XRVision Sentinel AI Platform – Face recognition, image reconstruction, and object detection
Copyright 2019 Yaacov Apelbaum, All Rights Reserved.
XRVision Sentinel AI Platform – Face recognition, image reconstruction, and object detection
Copyright 2019 Yaacov Apelbaum, All Rights Reserved.
You just contributed something that
may soon be considered the most extensive string of felonies ever committed by an elected US official
Thanks for the feedback Hugh,
Could be, but I think that this is just one manifestation of a bigger problem, the one of a pervasive scammer culture that we created when we allowed a massive amount of poorly vetted refugees into the US from the nineties through the present.
Check this out, this is happening every day under our nose:
Did any LEA take you up on your technology when you showed them the effectiveness of this?
I can neither confirm nor deny the interest of any agency in the technology… That said, I was asked if Olga was still dating, the answer to which is only if you are a dentist or an MD with a large profitable practice.