Murder, She Wrote?
“I had information yesterday that compelled me to write you. If you want to cure him or save him a slow death, then you better have him taken away from home immediately…”
“I had information yesterday that compelled me to write you. If you want to cure him or save him a slow death, then you better have him taken away from home immediately…”
Here’s a short review to help clarify some of the questions regarding Hunter Biden’s tattoo and it’s meaning.
Don’t Biden acts like life-long immunity from prosecution require powerful wizardry and magic? They sure do! And that’s what the praetorian guard AKA the Secret Service, DOJ, FBI, and the intelligence community is for.
It seems that fate has a well-developed sense of irony as during one of his paid sex hookups, Hunter Biden can be heard listening to a TV program in which President Trump talks about the evils of the sexual exploitation of women.
The following is the confirmed and validated Pornhub profile of RHEast AKA droidhunter, AKA Harper, AKA Hunter Biden.
We don’t often get to see the fine movement of the political clockwork, but every once in a while, a little gap in the curtain opens and you get a rare glimpse of how our government and aristocracy operate…
The G-TV news site which is jointly owned by Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui deliberately and frequently misidentifies the location, context, and individuals from the Hunter Biden laptop. The 1million question is why?
In clear act of election interference, on October 19, 2020, more than 50 senior former US intel officials knowingly signed a false statement saying they believe the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian information operation.
The Biden campaign claims that the ‘Hunter Biden laptop’ images are fakes. The results of the image analysis begs to differ…
Fellow fish citizens, beware of the bait!