The Red-Green Alliance and the Real Devil of Mogadishu

Black Hawk Down and the Real Devil of Mogadishu

US Rep. Ilhan Omar—or rather Ilhan Nur Said Elmi—has been making a lot of inflammatory statements since 2016. Her repertoire includes anything from whitewashing the 9/11 terror attacks to deliberately distorting the events that took place during the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu.

But she is not alone in this pattern of narrative engineering. A number of Democratic politicians from Minnesota and Michigan have also jumped on the bandwagon and are now aggressively supporting various false claims like that the US Army massacred tens of thousands of innocent civilians during that battle.

On October 15, 2017, in an obvious attempt to pander to the Somali voters, former Senator Al Franken of Minnesota tweeted the following message:

Al Franken Twitt
Image 1
: The original Al Franken Somali terror attack tweet

Two hours after Franken’s tweet, a user by the name of Joshua commented the following:

“Actually, the worst terrorist attack in Somalia history was the Battle of Mogadishu- 19 US armed forces dead and 73 wounded.”

Joshua Post
Image 2: Twitter user by the name of Joshua’s response to Franken’s original tweet

Within minutes of Joshua’s post, Ron Harris, a Minnesota democratic strategist, DNC leader, and close friend of Ilhan Omar and Keith Ellison, responded with this tweet:

“All lives matter” even though 230 is more than 10 times 19.”

Harris’s rapid response and the context of his message suggest that the Franken feed was being closely monitored through some automation and that the whole response event was a pre-planned PR blitz.

Image 3
: Ron Harris’s Twitter response to Joshua’s terrorism post

Several hours after the Harris post (which was just an opening gambit), Ilhan Omar jumped in and  posted this Tweet:

“In his selective memory, [Joshua] forgets to also mention the thousands of Somalis killed by the American forces that day!”

Omar Black Hawk Down Twitter
Image 4
: Ilhan Omar’s follow-up Twitter post reinforcing Harris and making a claim about “thousands” of killed Somalis

What Omar’s post purported to say was that:


  1. Harris’s claim that Somali lives mattered more by a factor of 10X compared to the US Army losses
  2. The US Army killed thousands of innocent Somali civilians during the battle

Both of Omar’s statements were purposefully deceitful. To understand why, we need to first examine the details of the Battle of Mogadishu.

The Facts About the “Black Hawk Down” Event
Operation Gothic Serpent was an August-September 1993 military mission conducted by the United States during the Somali Civil War with the aim of capturing militia leader Mohamed Farrah Aidid and two of his lieutenants. That mission resulted in what became known as the Battle of Mogadishu, and popularized in a movie “Black Hawk Down”.

The operation was triggered by a number of attacks on the UN Peacekeeping Force by Aidid’s troops. In August of 1993, Aidid’s militia detonated an IED next to a US Army vehicle, killing four military policemen. Two weeks later, they detonated another IED, injuring more troops. In response, President Clinton approved the deployment of a special task force of 400 US Army Rangers and Delta Force operators named Task Force Ranger. The force flew to Mogadishu and began a hunt for Aidid and his aids.

On the afternoon of October 3rd, 1993, intelligence identified two of Aidid’s deputies at a residence in the Black Sea neighborhood in Mogadishu, just across from the Olympic Hotel. A task force of 19 aircraft, 12 vehicles, and about 160 men was sent to arrest them.

Operation Gothic Serpent and the Battle of MogadishuImage 5: The map and imagery of the Battle of Mogadishu

The two Somali leaders were arrested. The prisoners were loaded onto a convoy of ground vehicles. However, armed militiamen and civilians—some of them women and children—converged on the target area from all over the city and opened fire on the US and Allied troops.

During the battle that ensued and lasted for about 7 hours, two MH-60 Black Hawk helicopters (Super Six One and Super Six Four) were shot down by Somali RPGs. Both of the pilots of the first helicopter were killed, but the crew survived the crash landing. Michael Durant, one of the two pilots of the second helicopter, was injured and couldn’t walk. Two Delta Force snipers, Master Sergeant Gary Gordon, and Sergeant First Class Randy Shughart, provided cover from a helicopter and eventually got on the ground in an attempt to secure the site, but Gordon was killed, thus leaving only Durant and Shughart. Eventually, after holding off and killing some 25 Somali militiamen, Shughart was also killed, and Durant was taken hostage.

Meanwhile, the remaining Rangers and Delta operators fought their way to the first helicopter crash site, where they discovered the crew. They found themselves surrounded by the Somali militia whose repeated attempts to overrun the US position were beaten. Eventually, a rescue convoy of the US Army’s 10th Mountain Division broke through the Somali encirclement and rescued the besieged forces.

The mission’s objective of capturing Aidid’s associates was accomplished at the cost of two downed and one badly damaged MH-60 Black Hawks. Eighteen US troopers and Malaysian soldiers on the rescue convoy were killed, and 85 were wounded. The estimated Somali militiamen fatalities during the battle were between 100-300.

Response to Omar’s Somali Casualty Statement from the Actual Combatants
Retired Chief Warrant Officer Mike Durant, the only surviving pilot from the battle, stated that Omar deliberately ignored the fact the 1993 US mission in Mogadishu was to open humanitarian aid routes to Somalis who were facing starvation but the militia leader Mohammed Farah Aidid was intercepting and stealing the aid and attacking the UN forces in the city long before the battle. The Battle of Mogadishu started when the US tried to apprehend him/his aid, and in the battle that ensued, the US troops were forced to defend themselves.

Another veteran of the battle, Sgt. Maj. Kyle Lamb backed up Durant and said:

“We were trying to take out Aidid because he was a clan leader … that had kind of taken over [Mogadishu], …They were taking the food, any of the aid that we were giving to Somalia, also weapons and they were running drugs … He needed to be eliminated.”

Even Captain Haad, sector commander for General Aidid’s militia in Mogadishu, who fought in the battle, estimated that about 133 Somali militiamen died fighting with US forces. So, the bottom line is that there isn’t even one credible source for Omar’s claims that “thousands” of Somalis were killed during the engagement. Yet, even though all of this was repeatedly brought to her attention, she vehemently refused to back away from her false statements.

I Don’t Think that Word Means What You Think it Means.
It didn’t take long for the mainstream media to rehabilitate Ilhan Omar, and Ron Harris, Keith Ellison, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley all backed up Omar’s statements. The explanation for what was a deliberately inflated Somali causality estimate by a factor of 30X-100X was that these statements were just unintentional gaffes that were made in the heat of the moment. In this same vein, the MSM also attributed their other deep-seated anti-Semitic and anti-American statements to their passionate social activism.

But these loaded expressions are neither emotional nor gaffes. What might not be obvious to the casual reader is that these are calls for action and are part of a broader unified strategy being planned, developed, and executed by various US Islamic organizations under the unifying umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). When Omar, Tlaib, Ellison, and Pressley (AKA ‘the squad’) make their egregious claims, they are not talking to the average American voter or engaging in constructive political dialog. This is also why they don’t apologize for outright false statements, even on the rare occasions when they get called out by the complacent media.

When Ayanna Pressley says: “Race is a factor in everything”, no one calls her a bigoted racist, even though this language comes from Chapter XI – Nation and Race of Mein Kampf. When AOC states that: “The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border, and that is exactly what they are — they are concentration camps,” no one accuses her of cynically downplaying the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust. When Rashida Tlaib says that: “There’s kind of a calming feeling I always tell folks when I think of the Holocaust”, no one reminds her that her Palestinian countrymen served in the 13th SS Division during WWII and committed mass murders of Serbian civilians and that their/her beloved supreme religious leader, Haj Amin al-Husseini the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was a wanted war criminal and close friend of Hitler and Himmler and one of the architects of the Final Solution.

Haj Amin al-Husseini and Nazis
Image 6: Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, with Hitler and Himmler and his 13 Muslim SS Division

Analyzing the content of the squad’s statements that can be classified as categorically false shows that AOC, Omar, Ellison, Tlaib, Harris, Pressley, and other democratic progressives suffer from exceptionally poor political diversity of opinions and are frequently reusing each other’s talking points. These points, interestingly, follow a very narrowly scripted and coordinated social, economic, and political agenda. The narrative also looks alien because it contains a mixture of red (hard left-wing) and green (Pan-Islamic fundamentalism) ideologies. These are two ideologies that are diametrically opposed to each other and are unlikely to mingle, but apparently, they did and, in the process, produced a hybrid political offspring—the Red-Green Alliance.

The reason why the squad and it support network doesn’t care if they get caught, (normally a show stopper for most politicians), is because they are not communicating facts. Rather, they are using dog-whistle messaging. This form of clandestine communication uses coded language that appears to mean one thing to the general population but has an additional, different, or more specific resonance for a targeted subgroup. So, you can joke about what appears to be AOC’s imbecilic ranting and raving about the Green New Deal or doing away with the police, but they are not what they seem—these are agent activation code broadcasts aimed at the scattered multitudes of privileged, over-educated white millennials and the hordes of disenfranchised inner-city voters calling upon them to join her in an economic and social jihad.

So why doesn’t Omar get called to task by the likes of the NYT and WaPo? The answer to this question has more to do with the long-term political strategy of the ‘Social Justice’ league and MSM’s commercial interests and less with the minutiae of accurate historical recollection and facts. In this post, I’ll try to answer this question by pulling the curtain back to get a glimpse of the actors and machinery that make up the traveling caravan of the Red-Green Alliance circus.

The Red-Green Alliance 101—A Crash Course
The recent outburst of virulent anti-Americanism and open anti-semitism in public discourse may be shocking to some, but what is even more disturbing as these hateful statements is the failure of Congress and its democratic leadership to outright condemn them.

AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, and Ellison attribute the willingness of the democratic leadership to tolerate the verbal violence and the MSM’s failure to take them to task to a ‘changing of the tide’. Gone are the days of rational dialectic and political discourse. The new conversational standards are the Antifa stormtroopers busting heads, breaking kneecaps, and destroying public monuments. The failure to publicly repudiate the emergence of mainstream militant Islamic parties and political anti-semitism is just one of the undercurrents of this changing tide. Or rather,  a deluge that is heading our way with the clear and present danger of washing away the fabric of civilized society and eroding our system of government.

The frequent anti-law enforcement, anti-white, anti-business sound bytes, plus the perpetual invocation of the racist bigotry card in every debate, is just an opening gambit in a much larger political chess game that is being played by the Red-Green Alliance—a union of Marxist Stalinist ideology, Islamic fundamentalist doctrine, and black militantism.

The Red-Green Alliance can be classified as a political crossover movement. In politics, a crossover occurs when opposing political groups, which ostensibly are hostile to each other, form an alliance of convenience in order to achieve a greater political goal or just to work jointly to defeat a shared, more powerful opponent.

The red camp has a long history of chemically bonding to any type of political ideology in order to achieve its ultimate goals. For example, before the advent of the Red-Green Alliance, there was the Red-Black Alliance, the one of communism and fascism as in the case of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

This can be illustrated through the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact agreements regarding the future of Poland, Stalin’s support for the rise to power of the Nazi Party, and his orders to activate the French Communist Party on the eve of the Nazi invasion, with specific instructions to engage in propaganda that would weaken and hasten the moral disintegration of the French army.

Christopher Harmon, a fellow at the Hoover Institute, examined the evolution of political crossovers and described the cooperation between leftist and rightist terrorist groups in Italy. He used the case of Mehmet Ali Agca, who attempted to assassinate Pope John Paul II in 1981. According to Harman, After Agca’s arrest, he stated:

“I am an international terrorist, ready to help other terrorists anywhere…. I make no distinctions between fascists and communists. My terrorism is not red or black; it is red and black.”

Harmon also noted that Agca’s operation was the result of an unholy marriage of leftist and rightist terrorist groups (Agca was a member of the fascist Gray Wolfs). This incident is just one of several that illustrates how European fascists and leftist terrorists became united in their hatred of democratic institutions and shared desire to destabilize them. All of this was with the support from the Soviets and several Arab states like Iran and Syria (which supplied the explosives and weapons via their diplomatic courier services). Harmon also noted that:

Contrary to popular assumptions, not only have leftist and rightist terrorists not been shooting at one another, but there is accumulating evidence of their collaboration in the shared objective of crippling the democratic state. Indeed, a new type of terrorist has emerged … who does not draw neat ideological distinctions in the causes he serves. A significant connecting cord between “red” and “black” wreakers of violence, moreover is the common denominator of support from the Soviet Bloc and its Arab clients.

This critical development is noteworthy because the ultimate targets of this new political terror, both from the right and the left, were the institutions of liberal democratic society. Following this rationale, the wholesale emergence of anti-semitism in American politics should not be shocking; the targeting of Jews and Israel belongs to a larger strategy whose real objective is to destabilize the foundations of the American republic and the parliamentary democracies in Europe.

Since the 1970s, the Red-Green Alliance shifted from collaboration with right-wing terror groups like the Years of Lead, Ordine Nuovo, and Terza Posizione to Islamic-affiliated organizations like the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Black September. Some notable examples of this new cooperation are terrorist attacks such as:


  1. The Lod Airport massacre, which was executed by the Japanese Red Army and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP-EO) resulted in the murder of 26 people and injured 71
  2. The hijacking of Air France Flight 139 to Entebbe by the German Revolutionary Cells and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP-EO)

The Red Part of the Alliance
The post-9/11 attacks saw the official arrival of the Red-Green Alliance in the American political scene. This was manifested by well-organized and financed campaigns and public displays of deep hatred towards America by leftist-Stalinist groups like International ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism). It is also interesting that then, just as today, the NYT provided these anti-American militant marches with sympathetic and encouraging coverage.

ANSWER and MBImage 7: Sampling of 14 years of the International ANSWER militant protests controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood’s political talking points

Since 9/11, the left has hardened itself around the core value of a furious, permanent, reactionary opposition to the devil-states of America and Israel, which stand as the permanent evil of the world and the paramount threat to world peace and the environment–and whose aims must be thwarted even at the cost of supporting fascists, jihadist, and tyrants.

A little genealogical research shows that the International ANSWER was formed in 2001 as a Muslim Brotherhood post 9/11 damage control initiative. It is a front for the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Communist Workers World Party, and other communist organizations like the hardcore Stalinist Weather Underground and the Jacobin. Just like its parent organizations, ANSWER happily supports any despotic regime, like Maduro in Venezuela, that claims an affinity with socialism and anti-Americanism. It supported Beijing after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, as well as Gaddafi and Saddam. It promotes North Korea as a socialist ideal, it even supported Slobodan Milosevic after the Massacre at Srebrenica, and it continues to support Iran, the narco-cartels of Colombia and Mexico, Hamas, suicide bombers, and a score of other jihadi organizations.

Antifa the black clad terror battalions
Image 8: Antifa, the black brigades of the progressive movement

American universities, Hollywood, the MSM, and NGOs are going out of their way to ignore the plight of Christians, conservatives, and Jewish students by colluding and embracing discrimination against them and rejecting their intellectual and moral rights to free speech and dignity. If you are a Christian or a Jew on campus today, you are almost certain to be pushed to the margins and live in constant fear because the real intellectuals or anyone who holds a contrary political opinion is labeled the enemy and a degenerate. In this corrosive environment that is increasingly dominated by intimidation and fear, you must adopt the Red-Green Alliance worldview or be labeled racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, bigot, and white supremacist.

The display of anti-Americanism and Jew-hating is the new binding agent that holds together the left–Islamist–black militant (e.g., Louis Farrakhan) movements. However, beyond the pragmatic advantages of such an alliance, it is curious that the Islamists, who are driving the ‘social justice’ bus and are in full control of the narrative of the movement, are willing to not only passively tolerate but temporally promote counter sharia concepts like the LGBT movement and a variety of polytheistic and postmodern concepts that are in complete disagreement with Islamic doctrine.

The Green Party of the Alliance
The basic MB program in America is not a secret. It is stated in publications such as A Muslim’s Guide to American Politics & Government. In this book, the Muslim American Society (MAS) makes a clear statement of purpose, describing itself as a:

“Religious, educational, social, and civic organization. Its mission is to present the message of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims and to promote understanding between them, to encourage the participation of Muslims in the building of a virtuous and moral society, and to promote the human values that Islam emphasizes: brotherhood, equality, justice, mercy, compassion and peace.”

This proselytizing message also known as da’wa is a call for G-d and the prophets to address the people to believe in Islam, the true religion.

A closer look at the book and its sponsor shows that the organization behind this publication is The Muslim American Society (MAS), just one of many US MB organizations registered in 1993. MAS has grown into a national network with over fifty local chapters.

This is the same organization that, in a July 1994 meeting of the Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee, was mentioned in court documents for the Holy Land Foundation trial. It indicates that the role that the MAS was expected to play within broader MB operations in the United States was:

“to educate the brothers in all work centers, mosques, and organizations on the necessity of stopping any contacts with Zionist organizations and the rejection of any future contacts.”

In 2004, Raeed Tayeh, one of the Muslim American Society leaders, wrote an evaluation of the relative strengths of Jews and Muslims in the US.  He identified the success of American Jews in working within the system and recommended that American Muslims adopt the same methods. He considered that the two groups were natural enemies and predicted that the Muslims in America would ultimately win:

“American Jews are very powerful – this is true–but they do not maintain their power through secret conspiracies designed to control everything in this country. This does not mean that many elements of the Jewish community do not plot against Muslims and their interests: they do. But overall, they are as powerful as they are because they understand how the system works, and they know how to use it to their advantage. It has taken them over 100 years to get this powerful, however, while the Muslim-American community has been on the map for only 30 or 40 years. If you compare the development of both communities, you will see that the Muslim community has reached the point where it is now much faster than the Jews did [sic].  If this trend continues, Muslims in America will be a major political force within several years if they continue on the course they are on now.  So, one should think positively about the political future of Muslims, not negatively.”

In what is clearly an example of Jonah swallowing the whale, the Brotherhood is now at the helm. The Green part of the Red-Green Alliance has notably changed its political goals and shifted from the generic anti-war and anti-capitalism rhetoric to the new ‘social justice’ and the delegitimization of Israel via the BDS movement and the traditional hatred of Jews. This new progressive course change is visible on university campuses where the leftist student body and the Muslim student societies engage in violent college protests and attacks against conservative speakers like Ben Shapiro, Jewish students, professors, and administrative staff who do not support social justice initiatives.

The Sources of the Red-Green Alliance Ideology
The core ideology of the progressive movement has little to do with economics, equality, or civil rights, and a lot to do with the political and ideological turmoil of 1920s and 1940s. This can be best illustrated through the work and career of the Johann von Leers, the ideological father of the Red-Green movement.

Johann von Leers SS Major
Image 9
: Johann von Leers, the ideological father of the Red-Green Alliance

Johann von Leers was one of the leading ideologues of the Third Reich, serving as the highest-ranking academic at the Nazi propaganda ministry. In 1929, he joined the Nazi Party. From 1930-1931, he was a member of the Brown Shirts and in 1935, he joined the SS as a major. In 1938, he became a full professor at Friedrich-Schiller University. He lectured on “Legal, Economic, and Political History on a Racial Basis” (a forerunner of CRT). Robert Wistrich’s biographical dictionary, Who’s Who in Nazi Germany, described von Leers as:

…A district speaker and leader of the National Socialist Students’ League, von Leers came to the attention of Goebbels and was assigned to write Party propaganda, producing a stream of twenty-seven books between 1933 and 1945 dealing in popularized form with Nazi ideology. An expert on the Jewish question, on theories of ‘blood and soil’ and the doctrine of the Germanic master race, von Leers achieved early notoriety with his book, Juden Sehen dich an [Jews are looking at you!], published in 1933 and dedicated to the ‘gallant’ Julius Streicher.

During the war, he was one of Goebbels’ favorite writers (twenty-seven books between 1933 and 1945). Beyond hating Jews, Judaism, and Christianity, he advocated close cooperation between Germany and the Muslim world and viewed Russia as Germany’s natural ally. Even before the outbreak of WWII, he wrote propaganda against Zionist settlement in Mandatory Palestine and befriended Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.

After the war, as a wanted war criminal, he went on the run and first fled to Italy in 1945, then to Melmo, Sweden in 1947, and with the help of the Swedish Nazi leader Per Engdahl, to Argentina in 1950. In Argentina, under the patronage of the fascist Juan Perón, he edited the National Socialist and fascist journal, Der Weg (The Way), and contributed to an anti-Jewish campaign commissioned by the embassy of Egypt in Buenos Aires. According to CIA documents, he was recruited by General Hassan Fahmy Ismael (the Egyptian military attaché in Argentina). Fahmi also acted as his go-between for Haj Amin al-Husseini, who eventually gave him safe passage to Egypt. After the overthrow of Perón in 1955, Leers was on the move again, and based on the recommendation of Haj Amin al-Husseini, Leers relocated to Egypt in 1957 and was appointed as political and propaganda advisor at the Information Department of the Ministry of National Guidance.

After his move to Egypt, Leers converted to Islam and changed his name to Omar Amin. He became the head of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s ‘Israeli’ propaganda unit.  He then continued to produce a massive amount of anti-Semitic literature and strategy as the head of the Institute for the Study of Zionism, managing all domestic and international anti-Israel content and messaging. In the ten years between 1955n and 1965, Veer raised a generation of western MB Islamist activists such as his protégé Albert Friedrich Armand Huber, AKA Ahmed Huber, who became one of Al Qaeda‘s top financiers through the Al Taqwa Bank, for which he was one of five managers.

In 1964, Leers published a paper titled: “Why I became a Muslim”. This article describes his ideological development and how he reached the transformative decision to convert to Islam. He wrote:

“…. In 1932, I withdrew from the Christian Church after I found that it was a Jewish sect and no path to religion…. the Christendom of the West is on the road to decay, and the destiny of its churches is moral disintegration, so that they became the allies of international Zionism and medium of Israeli propaganda.”

Leers was promoting Islam as a replacement to “Judeo-Christianity” and taking this argument much further than the doctrine of abrogation (Tauret) or replacement theology, and proposing the launch of a political and ideological worldwide initiative that would undo the victory of Christianity over Islam in Europe and unleash a process that would hasten worldwide Islamization. Fifty-five years ago, the idea of bringing about the expansion of Islam in Europe and the US would have been unthinkable and may have sounded like a bad joke, but no one seems to be laughing now as we see this reality taking shape right in front of our eyes.

Leers viewed his conversion to the MB flavor of Islam as the high point of his life. His religious initiation was officiated by none other than Haj Amin-al-Husayni with whom he wanted to make hajj to Mecca. After undergoing this transformation, Leers lost all inhibition and began to express his objection to Christianity and the West publicly. For example, he advocated the need to free post-war Germany from the ‘imperialism of Jewish Christianity. In his essay Mimbar al Islam [Pulpit of Islam], he wrote:

“I felt bitterness later as a student during the lectures on history, because Charlemagne imposed the Christian Church on our nation, which became the basis for much misfortune in German history. I really hated him, and I have the feeling that, if destiny had not brought this on us, [it would have been possible] to develop our pre-Christian religion. Likewise, it was indeed a misfortune that the tyrant Charles Martell drove back the Muslims of Spain. They brought a higher culture, which would have [been transferred] to the German tribes…”

Similarly, a CIA report from October 24, 1957, describes other effects of the ‘newborn’ Leers:

“Part of Leers’ political attitude is apparently due to his conversion to Islam, which was accompanied by a change in his name to Dr. Omar Amin von Leers. He is becoming more and more a religious zealot, even to the extent of advocating an expansion of Islam in Europe in order to bring about stronger unity through a common religion. This expansion he believes can come not only from contact with the Arabs in the Near East and Africa but with Islamic elements in the USSR. The results he envisions as the formation of a political bloc against which neither East nor West could prevail. Leading Egyptian nationalists, however, disapprove of Leers’ conversion. [They may have feared that this type of religious zeal would have brought Leers closer to the Muslim Brotherhood.]”

Leers went even further and promoted his pro-Russian, pro-communist regime agenda by advising politicians and activists in the German nationalist right (i.e., crypto-fascist) that Russia was the only power capable of reuniting Germany. A CIA report dated March 1959 shows that:

“he [Leers] is constantly pressing for the West German nationalist opposition to come to an agreement with the Soviet Union, on the theory that the Soviets should be brought in to clean up the West.” And that “after such a clean-up the Soviets should be removed by anti-colonial pressure and the Reich restored.”

In a letter written on November 15, 1957, to an American sympathizer, Leers provided the following reasons for his converting to Islam:

“The Islamic bloc today is the only spiritual power in the world fighting for a real religion and human values and freedom. Besides that, it is a wonderful religion with a great philosophy and an enormous rich[ness] of wisdom. I think sometimes that if my nation had got[ten] Islam instead of Christianity we should not have had all the traitors we had in World War II…”

In another one of his books titled:The World Fight against Imperialism and Colonialism, Leers supported the insurgents in the Algerian War and lent them political and material support. This ‘war of liberation’ provided Leers with an opportunity to also inject his geopolitical anti-Semitism into the new emerging Third-Worldism political movement. A CIA document dated October 8, 1956 reported that:

“Von Leers stated that he is working hard to convince two billion non-Europeans of the Jewish danger. He believes that if he succeeds in this effort, Jewish domination of Germany and the United States will no longer be important.”

After his arrival in Egypt in 1956, Leers continued his agitation for the completion of the Final Solution and called for the destruction of the state of Israel. In an interview with Leers in August 1956, he stated:

“…Israel is abnormal. It is not big enough or fertile enough to supply millions of Jews for the homeland. It must go. It causes trouble. You may ask why Nasser spends time and money rallying Arabs outside Egypt against Israel when so much has to be done at home…. [The] Zionists are responsible for 90 percent of the world’s press attack on Nasser and Egypt.”

Leers was the architect of the European and American Islamic political expansion through building alliances with the left and right. As the father of this innovative plan, he was one of the main architects of the mobilization of the Third World against the US and Israel through various expressions in the United Nations, notably the 1975 “Zionism is Racism” resolution and the 2001 World Conference against Racism in Durban, which became the scene of a mass outburst of political anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.

Leers disseminated his ideology among the left-wing circles, right-wing circles, and Holocaust deniers in Europe and the US. His coherent geopolitical vision for the international expansion of the MB became the foundation of the Red-Green Alliance and is based on regurgitated Nazi military and political dominance traditions. Leers often said that he was a gradualist and that this type of effort will take some time before it bears fruit. At the time, his ideas of bringing about the Islamization of Europe by encouraging mass migration to change its demographics and undermine its Christian traditions and culture seemed beyond belief. Few would argue that this is still the case today.

The Common Foundations of the Red-Green Alliance
While the ideological foundations of the neo-leftists and the Islamists are known, it is not entirely clear why these two ideologies successfully mated and produced an albeit imperfect but living political offspring. This strange marriage made in hell and consummated in purgatory can be explained through a number of common shared genetic traits in the Islamic doctrine and Marxist-Leninist gene pool.  Some of these common areas of overlap include:


  1. As opposed to the rational political thinkers like Locke, Hume, and Smith who spoke about reason, introspection, and freedom of expression, the Red-Green Alliance talks in terms of “absolute truth” and “the end justifies the means.“ For them, all actions have an absolute justification in order to achieve the sacred cause. The left believes in the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ and the Islamists in the ‘dictatorship of Sharia.’
  2. Both promote the view that all of the ills affecting humanity, including health, environmental, economic, financial, and military conflicts, are somehow linked to Israel and American policy or the lack thereof.
  3. The wholesale identification of democracy with the enemies of communism and Islam and the blanket rejection of all principles of secularism and humanism—that is, the separation between church and state and hereditary form of government.
  4. The view that capitalism and Western culture are endangering the world’s proletariat and the community of believers (the Umma) via the incurable disease of bankrupt bourgeois pig morality or Western decadence that is spread through viruses like ‘Consumerism,’ ‘Crusader Christianity’, ‘Judaist and Judeo-Masonic ideology, “Jewish Hollywood,” and ’Wall Street bankers’.
  5. According to both communist and Islamic doctrines, the world is bipolar and can only be divided into two opposing camps; for the left, it’s the workers vs. those who control the means of production; for the Islamist, it’s the believers who reside in Dar al-Islam (the house of Peace) vs. everyone else who is part of Dar al-Harb (the house of War).
  6. Both embrace the view that the world is divided into two political archetype camps. The left sees it as the ‘Capitalist’ and ‘Communist’ or the division that Lenin used of “the counter-revolutionary imperialist West” and the “revolutionary and nationalist East”, while the Islamists view the world as being made up of Kafirs (non-believer in Islam) and Muslims who are submissive to and co-operate with G-d’s purpose.

A Deeper Dive into The Muslim Brotherhood
The MB was formed in Egypt in the 1920s by Islamists seeking to install a fundamentalist government there. Islamist radicals today still idolize the martyr Sayyid Qutb, the Brotherhood’s most influential thinker. While attending college in the US in the late 1940s, Qutb was appalled by what he perceived as the lack of piousness and morality in American society. After returning to Egypt in the 1950s, he worked to overthrow the secular government of Gamal Abdel Nasser and was eventually jailed. Before he was executed in 1966, he wrote a scathing indictment of American culture that called for worldwide rejection of Western liberal values. Qutb’s writings are responsible for radicalizing hordes of young Muslims, including Ayman al-Zawahiri, who became al-Qaeda’s No. 2 leader and the spiritual guide to Osama bin Laden.

Due to its friendly foreign student and immigration policies, the US has become one of the preferred countries where the Brotherhood has sought to spread its message. According to Department of Justice prosecutors in the Holy Land case, the Brotherhood was behind the Palestinian Committee formed in the US in the 1980s. In an internal MB memorandum about the group’s future in North America, the  Brotherhood’s long-range ambitions were described as:

“The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

The Fort Pierce Mosque CAIR Connection
Image 10: The CAIR-affiliated MB Fort Pierce Islamic Center and its derivative terror network

These Brotherhood organizations have over the past 20 years been steadily exerting complete control over politicians the likes of Omar and Ellison. In many ways, these politicians are little more than the alter egos of organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the American Society’s Freedom Foundation (ASFF), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), and others.

The Brotherhood-sponsored Palestinian Committee was led by Mousa Abu Marzook, former head of Hamas and its No. 2 political chief. He has been designated as a terrorist by the US and was closely tied to the Holy Land Foundation. According to evidence presented at the trial, Marzook provided tens of thousands of dollars to the foundation, which also gave money back to charities that the government alleges are controlled by Hamas. Marzook is also related by marriage to former Holy Land board chairman Ghassan Elashi, who, along with his brothers, has been convicted in prior trials of engaging in illegal business with Marzook. So, describing this network of associations as a nest of vipers would be an understatement.

The goal of the Palestinian Committee—which the trial documents indicate existed in the late 1980s to early 1990s—was to raise money in the US to fund Hamas. This was to be accomplished by forming a complex network of seemingly benign Muslim charity organizations whose real job, according to the government, was to spread militant propaganda. The MB was the leading force behind creating many American Muslim groups and influencing financially and operationally others, many of which listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land case. On the list are several prominent groups, including the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

CAIR for example, was formed in June 1994 as a part of a terrorist umbrella organization led by then-global head of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook. In 2007 and 2008, CAIR was named a co-conspirator by the US Justice Department for two federal trials dealing with the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas. In November 2014, along with ISIS and al-Qaeda, the UAE government named CAIR to its list of terrorist organizations.

Keith Ellison supports, gets funding, and meets with leaders of MB organizations such as the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and CAIR regularly. In the largest terrorism financing trial ever successfully prosecuted in US court (US v HLFRD, Dallas 2008), ISNA was also identified by the US government as an MB organization that financially supports the terrorist group Hamas.

Ellison, Attorney General of Minnesota, has frequently spoken at MB national conferences (ISNA and CAIR) in the United States. This should be shocking to some because the stated goals of the MB movement are to overthrow the United States government and replace it with an Islamic State. Interestingly, Ellison, just like Omar, Tlaib, and Harris, now also publically supports and promotes Antifa and BLM. Documents introduced by Federal prosecutors in the trial and conviction of the Holy Land Foundation and five of its organizers–Show the Brotherhood’s plans in chilling detail.

A 1991 strategy paper for the Brotherhood, often referred to as the Ikhwan in Arabic, found in the Virginia home of an unindicted co-conspirator in the case, describes the group’s US goals, referred to as a “civilization-jihadist process.” The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions,” it states. This process requires a “mastery of the art of ‘coalitions,’ the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.'”

A transcript of a Brotherhood orientation meeting recorded in the early 1980s includes discussions of the need for “securing the group” from infiltration by “Zionism, Masonry … the CIA, FBI, etc. so that we find out if they are monitoring us” and “how can we get rid of them.” Discussions later turned to “weapons training at the Ikhwan’s camps” in Oklahoma and Missouri. “The fundamental thing underlying the Brotherhood ideology is the need to establish the caliphate,” or the spread of Islamic law.”

Ron Harris and the CAIR Connection
Image 11: Ron Harris with his Red-Green Alliance comrades and the aristocracy of the Democratic party, the squad, and the slithering snake in the grass CAIR. Of special note is Keith Ellison, the Minnesota Attorney General promoting Anifa

Content and Messaging
While it seems that the main aim of the Red-Green Alliance is to promote the amorphous social justice agenda, their long-term plan is to destroy the liberal democratic society and seize power through sheer numbers. The same may be said about religious freedom, specifically Christianity and the Bible in American public life. It is against this strategy of anti-America, anti-Israel, and anti-Persian Gulf-friendly states narrative that demands to boycott the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or demands that a Christian baker be forced to cater to the LGTB community be evaluated.

Agitation and propaganda are classic tactics that Marxist Leninist organizations use to undermine public confidence and destabilize the foundations of any democracy. One method of achieving this goal is to mold the consensus of public opinion. This is done by seeking out and cultivating grievances, real and imagined, and creating the false narrative that the current political, social, and environmental conditions are intolerable.

The Red-Green Alliance has been using this strategy to recruit Hollywood, the MSM, academics, and intellectuals. Lenin, in his treatise “What Is to Be Done?”, spoke at length about the concept of exploiting every form of discord in democratic society as a way to bring about revolutionary change. He said:

We must use every trace of discontent. We must collect every grain of protest.”

For example, Bernie Sanders and AOC, both cheap Lenin knockoffs, continue to utilize this same tactic in their socialist narrative, attacking both the rich and capitalism despite AOC living a life of extreme luxury and Sanders being the only ‘self-made’ communist millionaire on earth.

Bernie Sanders The Self Made Communist millionaire
Image 12
: Bernie Sanders, the first self-made communist millionaire, and his collection of luxury homes

Gaining control over social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook and educational institutions (via methods like the CRT) has become part of this narrative transport. Each member of the alliance shares the objective of breaking the social, moral, and cultural ‘hegemony’ of the privileged class and their passé constitutional system.

AOC The Outfit Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Border Accessories
Image 13
: The very expensive wardrobe of the champion of the working people, Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez

The Red-Green Alliance’s Threat to America
For over 30 years, a critical clash of West and East cultures has been taking place under our nose, but its danger has been downplayed and excused as diversity. The Brotherhood and its myriad network of civic, educational, and political organizations and allies have been using the arguments of ‘protected’ diversity and multiculturalism as a plow to break the ground and relentlessly plant the seeds of power within American society.

In this pursuit, they have targeted law enforcement, the judiciary, American Jewry, and the Israel-Diaspora relationship. Recently, they have also increased their attacks on Israel’s Christian supporters and the US-Israel strategic alliance. This alliance has contributed significantly to American security through joined military and industrial R&D and high-tech cross-pollination.

The Islamist members of the alliance openly state that they want to transform the United States into an Islamic state governed by sharia law. The left members of the alliance just want to tear down the existing social and political order for the sake of some anarchistic principles like redistribution of wealth, privilege, and open borders. The Reds and Greens may have non-complimentary long-term political objectives. Still, for now, at least in these early stages of the revolution, they agree to focus on destroying the existing American social fabric and political system.

As Leers noted, delivering revolutionary-style social justice is a gradual and cumulative process. Currently, the strategy of the green Islamists and the red progressives has been to use agitation and occasional violence, particularly on American university campuses and through weekly Antifa intimidation and riots in certain friendly urban enclaves like Berkeley and Portland.

The Red-Green Alliance understands that it is unlikely that it will be able to capture and retain its power under the current constitutional system. Although they have not stated their aims in these specific terms, one of the few ways they can hope to capture power is by disabling parts of the safeguards in the system or by carrying out a coup d’état. A few of these tactics have already been demonstrated through actively trying to stop the appointment of conservative judges to the Supreme Court, removing Trump from office on some bogus Russian collusion charges, abolishing the Electoral College, fighting for unrestricted immigration, and the establishment of sanctuary cities, and the wide-scale use of paramilitary organizations like Antifa and BLM.

The current political crossover between the progressive left and Brotherhood parties is no longer in its planning phases, rather it is actively proliferating through political and physical terrorism against Christians, Jews, intellectuals, and the political opposition. Shortly, this fight could escalate and target other common enemies like judges, policemen, military personnel, ICE/DHS, conservative journalists, and the leadership of opposition political parties. For the Red-Green foot soldier, anyone who is not part of the clique is an enemy and is labeled as a racist, fascist, cultist, and a bigoted deplorable.

Kyle Lawlor the Red Green Alliance Brigade
Image 14
: The profile of a Red-Green Alliance foot solider

These combined actions would lead to devastating political consequences. The real danger is that just below the thin veneer of social justice activism, there lies the willingness to engage in wide-scale violence, such as targeted political assassination and a type of civil disorder that would result in the breakdown of law and the end of constitutional guarantees of political and religious freedom. Add to this an attempt to mass confiscate private firearms, and it’s not difficult to see how we could rapidly slip into social anarchy and civil war. Of course, political privilege has its benefits, so while all of this will be playing out, the Islamists, through the likes of Keith Ellison, the current attorney general of Minnesota, would maintain their private Antifa army while using federal and state law enforcement agencies to disarm everyone else.

Packaging the Narrative and Pushing the Buttons
Carlos Latuff’s work is a good example of the Red-Green Alliance’s propaganda delivery strategy. This Brazilian illustrator of Palestinian descent produces a massive amount of political work, which exploits the typical points of contention within American society to drive a wedge. Latuff’s work depicts US political and social-centric subjects (even though he lives in a luxury home in Brazil). It focuses on items like the fallacies of second amendment rights, the Nazi character of ICE,  the right of every immigrant to enter the US without any restrictions, Trump’s alleged white supremacy and racialism, and America as a terrorist state. It should not come as a surprise that Latuff is a card-carrying member of the MB, a flaming anti-Semite, and a fundraiser and spokesperson for Hamas. He also advocates attacks on US troops and is a close personal friend of several convicted and wanted bloodthirsty terrorists.

Muslim Brotherhood talking points
Image 15: Roberto Williams Moyses Auad, AKA Carlo Latuff, the Hamas propagandist and a personal friend of several convicted and wanted Islamic terrorists

MB Anti Gun Rights Messging
Image 16: Qatari and MB-sponsored messaging regarding US gun laws and gun ownership

The Disinformation Playbook and Delivering Political Discord
In the 1980s, the KGB ran an elaborate disinformation campaign code name “Operation Infektion” against the US with the aim of planting the idea that the United States had invented HIV/AIDS as part of biological weapons research. This Russian disinformation campaign followed a detailed playbook that Bruce Schneier summarized as the seven disinformation ‘commandments’ or steps that include:

  1. Find the cracks in the fabric of society: target the social, economic, and racial/ethnic divisions
  2. Seed distortion by creating false alternative narratives: In the 1980s, this was a single “big lie about the evils of capitalism,” today its operations like QAnon and the fluid alternatives of sexual orientation and social justice truths
  3. Wrap those narratives in kernels of truth: Use a core of fact to help spread
    the message.
  4. Build audiences: either by directly controlling news outlets like Al-Jazeera/BBC/Fox or by cultivating relationships with influencers like Internet fact-checker websites and platforms like Google/FB/Twitter that will be receptive to those narratives.
  5. Conceal your hand: make it seem as if the stories came from somewhere else
  6. Cultivate for hire “useful idiots”: promote and support individuals like Barnie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, and AOC and amplify their narratives
  7. Deny involvement: Never take credit or the blame, even if they are caught
  8. Play the long game: strive for long-term impact over short-term gains

The Red-Green Alliance Messaging Techniques
We are generally poor at judging true vs. false information, especially if we are unfamiliar with the data firsthand. We also tend to forget that some of the initial information we were exposed to may have been false. In their paper “Firehouse of Falsehood“, Christopher Paul and Miriam Matthews analyze contemporary Russian propaganda models and disinformation techniques. Ever since they first showed up on the political scene in the mid-2000s, the squad and the leadership of the Green-Red Alliance have engaged in a new type of political narrative strategy and demonstrated a remarkable shift in democratic ideology and messaging.

Because of its pattern and frequency, the squad’s propaganda MO is finally coming to light. In form and function, it appears that its main propagation and focus areas are the exploitation of a variety of divisive social and political issues like race-baiting, attacks on the police and ICE, open borders and immigration, free stuff, reparations to various minorities, repealing the second amendment, white supremacy, and of course anti-semitism.

The Red-Green Alliance’s approach to propaganda is almost entirely based on the above-mentioned Soviet Cold War-era techniques but with emphasis on using rank and-file ‘progressive’ agents to mobilize and fight for justice without realizing that the end game is not to achieve any fluffy equality objectives but rather to destabilize the social and political fabric of society in order to introduce fundamentalist MB style ideology into government and educational institutions.

The squad members are taking advantage of the receptive and supportive Twitter and Google algorithmic bias, as well as Facebook, which are entirely bypassing the verification of the truthfulness of their posts in the way that traditional media outlets used to enforce them before broadcast. What is noteworthy about the Red-Green Alliance propaganda dissemination model is the cynical and shameless willingness to publish partial truths or outright lies in using the MB’s information warfare manual against Western society.

The Red-Green Alliance disinformation campaign is so effective because it is a form of morbid reality TV; it agitates, it’s outrageous, it’s provocative, it entertains the huddled masses (who think that they are sticking it to the man), it rattles and confuses the intelligentsia, and it overwhelms and stupefies the MSM and triggers their cognitive dissonance to the point of complete paralysis.

The Red-Green Alliance disinformation machine is based on the principle of rapid, continuous, and repetitive information distribution that lacks any consistency, verifiability, or truth. This contradicts conventional Western beliefs in dialectical methods emphasizing truth and honesty in discourse. But despite these blatant violations of civilized communication principles, Omar, Tlaib, and AOC have succeeded in their outreach program and built a significant online influence network and a following. Beyond social media saturation, they have also scored a major psychological triumph, as is evident from the fact that every veteran democratic leader in Congress and Senate is now shaking in their boots, rubbing their eyes in disbelief, and happily conceding the leadership of the party and its roadmap to the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 29-year-old former waitress and barmaid. AOC, in turn, hasn’t even broken into a light intellectual sweat just yet; she is simply following the maxim of Saul Alinsky,, the spiritual father of all progressives, that “power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”

At its core, the foundation of the Red-Green Alliance propaganda model is based on these three elements:

  1. High-volume and high-frequency messaging
  2. Fast, continuous, and repetitive narrative
  3. A lack of commitment to truth, consistency, and credibility

1. High-volume and high-frequency messaging
This concept is based on continuous high-volume streams. It includes text, video, audio, and still imagery and delivery via social media, traditional news outlets like NYT and WaPo, cable TV, community newsletters and television broadcasting. The producers and disseminators of the content include a large force of social justice volunteers and paid internet content creators and trolls who also often attack or undermine views or information that runs counter to Red-Green Alliance ideology and opinions, doing so through dedicated blogs, online chat rooms, discussion forums, and comments sections on news and other websites or even in direct intimidation and assault against their opponents.

2. Fast, continuous, and repetitive narrative
This concept is based on rapid, continuous, and repetitive narrative that is very responsive to current events. Due to their lack of commitment to the truth, Red-Green Alliance propagandists don’t need to check facts or verify claims; they just constantly flood the internet with their spin on emerging events that suit their political agendas. This makes them agile and adaptive and allows them to swiftly control the news cycle and headlines.

3. A lack of commitment to truth, consistency, and credibility
When Tlaib, Omar, and AOC make statements, they are almost never based on detailed claims. None of them provides the same account of contested events. Also, contrary to traditional political response mechanisms of making false statements and correcting them, the Green-Red Alliance political PR teams have no issue with constantly adjusting their tune. If one falsehood or misrepresentation is exposed by the media, they simply discard it and move on to a new false narrative.

The Funding Pipeline, Logistics, and the Moral Character of the Leadership
The US has openly accused Qatar of financing terror for years. In March 2014, Treasury’s then-Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David Cohen called Qatar a “permissive jurisdiction” for Nusra and Islamic State (IS) finance. After Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) raised the issue of Qatar-based  funding for Hamas, Nusra, and IS.

Despite US criticism, Qatar continues to build and support terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda, the MB, and Isis and provide them with a “safe haven, diplomatic backing, financial aid, and weapons.” The hard evidence for the Qatari funding of pan-Islamic terror operations is reflected in the US Department of the Treasury sanctioning of a number of Qatari nationals and charging them with financing terrorism. A few examples include:

  • Qatari citizen Khalifa Muhammad Turki al-Subay, a financier for al-Qaeda who was briefly jailed for his role in funding the 9/ll terrorist attack and who is now actively funding terrorists in Syria and Iraq
  • Qatar-based chief al-Qaeda financier Abd al-Rahman bin ‘Umayr al-Nu’aymi, who ordered the transfer of almost $600,000 to al-Qaeda in 2013 with intentions to transfer almost $50,000 more. He is thought to have channeled millions of dollars from Qatari-based donors to terrorist affiliates. He was described as one of the world’s most prolific financiers of terrorism by The Daily Telegraph in 2014
  • Qatar-based Sheikh Hajaj al-Ajmi, who openly raised money in the country for the Nusra Front via Twitter
  • Sa’d bin Sa’d Muhammad Shariyan al-Ka’bi, another Qatari financier for the Nusra Front.
  • Qatari-based al-Qaeda facilitator, ‘Abd al-Latif Bin ‘Abdallah Salih Muhammad al-Kawari.
  • Qatari government employed al-Qaeda financier Salim Hasan Khalifa Rashid al-Kuwari, employed in the Ministry of the Interior despite his official designation as a terrorist by the US.
  • Qatari open financing of Hamas, the political leadership HQ of which is in Qatar

A 2019 report by the European Eye on Radicalization analyzing the root causes of the current turmoil in Libya found that the Turkey-Qatar alliance was behind it. Qatar provided the bulk of the funding and weapon support for the extremist groups in Libya. These were the same al-Qaeda groups that were responsible for the 2012 Benghazi attack. The report also concluded that some arms that Qatar sent into Libya were later used by militants with ties to Al-Qaeda in Mali.

In this vein, it has also been demonstrated that the major source of funding for most of the MB organizations and operations in the US and Europe are from Qatari government funding and the media support is from the Qatari owned Al-Jazeera network.

Many MB organizations in the Middle East rose rapidly during the Arab Spring because of Qatari backing, A case in point is Al-Jazeera’s fanning of the flames of the daily demonstrations against Mubarak in Egypt. The Qatari decision to support the MB is based on long-term strategy and ideology. For example, the Qatari emir was a close friend of the Egyptian-born cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the de facto Brotherhood spiritual leader who had lived in Qatar since 1961. As part of this strategy, Al-Jazeera, the Qatari flagship media propaganda outlet, has long provided a platform for Qaradawi, Hamas, and US-based Brotherhood puppets like Omar, Tlaib, and Ellison. The material and political support for the Brotherhood also reflects Doha’s plan of ensuring that the Brotherhood affiliates will win elections in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, and other Arab countries where voting is permitted. Qatar is also counting on the strong possibility, as was just recently demonstrated in the US, that the Brotherhood is an unstoppable global political wave and that the best way to ride it and have some measure of control over it is through its financial stewardship.

The MO of the Qatari method of supporting the Brotherhood expansion in Europe and the US can be gleaned from their funding of over 140 mosques and Islamic centers.

Using an organization called the Qatar Foundation which is headed by the Qatari Emir’s mother Shaikha Moza Bint Nasser Al Misned, and a Qatar charity headed by a relative of her son, the Emir, Sheikh Hamad Bin Nasser Al Thani, they spent over 100 million euros on Muslim Brotherhood activities that spread across the whole of Europe from northern Norway down the coast of France and Italy.

The Al-Thanis the finanical and material patron saints of the worldwid Muslim Brotherhood Movement and Islamic Terror Networks
Image 17: The Al Tahnis, Qatar’s ruling family and the financial patron saints of the MB and other major leading terror organizations like Hamas, Nusra, the Islamic State, and Al-Quada

The footwear fashion of SheikTamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani
Image 18: Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Nasser Al Thani’s footwear preference. This analysis was part of an AI image cataloging of over 21K objects of interest related to Hamad, his family, and his circle of friends.

Much of the funding came from the Qatar charity, an NGO that was set up in 1992 originally to help orphans from the Afghan War then expanded horizontally and vertically across the globe with the lion’s share of its activities focusing on Europe but also with offices in the US.

The Qatari Funding of the Muslim Brotherhood
Image 19: Supporting financial records that include checks, money transfer orders, and email communications showing official Qatari government payments to MB organizations and individuals

Tarek Ramadan, The Qatari Sponsored Sadistic Rape of Prince
One set of documents shows that the Qatar Foundation is the main funding source for Tarek Ramadan (grandson of the Brotherhood’s founder, Hasan Al Banna). Ramadan received his Ph.D. in Arabic and Islamic studies from the University of Geneva. In 2004, Ramadan became a professors at the University of Notre Dame in the US.  Shortly afterwards, his US visa was rescinded by the State department on the grounds of  “providing material support to a terrorist organization.”

Ramadan was again accused of supporting terrorist organizations in 2007, when he got a professorship at the University of Leiden. He was accused by Dutch academics and politicians as a “radical Islamist” and a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

In 2009, following his explosion from Leiden, he became a professor of Identity and Citizenship at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Then, he was again removed from his position due to controversy around a pro-terror program he hosted on Iran’s Press TV.

In September 2009, Ramadan began working at the University of Oxford as the chair of Contemporary Islamic Studies. He also taught Islamic ethics at the Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani University and was chair of the Research Center of Islamic Legislation in Qatar. Currently, the Qatari government gives him a monthly stipend of 35,000 euros and pays all his legal fees, which as of 2019, totaled over 590,000 euros for the two 2017 cases of rape and violent sexual assault.

Evaluating one of the criminal files against him shows the true face of the leading moral authorities of the worldwide Muslim Brotherhood movement. According to the case evidence, before the sexual encounters in his hotel rooms (which he sometimes recorded using a hidden video camera), he routinely forced his victim to consume alcohol and drugs and did so himself. After the often sadistic and violent encounter, he threatened his victim with releasing compromising footage to their family if they told anyone about these sessions. From internal French DCPJ and SNRP intelligence services correspondences, it’s also clear that they were fully aware of these sessions as Ramadan’s communications and hotel rooms were under surveillance.

Tariq Ramadan the Rape Prince
Image 20: The sadistic rape prince—Tarek Ramadan, MB philosopher and University of Oxford professor of Contemporary Islam and Ethics, and his Qatari sources of funding

A few examples that illustrate the Qatari political investment pattern in Europe are:


  • Construction of a mosque and community center on the island of Jersey in the English Channel where there are only a handful of Muslims living there
  • Donations of millions of euros in northern France to the Ibn Rushd School in the city of Lille and other private schools in the southern city of Bordeaux
  • Financing 50 mosques and schools in Italy
  • Providing millions of euros for schools and community centers in Switzerland, such as the Muslim Cultural Complex of Lausanne, the Museum of Islamic Civilisation in La Chaux-de-Fonds in the canton of Neuchâtel, and the Saladine Mosque in Bienne (canton of Bern)

The MB philosophy is to control people’s lives from cradle to grave. All of the Qatar-financed projects do exactly that: taking over entire neighborhoods, constructing massive mosques with built-in nurseries and kindergartens, and erecting schools, swimming pools, gyms, restaurants, and shopping centers. The libraries and bookstores in these mosques and schools use the books of Shaikh Yousuf Al Qaradawi (the Doha-based Egyptian mentor of the Brotherhood) and Sayyid Qutob (one of the historic leaders of the Egyptian Brotherhood).

The US-based Foreign Policy magazine has recently published a long-running review of Saudi and UAE sanctions against Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. In a headline titled “Details of calls to attack Trump by US Muslim Sisters allied to Brotherhood” intellectuals and commentators repeatedly reiterate their assertions that Ilhan Omar, Rashid Tlaib and Abdul Al-Sayid—who lost his bid for the governorship of Michigan—are all active members of the MB.

Faisal al-Shammeri, a seasoned Al Arabiya writer who also works for the Saudi diplomatic mission in the US, tweeted out a list of Omar’s social media statements showing a strategic and consistent pattern of hostility towards the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The Sleezy Qatar Connection
Image 21: Linda Sarsour, her Qatari sponsors, and their linkage to the Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies in DC

Sharia Qatari Style and Princess Sheikha Salwa
Image 22: Sharia Qatari style, the Royal Princess Sheikha Salwa’s Little Orgy and her DC and Hollywood Support network

Beyond the obvious problem of the MB and their Qatari masters being foreign agents, saboteurs, arsonists, and well poisoners, there is also the problem of their complete moral and sexual depravity.  Herodotus, in his Histories, tells the following story:


The Babylonians have one most shameful custom. Every woman born in the country must once in her life go and sit down in the precinct of Venus [red light district], and there consort with a stranger. Many of the wealthier sort, who are too proud to mix with the others, drive in covered carriages to the precinct, followed by a goodly train of attendants, and there take their station. But the larger number seat themselves within the holy enclosure with wreaths of string about their heads […] and the strangers pass along them to make their choice.

A woman who has once taken her seat is not allowed to return home till one of the strangers throws a silver coin into her lap, and takes her with him beyond the holy ground. When he throws the coin he says these words: “The goddess Mylitta prosper thee.” (Venus is called Mylitta by the Assyrians.) The silver coin may be of any size; it cannot be refused, for that is forbidden by the law, since once thrown it is sacred. The woman goes with the first man who throws her money, and rejects no one. … Such of the women as are tall and beautiful are soon released, but others who are ugly have to stay a long time before they can fulfill the law. Some have waited three or four years in the precinct.

It seems that the likes of Ilhan Omar, Sheikha Salwa, and the leadership of the MB, their followers, and the entire Qatari Royal family habitually exhibit every form of perversion and vice known to mankind. Brotherhood leaders like Tariq Ramadan (the grandson of the founder of the MB) feel no shame or remorse for engaging in the wholesale rape of a Muslim woman who came to him for religious advice. Egypt’s Al-Azhar University president Mohamed al-Mahrsawy gorges on child porn. Ilhan Omar has no problems marrying her brother and having an affair with Tim Mynett, her married political strategist (and paying him $250K for his fine services). All this is happening while she is still married to her first husband, who has three kids at home. The only thing that is missing to complete the Sodom and Gomorrah effect is incest, human sacrifice, cannibalism, and bestiality, and I’m not entirely sure that I wouldn’t be able to find some of these if I dug a little deeper.

So under this thin veneer of fake religious piety and social righteousness lies the reality that these high priests and priestesses of progressivism are corrupt degenerates and an embarrassment to any devout Muslim. But on a positive note, from at least Ilhan Omar’s case, it looks like hanging around the ‘precinct’ for all these years wasn’t a complete waste of time and that, in the end, she did manage to amass a little fortune of silver coins.

A Hijab Makes All the Difference
Image 23
: The divas of piety (L-R) Qatari Princess Sheikha Salwa, Ilhan Omar, and Linda Sarsour

The Progressive Sturmabteilung AKA Antifa
If anyone still thinks that Antifa is just a bunch of misguided, over-educated wannabee vegan warriors, think again. The organization’s tight coupling with EU politics, Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, Ellison, and other Brotherhood politicians exhibits all of the hallmarks of hand-in-glove utilitarian fit and mutual co-dependencies. This goes far beyond any opportunistic fling. In this symbiotic relationship, Antifa is the squad’s Pretorian guard and Omar’s private muscle. Omar and her colleagues are Antifa’s protective ozone layer, ensuring that it can only be treated as an ‘idea’ and won’t be classified as a domestic terrorist organization.

CAIR and other Brotherhood organizations have found the sweet spot for balancing brute squad tactics and Linda Sarsour’s pink brand of street activism. There is no more need for American-born Islamic shahids the likes of Matten, Abu-Salha, Farook, or Hasan. The new trendy jihad is now being perpetuated by spoiled, over-indulged blonde and blue-eyed, middle-class suburbanite baristas who show up to events in their Subarus and their North Face revolutionary hoodies. This is also the reason why the squad and its sphere of influence categorically refuse to condemn the Antifa terror attack on the ICE facility and its political opponents.

Willem Van Spronsen Antifa


Image 24: Willem Van Spronsen and Anfia leader who was shot and killed by Tacoma Police officers while trying to blow up a propane tank with incendiary devices during an attack at an ICE detention center in Tacoma on Saturday, July 13. Van Spronsen was also previously arrested in 2018 at the Tacoma detention facility when he attacked a police officer

The Antifa MO and tactics are identical to the ones used by various Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organizations such as Black September, the Red Brigades, and The Red Army Faction. In fact, as can be seen from image 25, the Antifa imagery is a complete knockoff of the Nazi Brownshirt Sturmabteilung and several other seventies-era terrorist logos.

Antifa The Imagery
Image 25: Antifa and its sources and affiliation with various terrorist organizations and Nazi imagery

Just like in the case of the Nazi Brownshirts, Antifa’s main purpose is to provide the party with a security detail and urban street muscle needed to push the revolution forward. They show up to political town hall meetings and attack the progressive’s political opponents, they violently prevent political free speech on university campuses, and they are tightly linked to the majority of the militant Islamic student organizations in the US and European colleges, which are almost entirely operated by brotherhood activists.

Antifa Credit Card Knife
Image 26: Antifa’s standard issue credit card size folding knife for “Slashing Trump Supporters” and “Close Quarter Combat”

Antifa's Armed Units
Image 27: Antifa armed units in the US and collaboration and training overseas

The willingness to utilize street violence is one of the subversive hallmarks of the Red-Green Alliance. Antifa’s political and tactical organization, communication network, recruitment, leadership training, logistics, funding, and public endorsement by the top democratic leadership also suggest that in effect, they are the shock troops, organized and leveraged along the same lines that Hamas uses for its military wing the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

The Poster Child of the Westernized MB Progressive Politician
Abdulrahman El-Sayed AKA Abdul El-Sayed was born in Detroit, Michigan, on October 31, 1984. His father is a native Egyptian who was employed as an engineer and an imam. After high school, Abdul El-Sayed attended the University of Michigan, where he served as vice president of the campus chapter of the Muslim Students Association (MSA).

Slick Abdul for Governer
Image 28: Abdulrahman El-Sayed AKA Abdul El-Sayed. The polished Western image of a MB gubernatorial candidate

He graduated in 2007 with a BS degree and delivered his class’s commencement address alongside former President Clinton. In 2011, El-Sayed earned a PhD in public health from Oxford University where he was a Rhodes Scholar. In 2012 he was awarded a Soros Fellowship for New Americans.

On September 11, 2012 — El-Sayed co-authored an article bemoaning the cultural and social bias against Muslims in the US. He wrote:

“the cultural and social biases that fuel discriminatory behavior and hate crimes” against Muslims. Further, the piece asserted that “the post-9/11 climate of discrimination and marginalization against Muslim and Arab Americans” had caused members of those demographics to develop inordinately high levels of “stress” as well as “harmful coping mechanisms like the use of drugs and alcohol,” resulting in their “poorer mental and physical health.” “After 9/11,” El-Sayed wrote, “America’s about 10 million Arab and Muslim Americans, who were too often the victims of association with the perpetrators of the attacks, were — and continue to be — subjects of suspicion, discrimination, and abuse.”

On December 16, 2016, at the University of Michigan, El-Sayed co-hosted a town hall with the noted pro-Sharia activist and a known terrorist facilitator Linda Sarsour. Encouraging the crowd to vote for El-Sayed because of his progressive politics, Sarsour stated:

“I have the audacity to believe we can make history and put the first Muslim governor in office. I want you to read the history books and say, ‘I was there.’”

On February 9, 2017, El-Sayed launched his gubernatorial campaign. He stated that his desire was to combat the policies of President Donald Trump. El-Sayed, was especially concerned  with the executive order by which Trump had imposed a temporary moratorium on the issuance of visas for people seeking to travel to the United States from seven majority-Muslim nations that were hotbeds of Islamic terrorism.

El-Sayed views the United States as a racist nation that is overwhelmingly anti-Muslim. He has been quoted saying:

“I know what it’s like to have your butt kicked by a cop for being the wrong color in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Abdul's lapel pin
Image 29: Abdul’s Little Lapel Pin and the fake embrace of western democratic symbolism

As the Michigan gubernatorial candidate in  2018, El-Sayed was confronted by Patrick Colbeck, his Republican opponent, who pointed out El-Sayed’s associations with the radical MSA organization and his undisputed ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. A very angry El-Sayed responded by saying:

“I knew, when I decided to run as the first Muslim American ever to run for governor, that I would face the ugliness of white supremacy, the ugliness of racism.” He also informed Colbeck that because of his “Islamophobia,” …“Muslims definitely hate you.”

El-Sayed’s connections with MB-tied groups dates back to his college days and probably much earlier through his father. He served in the University of Michigan’s Muslim Students Association as a vice president. MSA was created in 1963 by Muslim Brotherhood members who came to the United States to study. An MSA history acknowledges that its founders saw a “responsibilty (sic) of spreading Islam as students in North America. The main goal was always Da’wah [proselytizing].”

Da’wah is a key element of the MB’s ultimate ambition to spread the faith globally and create a world governed by sharia. “It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated,” wrote Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna, “to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.”

El-Sayed continued to actively support the Brotherhood’s political objectives in Egypt under President Mohamed Morsi and the Brotherhood’s political parties. In 2012, Morsi declared absolute power and issued an edict to purge the military, police, and media. This lead to a popular uprising, which resulted in Morsi’s 2013 ousting and imprisonment.

El-Sayed fully supported Morsi’s totalitarian 2012 power grab and even signed a statement (see entry # 33) backing up Morsi.

“We, leaders of the Egyptian community support the revolutionary decisions taken by the president, and we demand a purging of the media and the police as soon as possible.”

El-Sayed is married to Sarah Jukaku, who was the president of that school’s campus MSA. El-Sayed’s father-in-law is Dr. Jukaku Tayeb, a former president and current board member) of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Abdul El-Sayed and the Red-Green Alliance
Image 30: Abdul El-Sayed, The Michigan MB gubernatorial candidate and the poster child of the polished ‘Westernized’ politician and his talking points

Hardly anyone expects the mainstream media—the espousing guardians of the republic…to do their job anymore, and they have no clue of what that even entails at this point. The pride and joy of MSM is now almost entirely comprised of political hacks, actors, and ideologues. Investigative and verified news has given way to social media journalism—which has transformed them into shriveled-faced Twitter meth junkies getting their fixes 280 characters at a time.

In the social media news world, there is an inverse relationship between how truthful a tweet is and how popular it is. A strategically crafted lie designed to give a biased audience what they want to hear is always more popular than the truth. Sadly, the truth is often nuanced and aggravating to most.

Social media news feeds are biased towards progressivism and in favor of political correctness and ‘virtue-signalers’ who often turn out to be terrible predatory individuals. Facebook and Twitter also curtail conservative views. The number one factor most people consider when deciding to share a tweet is whether people will like them more or like them less (and then maybe ‘unfollow’ them, heaven forbid!). This means that when a tweet takes the more popular or easily defensible position (secure borders are bad!), those who created the content are rewarded. In contrast, those who dare to take a position not easily explained in 280 characters are inevitably punished, sometimes severely, for hate speech. Add to this the ‘protected’ status that the class of people like Ilhan Omar enjoys and the favorable algorithmic search bias they receive from the likes of Google, which makes social networks an ideal distribution channel for MB content and ideology.

Unlike other Jihdi movements like ISIS, the MB doesn’t aim to win the war by capturing territory and establishing the caliphate. Its strategy is to win over public opinion and capture the government from within. One way to fight this battle is by effectively exposing the Red-Green Alliance, its leaders, and the truth behind its ‘progressive’ agenda. This is one war that any democratic system of government cannot afford to lose.

Every democracy has political and social weaknesses that can be exploited through disinformation. If we want to continue to enjoy the benefits of life under an elected constitutional republic, we have to put in place mechanisms to make it difficult and very painful for domestic actors, both political and commercial, to censor and use disinformation. We need to become more attentive and keep a watchful eye on the canary in the coal mine, which is always tied to the proliferation and spread of censorship of free speech, anti-semitism, despotic ideology, and violent anarchy. We shouldn’t strive to erase the diversity in our society but rather should keep in mind that “E Pluribus Unum” is, to a large extent, what made the American experiment so great.

So, if you are still looking for signs of the upcoming civil war and the Green-Red revolution, look no further. We are all in the midst of it.

History doesn’t repeat itself verbatim, but it does have a recurring thread of events. One such repeating theme is how bohemian intelligentsia becomes enamored with brute force and the certainty and confidence that despotic ideology brings with it. It is the blood of heroes that drove the women of the Roman aristocracy to gladiators’ quarters for excitement. It is also the same substance that today drives the tired, decadent, and over-educated European and American youth to the arms of Antifa and radical Islamic groups and ideology. For the godless progressive movement, which is ideologically bankrupt and on a lifelong search of ‘authenticity’, whether it is music, food, or yoga, nothing is more authentic and trendy than a western-born ISIS terrorist wrapped in a keffiyeh who is beheading people. If you are wondering who makes up the mob that will put the future Omars and Tlaibs in office, you can catch a glimpse of them getting off the indoctrination assembly line at Berkeley and Harvard with their freshly minted diplomas majoring in fields like Queer Musicology and a minoring in Jew-hatred.

During the American Revolution, the prime youth of the colonies and a few in Europe flocked to take part in the fight for the formation of a new type of society. Aristocrats like Lafayette and Polaski left a life of luxury behind and endured years of physical and mental hardship in order to make the American political experiment a reality. It is a crying shame that many of the young people who have been so fortunate to have been born in this country don’t realize the rare privilege that they have been given and are willing to trade it for washed-out old-world despotic ideologies so easily.

What the MSM and the suburban weekend Stalinist Marxist battalions don’t realize is that by cuddling, rehabilitating, and nurturing the MB demon, they are making it only hungrier and more ambitious.

If any progressive political philanthropist thinks that they can pack Congress and Senate with the likes of AOC, Tlaib, Omar, and Ellison and continue to manipulate them after they reach a critical mass, they are mistaken. As is evident from the Arab Spring, leaders like Mubarak quickly discovered, to their dismay, that once the MB genie was out of the lamp and their three useless wishes of getting three favorable coverage from CNN were exhausted, it could no longer be controlled and rapidly turned against them.

As the Brotherhood continues to grow in size and influence with unlimited Qatari and Turkish financial resources, they, too, will eventually turn their back on the herds of their progressive supporters and their enlightened social justice agenda. The Antifa chicken units that are currently receiving guerrilla warfare training (it’s unknown what foreign intelligence is managing this) and are fighting in Syria will eventually come back home to roost and put their newly acquired skills to promote their vision of a utopia—which is probably going to look like re-runs of the Aldo Moro saga.

By then, the Brotherhood will also be able to independently finance an unlimited number of ‘pure’ non ‘Kafir’ candidates and get them elected with massive voter turnouts. I am not a gambling man, but if I had to place a bet on the outcome of the conflict that will ensue between the Reds and Greens, I would put my chips on the greens as they will mow down the left like a hot, sharpened Jambiya knife slicing through soft butter.

Antifa units training and fighting in Syria
Image 31: Antifa units training and fighting in Syria

Minneapolis, LA, NYC, and other major cities in the US are already exhibiting the signs of a takeover by fundamentalist MB political parties via bogus fronts like BLM. Gone are the days of labor union cities. Detroit is a telling example: once the car manufacturing capital dwindled down, the Red-Green alliance swooped in and introduced the winning formula of race, sexual identity, anti-Americanisms, and anti-semitism, a recipe which has been a winning ever since.

Its is also obvious that the revolution has started eating its children, Bill Maher and Jack Tapper are already being prepped and marinated for a delicious shish kebab dinner at the next CAIR gala event, and I’m sure that it’s going to be delicious. I hear from Rashida’s grandmother that progressive American Jews taste (and behave) just like chicken.

Bill Maher and Rashida Talib
Image 32: Rashida Tlaib going after HBO’s Bill Mohier

Jake Tapper
Image 33
: Rashida Tlaib going after CNN’s Jack Tapper

It turns out that the real devils of Mogadishu were much worse than Mohamed Farrah Aidid’s terrorist militias who instigated the Black Hawk Down incident, and they weren’t even carrying any Kalashnikovs. These former Siad Barre stooges, using a pseudo-refugee’s cover stories, managed to get into the US and slither their way into city, state, and Washington politics. Now, they’ve stepped into the boxing ring for round one of a bare-knuckle style fight; winner takes all. The prize is the future of our republic.



References and Sourcing
XRVision Sentinel AI Platform – Face recognition, image reconstruction, and object classification
Firehouse of Falsehood Christopher Paul and Miriam Matthews
The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) Steven Emerson
The War Against The Terror Masters Michael A. Ledeen
See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad Philip Haney
A Propagandist of Extermination: Leers and the Anti‐Semitic Formation of Children in Nazi Germany Gregory Paul Wegner

Sampling of CAIR Counter Judiciary Activism
CAIR to judge: Conceal Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood ties
CAIR Applauds Judge’s Decision on 2020 Census Citizenship Question
CAIR-Minnesota Welcomes Judge’s Decision to Allow Hijab Case Against Ramsey County Jail to Move Forward
CAIR Welcomes Federal Judge’s Landmark Ruling Extending Right to Sue Federal Officials
Muslim rights group files complaint against DA assigned to Justin Jones case

*** Note on sourcing – Significant amount of content in this post about the Red-Green Alliance and Johann von Leers is based on Dr. Joel Fishman’s comprehensive research on the subject. I’ve summarized, paraphrased, and reused a lot of his original content but claim no authorship rights to any of it. You can find a collection of Dr. Fishman’s works here.

Muslim fraternitati fieri delenda est!

Copyright 2020 Yaacov Apelbaum, All Rights Reserved.

46 thoughts on “The Red-Green Alliance and the Real Devil of Mogadishu

  1. Oh, my, Yaacov, this is such an important essay.

    What fools we have in the media and Democratic voting booths. I won’t waste any time wishing Democratic leaders would wake up. They’re blinded by hatred and lust for power.

    I’m afraid for our country.

    • Hi maicolregan,

      Thank you for your comment.

      The materials that the likes of Feld, Spiers, Mynett, and other progressive political strategists produce is almost identical. It’s always the same vile anti-American and anti-semitic dribble that is passed off as “progressive” insight. It doesn’t take much research to find out that its the Qataris/their proxies that are funding these pro-Muslim Brotherhood lap-dancers and are stuffing their underwear and braes with crisp 20 dollar bills.

    • I call BS. It’s ‘divide et impera’ and psychological warfare 101. This is exactly the type of messaging that Feld specializes in…

      Besides, even if it is true (and I don’t know how she can possibly prove it), what’s the relevance/significance? Apparently, Hitler’s paternal grandfather was Jewish, but that didn’t stop him from murdering over 6 million Jews.

      • Of course. I find her assertion laughable and meaningless. If one looks into some families in the area of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, one can find the persistence of dietary and other practices which harken back to the early colonial period when many conversos moved as far away from Lima as possible. Would that make their claim credible/meaningful? What is more, certain surnames in Latin America suggest a Sephardic Iberian background- the assertion of Jewish origins based on that alone seems an exaggeration. BTW, Maicol is kind of a joke from Peru, a misspelling of my name, Michael.

      • I agree, It’s very unlikely that she is a converso, but again, even if she is, it doesn’t make much of a difference. The thing with crypto-Jews (and I’ve ran into a lot of them) is that they always remember growing up with some unusual custom/tradition, which eventually leads them to research it. That is how they eventually discover the family roots. The point is that this custom/tradition is always there, if it skips a generation, then its lost.

  2. I always spend my weekend reading your articles with a cup of coffee. They read like real life spy novels. Do you have any background in intelligence?

  3. It really gives insight to what is being planned for decades. All research are absolute. They have come long way ahead to achieve their supremacy on world.
    Their lines for peace, humanity & social justice are cameoflage for the hate army. In Islam it clearly states that no other religions can coexis & people are doing everything to get upper hand in all powerful countries, to control governments as they wish.
    If one reads real books on Muhammad, their propheth. It clearly states the addiction he had for sex & women. Age, relation & dignity of female never mattered.
    The Quran, which is all about his way of living life, has been manipulated by his youngest wife Aisha & her father, also the 1st Caliph. Till date Maulana’s manipulate, as required. But the ultimate vision is same.
    Either convert to Islam or else, all sorts of torture are mentioned for non-Islam believers. Including rape of female in front of her child & then to crush the child’s head, to Cut off breast, to cut finger, kill all males, etc & For all this Allah say that it’s not you who is doing it, it’s Allah punishing them through your hands. For which he guarantees rewards like beautiful nude angels in heaven for sex.
    In Islam even muslim women are considered as a use bin.
    After all this, how can one accept it as a religion of peace. But their comrades are doing it, with the help of few blood sucker’s of our own community. Accordingly Hindus are considered the worst kind, as they worship idols. So we all know what brutality was spank during mugal empire. We have already tasted the reality & Islamophobia shouldn’t be taken lightly. As they can go to a extant, humanity will it self become a slave of their desires.
    In India we are seeing the history trying to replicate past. Some self proclaimed secular, liberal & intellectuals are giving best to defend the anti national & their propaganda.So that it can become an Islamic state. All middle east are using same tactics that you mentioned happening in U.S.
    If we don’t counter it now, then it might never be possible again. The brutality that Islam preaches, has no limitations. Some international media houses & few national are, as part of conspiracy & propaganda trying to get India & Hindus to their knees.
    But we have started to act now, their previous support are moved & insulting India & Hinduism openly are no more acceptable. So Islamophobia is correctly happening to make non-islamic state to act soon, or else self identity & culture will no longer exist.

    • Thank you for your comment, Vijay,

      My purpose in writing this post was to describe the political and operational aspects of how the Muslim Brotherhood, which is now one of the most dominant jihadi Islamic organizations, was working to subvert and destroy western culture and society. They are doing it through various civil rights disguises and fifth column methods with massive financial and political support from countries like Qatar and Turkey. Regarding your point about forced conversions, in the US (at least for now), many of their methods are non-religious, they just exploit internal societal issues for their benefit. For example, in the US, the Black Lives Matter Movement was founded and launched by individuals associated with the MB. So was the Women and Million Man marches.

      The MB and their sponsor have discovered the ultimate weakness of every western democracy; our politician’s addiction to funding. Politicians like the mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, Senator Blumenthal, and many others are funded by and are beholden to these sources.

      Until we find a way to cut their financial pipeline and stop issuing them visas, they will continue to flourish and grow.

      Another urgent issue that must be addressed is that international terror goes unpunished. There is no reason why the US and other terror victim countries shouldn’t open their courts to victim litigation against the financial backers and sponsors of terrorism. India should do the same. If the country that was responsible for the 2008 Mumbai terror attack was sued in multiple courts around the world, was found guilty and ordered to pay 100 billion dollars in damages and arrest warrants were issued for the heads of their intelligence services; they would think twice before they sponsored the 2011 Delhi terror attack. It’s as simple as that. Jihadi terror is not intimidated by violence, but its terrified of losing money.

      Also, a comment about the site you referenced in one of your tweets. This site is part of an Iranian intelligence disinformation network that has been active since at least 2012. It is comprised of dozens of fake media outlets; each with its own websites, social media accounts and pages that distribute fake news worldwide (they also offer fake mobile news aggregator apps). This massive fake news infrastructure targets 28 countries in Arabic (40 sites), English (22 sites), Persian (19 sites), and then Urdu and Pashto (6 site each).

      Their MO is to scrap articles from legitimate media outlets in the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia and modify the content to support the Iranian narrative.
      This is a pretty sophisticated large scale operation that involves dozens of editors, multi-lingual writers, graphic designers, web developers, and social media specialist.

      Just beware that anyone defending/promoting this and related sites, is likely an Iranian Intelligence asset/employee.

  4. Hello ! I have a question about the photo of Johann von Leers (the Nazi who became a Muslim): are you sure that the photo of him as a Nazi and the one of „him“ as a Muslim show the same person ? Just compare their eyes and nose: this doesn’t seem to be the same person…?

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