No Russians Need Apply
In clear act of election interference, on October 19, 2020, more than 50 senior former US intel officials knowingly signed a false statement saying they believe the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian information operation.

Amy Coney Barrett The Harbinger of Good
Comets don’t bring death, wars or pestilence, and neither will Amy Coney Barrett. She is one of the most stable, eloquent, rational, intelligent, and able judges.

Operation Snort
There are currently a number of images circulating on social media that purport to depict Hunter Biden snorting cocaine. Some of them are fakes and are designed to discredit the his laptop.

Justine Coleman from The Hill is A Manipulative Media Hack
The real question that we should all be asking is not if the HB laptop is authentic, but rather, how/why are RICO syndicates like the DOJ/NYT allowed without any legal consequences shield/enable the Biden crime family?

Hunter Biden Laptop Images Are Authentic
The Biden campaign claims that the ‘Hunter Biden laptop’ images are fakes. The results of the image analysis begs to differ…

Murder for Ratings
Another public gathering and another Antifa-BLM-Green Alliance murder.