Disinformation, Disinformation, and More Disinformation

The art of disinformation

I’ve noticed that recently, some of the content in my posts is being repurposed on various forums and SM to make false claims that a video showing Hunter engaged in a foot related sexual act was with a young Biden family relative.

Fake Analytics
Image 1: Sample image from a large number of G-TV generated composites and bogus analytics misidentifying the female in one of the Hunter laptop video images as a Natalie Biden

There are a number of these image composites that claim to identify a young Biden family member with Hunter. All of them are false. They are deepfakes, forgeries, or misidentifications.

The publishers of this content (some of which is high grade and professionally produced) are likely a part of coalition of media outlets that are trying to either kill the Hunter laptop story or manipulate it. These sources regularly circulate Hunter related disinformation, knowing that once it gains traction, it would be debunked by their allied fact checkers. The underling objective of all this is to destroy the credibility of the real damaging evidence on Hunter’s hard drive.

Hunter and Entitiy Match
Image 2: Frame capture from the Hunter’s foot sex act video showing the actual individual that being falsely identified as a Natalie Biden

To set the record straight, the encounter between Hunter and the person seen in the video in question, was commercial in nature and the women was a consenting adult. This encounter like many others followed Hunter’s long established pattern of purchasing illegal drugs, trafficking, and sharing them with the sex workers.

Does Art imitate Life?
There is no need to make-up false stories about Hunter Biden and his exploits, he has a long history of disreputable conduct that involves deceit, dishonesty, lawlessness, and outright lying (including to law enforcement). In one illustrative example, In 2015, after the Ashley Madison hack/leak dumped their user database, several media outlets reached out to Hunter for comment because his email address and credit card were found in the record. The Biden damage control machine went on the offensive and claimed that this was a case of criminal identity theft. The whole story was explained as: Joe Biden’s Son: Ashley Madison Account Was Created In My Name By America’s Enemies

Document 1: Exclusive: Joe Biden’s Son: Ashley Madison Account Was Created In My Name By America’s Enemies

If this Russian origin story sounds vaguely familiar, it’s because it was used a year later to develop the DNC leak and the Russian collusion narratives. The Biden habit of finding Russians behind every bush and under every rock in DC seems to work every time. It’s just the gift that keeps on giving. Even Kafka couldn’t come up with a better plotline. Hunter, the progressive philosopher king, who is a card carrying member of the untouchables, gets caught red handed cheating on his wife. He then, with a straight face, deflects all responsibility and blames the Russians.

Despite the criminal allegations and the national security implications of his claim (Hunter had access to classified national security materials), tovarish Brannon and comrade Comey—who a year later led the charge promoting the Steele Dossier—never bothered to look into it. There were no congressional hearings, or a special counsel appointed. Not surprisingly, Hunter didn’t even file a police report.

rhbdc1 gmail account in use
Image 3: Evidence of Hunter Biden’s continuous and uninterrupted use and ownership of the email account rhbdc1@gmail.com used to create his Ashley Madison profile

You don’t have to be a gifted intelligence analyst to prove that Hunter was using the Ashley Madison services in early 2014. Any investigative reporter worth his salt could have done that in a minute. The evidence is clear and indisputable. Hunter was accessing Ashley Madison from his personal phones and other personal registered devices. He was talking to family members and friends on these device and conducting other business while browsing the site, which confirms that he was on these devices at the time.

Check them out
Image 4: Looking for love in all the wrong places. Sampling of Hunter’s on-line love searches, some of which resulted in confirmed hookups

His IP address at the time resolved to know locations, which match his travel itinerary, and he utilized payment methods which he positively verified. We even know who he was checking out on Ashley Madison. But, alas, in this post modern universe, none of this seems to matter because truth and facts are fluid. Or, as Kafka observed:

“The right understanding of any matter and a misunderstanding of the same matter do not wholly exclude each other.” – The Trail


Document 2: “I do strongly feel that there should be some line in the statement that basically says “fuck you” I’m a private citizen and you are scumbags. The Biden bleach machine at work

Document 3: Francesca Chambers from the Daily Mail requesting a comment from Hunter about the use of his credit card on his Ashley Madison profile. Chambers ended up writing a puff piece that lacked any substantive proof

Document 4: Sampling of incidents of Hunter’s use of Ashley Madison in 2014 that predate the infamous leaked June 2014 $280 transaction. These other activities had confirmed payments that came from his phone and his Amex card


References and Sources
XRVision Sentinel AI Platform – Face recognition, image reconstruction, and object classification

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Copyright 2021 Yaacov Apelbaum, All Rights Reserved.

41 thoughts on “Disinformation, Disinformation, and More Disinformation

  1. Maybe worthwhile to investigate.

    Scientific evidence and logic behind the claim that the Wuhan coronavirus is man-made.

    “There has been much controversy regarding the origin of the Wuhan coronavirus. It appears that both possibilities, naturally occurring or man-made, are legitimate enough to be debated fully”

    There are 1500 comments, might be a treasure drove of cross references.


  2. Thank you for this.

    It is getting increasingly difficult to find real information, as so much is taken down under the guise of it being “fake news.”

    Does wikileaks have this laptop?

    I don’t even know much about what the computer shop owner has to say about it.

    It legally belongs to him, right?

    It appears that the FBI would like to keep it all secret, but the information on it paints a picture of a very, very troubled, corrupt family.

    If 1/1,000th of what seems to be on this laptop had been found out about the Trump family, we would be hearing about it day and night from most of the media.

    • I don’t know if Wikileaks has the drive. I seriously doubt that Giuliani or Bannon gave them a copy. Yes, the abandoned equipment is now the property of JP. I can’t comment about what the DOJ did or is doing with the laptop because i don’t know. This could be a political play, but it could also be that they are in a middle of an investigation and are just keeping quite. Analyzing hundreds of gigs of digital evidence (some of which is encrypted) take time, especially if you are collating the data manually and using traditional investigative methods. We’ll just have to wait and see… Luckily, some evidence of criminal conduct is being released to the public, so we are not completely in the dark.

  3. How did you get the contents of Hunter’s laptop??

    On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 3:43 PM The Illustrated Primer wrote:

    > Yaacov Apelbaum posted: ” Some of the content of my posts is being > repurposed on various forums and SM platforms to support the false claims > that a video showing Hunter engaged in a foot related sexual act was with a > young family relative. Image 1: Sample image composites and bo” >

  4. In his 6-7 digit book deal, he will explain his addiction to beautiful things and all will be forgiven. Is the 5,4Million dollar pad in California the same one where he entertained the Russian/Ukrainian [—]?

    • Hi Mr. Wood,

      I’ve sanitized part of your comment in order to eliminate potential defamation issues. The media was riding shotgun with him as he was doing his dirty deeds and spiking any damaging disclosure, so, I don’t think that he needs/is seeking any forgiveness. It’s all part of a massive bleaching operation AKA commercial news.

      No, the location of the orgy involving the Ivan was a rental property.

  5. I thought I was leaving a comment regarding the election data. Patrick Byrne has the Fanning data, which is Mike Lindell’s data as well. Lindell doesn’t have Byrne’s background so he might be bamboozled – but Byrne is another matter. I simply cannot imagine him disseminating a bunch of crap. As far as the Biden laptop goes, anyone paying attention knows what these people are so nothing surprises me. And the left will continue to brush it aside unless/until we regain some semblance of a lawful society.

  6. It’s just mind boggling to me that a wealthy family with such a high political standing can also be such complete white trash. I’ve met quite a few crackheads, but not one who lacked the self-awareness to just blaze up a glass pipe at a strip club in the middle of the afternoon. One of the regular quarrels with the dead brother’s wife that he was boning culminated with her throwing his illegally purchased revolver into a public trashcan which immediately ended up in the hands of a dumpster diver. Never mind that incident where a rental car he returned was left parked in front of the agency with his crack pipe in the front seat and spilled coke everywhere, along with his ID, credits cards, and a list of secret service contacts in the front seat. Even with a detailed police report, this incident magically vanished thanks to FBI intervention.

    Mind you, these are just a few incidences to demonstrate how this entitled troglodyte commits felonies on a regular basis with no fear of consequences just because of who his dad is. I’ve personally known people who have died in prison for far less, but this guy has no worries because he shares his scumbag father’s name. Saddam Hussein’s kids were more disciplined. This is the type of corruption you’d associate with a banana republic, but it’s happening here in the USA. Blatantly on display for anyone with functioning eyes, but most won’t bother to look because the media assured them there was “nothing to see” while the FBI swept everything they could under the rug.

    • We should all thank the good Lord who has given us the sources and methods to be able to collect and expose this type of material (despite the MSM’s all out attempt to suppress it).
      “So do not be afraid of them. For there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, and nothing hidden that will not be made known…”

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