Our Multi-Tiered Justice System

Three Tierd Justice System
“You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment; you shall not respect the person of the poor, nor favor the person of the mighty; but in righteousness you will judge your neighbor.”Leviticus 19:15

The Triple Scales of Justice
Balanced scales and unsheathed sword
You shall judge fairly regardless of might,
Unbiasedly apply the law before the Lord
Justice must be blind to privilege or right.

Courts now buckle under heavy caseload,
The mills of justice grind exceedingly slow,
Activist judges role from a heavenly abode
Elevating the privileged to a higher plateau.

Young lady justice used to wear a blindfold
Her impartiality was more precious than gold,
But the virtues maiden has been getting old
Now to the highest bidder her integrity is sold.

A democratic donor like little Nero of Rome
Has a predilection for poor young black men,
Claimed Ignorance about them dying at his home
The DA passed the buck because he’s a big fan.

The Hollywood producer who directs politicians
Who Meryl Strip believes is like god in the flesh,
Can force women to have sex before auditions
No worry, Woody Allan will whitewash his trash.

The Kennedy aristocracy will never know fear
In a bind invoke Camelot, JFK & Jackie dear,
It’s only rape and murder, why shed a tear?
At most a rebuke and they are in the clear.

To the dignified Clintons the law never applies
Crimes like emails and sex are all vicious lies,
”What difference does it make?”, everyone dies
”I didn’t have XXX relations” are hallmark replies.

Comey, Brannon, McCabe, Strzok, and Page
An ensemble of goodness-wholeness sublime,
So what if the deleted texts show treasonous rage
Since when is lying to FISA and leaking a crime?

Congressman “Carlos-Danger” of New York
Abedin and the Hillary made him so woke,
His pedophile messages vanished like smoke
Twenty months in a halfway house wasn’t a joke.

Jesse Jackson is a powerful shaman king
His Rainbow non-profit is a civil rights thing,
Jr. embezzled $750K on Rolex, fur, and bling
He/wife did half-time in the recreational wing,

The “Sheriff of Wall Street” Mr. Spritzer divine
He fought against vice, corruption, and crime,
Charges for $80K sex trafficking were declined
Skipping jail straight to Al Gore’s TV primetime.

Philanthropist Epstein, money guide to the stars
Was enhancing our DNA with baby-making farms,
Kept a sex harem island with free stays and cigars
skirted the law with a black book, tapes, and dinars.

Chicago’s Smollet leads the anti-bigotry fight
Savagely lynched by two white racists at night,
The Police with 16 felony charges wanted to indict
Michelle told Foxx uh-uh, he’s my homie, that’s right.[1]

A good school separates the average from best
But to get in you have to pass a pesky SAT test,
Bribe everyone so your kid’s admission is blessed
Your sentence is a fine and a jail time suppressed.

The moral of these verses my dear friend
Is that the judiciary its corruption must end,
If the DOJ can’t clean up house and justice defend
Let UCMJ and martial law their civil rights suspend.

[1] The Jussie Smollett case provides a good illustration of how the multi-tiered justice system works. On January 29, 2019, the actor told Chicago police that he was attacked in the early hours of the night by two men wearing ski masks and a MAGA hat. He claimed that they beat him up, used racial and homophobic slurs against him, placed a rope noose around his neck, and poured bleach on him. A week into the investigation, the police determined that Smollett had paid two Nigerian brothers to stage the fake hate crime and assault him. The police charged him with 16 felony counts, including filing false police reports, but the Chicago DA, under the influence of Michelle Obama (who knew Smollett), dropped all charges.

Smollett held several conversations with Congressman Cory Booker and Congresswoman Kamala Harris about supporting their sponsored Justice for Victims of Lynching Act and providing the needed public momentum for the bill to pass the Senate and House votes. The timeline of these conversations (December 21-January 18, 2019) suggests that the death threat letter with the white powder he had sent himself (January 22-23) and his staged attack (January 29) were timed to create an opinion groundswell to support the bill and prop the political and professional careers of the three masterminds. It is noteworthy that both Harris and Booker released separate statements condemning Smollet’s attack using identical language:

an attempted modern-day lynching

Harris Booker Smollett Comments
Image 1
: The synchronized Cory Booker and Kamala Harris Twitter messages regarding the Jussie Smollett ‘lynching’

When Booker released his statement at 12:09 PM and Harris released hers at 1:30 PM, they could not have possibly known what the motive for the attack was because the police were only a few hours into the investigation.

The Chicago police received the first tip regarding the true nature of the case from within Smollett’s inner circle. One of his friends realized that he was now being investigated as a suspect and decided that he didn’t want to be an accessory to a crime. He then contacted the police and told them that “the entire event was orchestrated by Smollett.” This is another indicator that multiple participants knew about the staged attack.

Smollett spoke with the Osundairo brothers an hour before the attack on January 29 and conducted a final dress reversal with them. He then contacted them again after the attack and encouraged them to get to the airport “on time.” On the evening of January 29, 2019 (about 18 hours after the attack), the brothers arrived at Terminal 5 at O’Hare airport and boarded a Turkish Airlines flight to Istanbul. The following day, on January 30, 2019, Smollett called them while they were in Istanbul waiting for their connecting flight to Nigeria and talked to them about the need to “follow the plan.” He contacted them again after arriving in Nigeria to discuss some complications (he became a suspect) and the need to switch to “plan B.” This indicates that the event was worked out in advance, including elements like deniability and alibis. ‘Plan B’ incidentally, covered the scenarios of the brothers getting questioned by the police and included contingencies such as:


  1. Using a complex password on the phone to prevent the police from accessing their devices
  2. Switching the SIM card between the ‘hot’ phone and a clean phone (they had four phones)
  3. A briefing about the intricacies of Miranda rights and search warrants
  4. The importance of not answering any questions or cooperating with the police without an attorney being present

When the Chicago police finally executed a search warrant on the Osundairo brother’s apartment, they found a GunVault safe that contained the following items:


1 14375970 Hipoint model C9, 9mm caliber semi auto pistol
1 14375970 9mm caliber magazine with live rounds
2 14375979 45acp caliber magazines, Glock brand with live rounds (pistol is missing)
2 14375996 Boxes labeled Remington 22 rounds (rifle is missing)
1 14375996 One box labeled Hornady 00 buck shotgun shells (shotgun is missing)
1 14375996 Box labeled blazer .45 auto ammo
1 14375996 Box labeled federal .45 auto ammo
1 14376021 Fabric fanny pack green in color
1 14376029 Paper packet cont. Two small plastic bags cont. white powder
1 14376038 Unknown make, unknown model, black laser sight
1 14376044 One twenty dollar bill USC
1 14376045 Miscellaneous paperwork (receipts for red hat, bleach, and noose)

The Contents of the Safe of the two Osundairo Brothers
Image 2: The content of the Osundairo brother’s safe and Jussie Smollett’s anti-gun song titled “Need Freedom

Smollett’s and his high society circle of friends’ affinity for crime and their ability to get away with something as outrageous as this affair raises questions about the size and reach of their ‘fixer network’. Smollett, who is one of the great progressive moral champions of the anti-gun lobby, hired, befriended, professionally supported, and, according to his attorney, had sex with one of the Osundairo brothers, all while knowing full well who they were–without any fear of prosecution.

Possession of a handgun in Chicago without a license is illegal and could result in a felony or a class A misdemeanor punishable by 1-3 years in prison. Considering that the two Nigerian brothers engaged in various criminal and scam activities like distributing bodybuilding steroids, mailing death threats, lynching for hire, lying to the police, and keeping an illegal cache of weapons at home, how is it that the Chicago PD/DA just let them go? What kind of an incantation did they possibly invoke to deploy this protective magic?

Beyond the obvious question of how Smollett managed to shake off 16 felony charges without breaking a sweat, there is also the issue of Cory Booker’s and Kamala Harris’s involvement in the planning and orchestration of Smollett’s publicity stunt. All material evidence suggests that Booker and Harris influenced parts of the event.

Some other puzzling questions about this case are: Who, aside from Tina Tchen, Kim Foxx, Michelle Obama, and Jesse Jackson Sr/Jr. (another big-time felon)—was in on the decision that Smollett’s punishment should be limited to forfeiting his $10K bail and volunteering with Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition for 16 hours? And who worked out, coordinated, and blessed the details of this settlement?

Jussie Smollett spent volunteering at the Rainbow PUSH Coalition
Image 3
: The dispenser of justice Jesse Jackson Jr., a convicted felon absolving the would-be felon Jussie Smollett through 16 hours of volunteer services at his ‘civil rights’ Chicago based Rainbow PUSH Coalition

Jussie Smollett Chicago Connection
Image 4: Who’s Who of the ‘Justice League’ – Jussie Smollet’s political influence network and the details of his case

Jussie Smollet and Michelle Obama Boogie
Image 5: Jussie Smollet in a get down and boogie with Michelle Obama



XRVision Sentinel AI Platform – Face recognition, image reconstruction, and object detection

The Osundairo Brothers Lawsuit Against Jussie Smollett’s Attorneys
Chicago Police Smollett Case Documents Batch 1 and Batch 2

Need Freedom – Song by Jussie Smollett
Too many guns on the streets
In my heart, I can’t take it no, oh

Tell me how this happened
Where did we go wrong?
Say we stay together if we choose to walk alone
Blood covers our streets
Hatred fills our home
Gotta get this message out before we’re dead and gone

Need freedom
Our world is cryin’, no more silence, with guns and violence
Need freedom
I can’t…

The Hand Guns from Jussie Smollett's Need Freedom Video
Image 6
: Classification of the hand guns used in the Smollett “Need Freedom” video

Copyright Yaacov Apelbaum 2019

23 thoughts on “Our Multi-Tiered Justice System

  1. Yaacov, your research and presentation is always stellar.
    The graphics you knit together are so helpful to understanding these connections.
    Thank you so much. I greatly appreciate all of the attentiveness and scrutiny you convey in these frightening topics that are so easily obscured by those that work keep this from the citizens.
    God Bless you

  2. Oh, my, Yaacov, Apelbaum, your Multi-tiered-Justice is so, so true. I continue to wonder when at least a few of these lawbreakers will be held to account. I know ‘the wheels of the gods grind slow’, but I’m so ready for ‘them to grind small’.

    • Thank you Joan for the kind words.

      I think that putting concise and indisputable information like this in the public domain and keeping it the forefront is an important step in the long term cure. You just have remain involved, share the facts with your network, and most importantly, get out and vote!

  3. Yaacov,

    Your most recent on Schiff’s friends brought me back here and have an idea for you. I believe congress should bring the CEO’s of the parent companies of all news outlets to Capitol Hill and do an exhaustive hearing on the ombudsman policies practiced on behalf of their shareholders and the American people.

    They should be asked about polices, procedure manuals, best practices and metrics – how many complaints get investigated, how many policies are changed due to investigations, how many staff are tasked with keeping the public trust. And, are their reports available for the public to peruse.

    A piece on the media executives, their public trust ‘rating’, the value they place on their responsibility to enforce good and fair journalism would be valuable for not only average American citizens but their organizations’ shareholders as well.

    Love your work, innovation and relevance.


  4. Yaacov,

    Excellent analysis; in verse no less.

    Do you recall what we discovered last March about Footnote 8 of the Carter Page FISA application? I say “we” because I’m not sure I would have spotted it without you forcing my “A” game.

    Anyway, the results of the analysis turned out to be far more devastating than I initially expected.

    Net, net:

    The FBI/DOJ not only improperly “masked” information to conceal the roles Hillary Clinton and Fusion GPS played in the creation of the Steele dossier, but they also fabricated materially incongruous details to launder them out of the fact pattern entirely. Accordingly, a detailed analysis of the micturition within Footnote 8 demonstrates the scienter with which these sanctimonious frauds used the Constitution as a urinal puck.

    If you’d like to see what that little chat of ours grew into; drop me an email, or let me know of some secure way I can send you a pdf. I think, or at least I hope, you’ll enjoy the analysis.

    Thanks again,


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