Ode to The Code Monkey

Yaacov Apelbaum-Code Monkey
The Code Monkey (inspired by A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe)

The Tale of the Trusty Code Monkey
Take another slap on the cheek,
While chasing deadlines week by week.
You thought hard work would lead to acclaim,
But all you’ve got is bugs and shame.

Grinding out features in a caffeinated haze,
Dreaming of promotions and bonus paydays.
But here’s the truth (prepare to sob):
It’s never the coder who gets the top job.

You don’t lack skill; your fingers fly,
But architecture? A far-off sky.
“Speed over quality!” the bosses cheer,
The creed of code monkeys everywhere.

Your stable build isn’t stable at all,
It’s like Jenga, waiting to fall.
Bugs pop up—oh, how they breed,
Like rabbits hopped up on performance speed.

Scope expands like a buffet plate,
Features sneaking in, oh, it’s fate.
“Just one more function!” they always say,
And suddenly your sprint’s a marathon day.

To build good software, you need a plan,
But who’s got time when you’re The Man?
You skipped requirements, you fudged the time,
Now your project’s a circus, without a dime.

The moral, my friend, is plain as day:
Ignore the process, and you’ll always pay.
Dream big, code fast, skip the prep—
And end up lost in the death march’s step.

But hey, keep coding, don’t despair,
You might just survive with a prayer.
For in the land of bugs and toil,
The code monkey dreams of banana oil.

© Copyright 2010 Yaacov Apelbaum All Rights Reserved.

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