I accuse you Governer Cuomo of professional negligence raising to the level of manslaughter…
I accuse you Governer Cuomo of professional negligence raising to the level of manslaughter…
Regardless of the root cause of the thermometer poor performance, the fact remains that all of the tested Chinese medical units were faulty.
If you analyze the tweet, what Komi is insinuating is that due to the female anatomy, Biden couldn’t perform this act, unless, that is, Read allowed him to do it.
Since the outbreak of Covid-19, many MSM outlets have gone out of their way to painstakingly promote the “wet markets” & consumption of contaminated bat soup Coved-19 origin nerrative.
The false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves.
There are a number of images circulating online that incorrectly identify various individuals as the Ukraine call leaker Eric Ciaramella. If you are interested in Ciaramella’s photo, you can find it in Mechanics of Deception (in on of the links) or at the bottom of this post.
I’ve been asked by a number of people if the images seen in the video of the October 11 Minnesota riots that took place during President Trump’s rally show Ilhan Omar, Tim Mynett, and Isra Hirsi.
Despite numerous interviews, media write-ups, and multiple biographical sources, Ilhan Abdullahi Omar AKA “Ilhan Nur Said Elmi” remains an enigma.
Special Counsel Mueller’s report doesn’t come close to Twain’s definition of deceptive genius, but it does have a certain kitschy synthetic Disneyland feel to it.
From an evolutionary point of view, it seems that the quadrant 1 and 3 messaging mediums (see chart) represent a form of r/K selection classification. Each trades between quantity and quality. The focus in quadrant 1 is to increase the quality of the content with higher expense per message. The focus in quadrant 3 is to increase the quantity of the content with a corresponding reduction in quality and lower expense per message.