Hi, My Name Is Tucker Carlson and I’m A Swamp Creature
Despite what Tucker and Hannity spew about the swamp, Tucker may actually be one of the largest swamp creatures himself.
Despite what Tucker and Hannity spew about the swamp, Tucker may actually be one of the largest swamp creatures himself.
It seem that our newspeak vocabulary has been upgraded and now includes new definitions of what entails sex abuse and sexual exploitation.
I have looked high and low, but it seems that none of the guardians of virtue have anything to say about the dirty deeds of the smartest guy Joe knows…
After much deliberation, I have come to conclude that just like in Jafar’s case, Woodward is both, an evil sorcerer and a poisonous snake.
Tom Clancy on a ton of Ritalin couldn’t make this stuff up. In 2018-2019, Hunter Biden spent hours and thousands of dollars on in-person and two-way video sex chats and acts with Russian girls, all while under FSB/SVR surveillance…
Hooray! The Biden international business is booming and so is their foreign government funding…
Here’s a short review to help clarify some of the questions regarding Hunter Biden’s tattoo and it’s meaning.
Don’t Biden acts like life-long immunity from prosecution require powerful wizardry and magic? They sure do! And that’s what the praetorian guard AKA the Secret Service, DOJ, FBI, and the intelligence community is for.
It seems that fate has a well-developed sense of irony as during one of his paid sex hookups, Hunter Biden can be heard listening to a TV program in which President Trump talks about the evils of the sexual exploitation of women.
The following is the confirmed and validated Pornhub profile of RHEast AKA droidhunter, AKA Harper, AKA Hunter Biden.