s a political duty,
”To enlighten the public, save the republic,”
The Raven replies: “The Bidens are corrupt and ought to be stopped.”
They claim that the “10 held for the big guy” letter,
Is a Russian forgery, not a criminal matter,
Or that sexual abuse is not worthy of news,
The Raven replies: “The Bidens are corrupt and ought to be stopped.”
They say the DOJ’s inaction isn’t a political function,
Or the MSM’s lack of coverage isn’t distraction,
And influence selling isn’t worth telling,
The Raven replies: “The Bidens are corrupt and ought to be stopped.”
In each meeting, they use the same greeting,
That it’s Russian influence and election cheating.
And the Reade assault wasn’t Joe’s fault,
The Raven replies: “The Bidens are corrupt and ought to be stopped.”
Thus, the AI Raven offers, in a manner most pressing,
To all folks who care about the truth without guessing,
A proof that is a fact and evidence-backed,
That the Bidens are corrupt and ought to be stopped.
Audio 1: Listen to the AI Raven read his poem
Video 1: Watch the reading of the AI Raven by Vicky, one of Hunter’s ‘Lost Ukrainian Girls’
Image 1: Look, ma, the nice judge vacated my conviction. In March 2019, after Judge Ronnie Abrams (the wife of Greg Andres, an assistant special counsel under Robert Mueller) vacated Devon’s conviction, Hunter texted him:
“Every great family is persecuted in the US-you are part of a great family-not a side show not deserted by them even in your darkest moments. That’s the way Biden’s are different and you are a Biden. It’s the price of power. And the people questioning you truly have none whereas you do through the perseverance and poise.”
References, Sources, and Credits
The poem was inspired by “The Parrot, by P.G. Wodehouse and The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe.
50 former intelligence officials warn NY Post story sounds like Russian disinformation – The Hill
Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say – Politico
Copyright 2021 Yaacov Apelbaum, All Rights Reserved.
MOST entertaining sir.