His Mouth is Full of Cursing and Deceit and Oppression
How has the faithful city become a whore! She that was full of justice, righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers.
I accuse you Governer Cuomo of professional negligence raising to the level of manslaughter…
US Free Speech, Meet Your Wealthy Chinese Fact Checker
It turns out that the arbitrator of truth that controls our free speech on Facebook in the US is a Chinese woman from Singapore…
Why Are the Chinese Made IR Thermometers So Cold?
Regardless of the root cause of the thermometer poor performance, the fact remains that all of the tested Chinese medical units were faulty.
It wasn’t Sexual Assault
If you analyze the tweet, what Komi is insinuating is that due to the female anatomy, Biden couldn’t perform this act, unless, that is, Read allowed him to do it.
Jim’ale The Jihadi Organ Grinder and his Little Tweeting Monkey
Ahmed Nur Ali Jimale the founder of the Hormuud, is a cuddly man with a henna dyed beard and a ceaseless passion for violent Jihad…