The Extortion-17 Memorial

Extortion-17 Memorial

The walkthrough memorial is dedicated to the men of Extortion 17 who, on 6 August 2011, lost their lives on a mission in Wardak province, west of Kabul. A  U.S. A Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of US Army Rangers.

Extortion-17 Memorial View

The crash killed all 38 personnel on board—25 American special operation forces, five United States Army National Guardsmen, Army Reserve crewmen, seven Afghan soldiers, and one Afghan interpreter—as well as a U.S. military working dog.  You can view the interactive memorial site by clicking on this Link or any of the images on this page.

Extortion-17 Team

“…They were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions.”  2 Samuel 1:23


12 thoughts on “The Extortion-17 Memorial

  1. Hi Yaacov, you are a champion, I just want to let you know that I have been writing a series “GET TRUMP” a five part series covering the events of the 2016 Presidential campaign.

    Parts 1 & 2 addressed the Obama/Comey clearing Hillary Clinton of any wrong doing & the early emails, Texts that suggested the Trump/Russia smear to Podesta.

    Part 3 took a closer look at the genesis of the TRUMP RUSSIA Narrative, Crowdstrike and the supposed Russian Hack of the DNC. I have been preparing to cover Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier in Part 4, have hundreds of articles and docs, but feel your expose and thoroughness have taken my breath away.

    While here it would be remiss of me not to ask, Have you looked at Evelyn Farkas and the Soros Atlantic Council mob connections to your Trump Dossier mob, I am convinced that Nulands, Biden and others were involved in this Trump Russia thing in some part as an Arse Covering exercise that is linked in the first instance to their 2013 -14 involvement in Ukraine, but probably extends to their broader involvement in Libya, Syria and others.

    I am convinced there is a concentration of activity from late Jan to late March 2016 where decisions and planning were finalised for the first two streams of action, How and when Clinton was to be exonerated and the Trump Russia Smear. However I believe that Wikileaks announcement on June 12 confirming they had emails triggered the WAPO article of June 14th claiming Crowdstrike had confirmed Russians hacked the DNC. There cannot be any link between any emails mentioned by Mifsud to Papadopoulos and those released by Wikileaks as the dates don’t allow for it.

    Of real interest is any correlation between the Biden/Nuland’s visitor logs on dates from late Jan – early March 2016 versus your Dossier team and the Perkins Coie/Crowdstrike DNC hack mob, and more interesting would be to see if there was any uptick in that correlation from late April to late May when they claim they were observing the DNC digital intruders or was the marked uptick in activity more pronounced from June 12 in line with a reaction to the Wikileak’s announcement. I am really interested in any regular Ukraine connected IT savvy personnel spending regular time in Biden’s office at times that might coincide with the appearance of Guccifer 2.0 and corelate going forward with Guccifer 2.0’s reported activity.

    My Name Is Brendan Power, email or would love to hear your thoughts on this. Cheers.

  2. A smiling visitor here to share the love. This is an outstanding site design.

    “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.” by Albert Einstein.

  3. This is one of the best memorials online. I have never seen an interactive website like this outside of Google Earth. Do you do this sort of development commercially?

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