Murder, She Wrote?
“I had information yesterday that compelled me to write you. If you want to cure him or save him a slow death, then you better have him taken away from home immediately…”
“I had information yesterday that compelled me to write you. If you want to cure him or save him a slow death, then you better have him taken away from home immediately…”
The G-TV news site which is jointly owned by Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui deliberately and frequently misidentifies the location, context, and individuals from the Hunter Biden laptop. The 1million question is why?
There are a number of images circulating online that incorrectly identify various individuals as the Ukraine call leaker Eric Ciaramella. If you are interested in Ciaramella’s photo, you can find it in Mechanics of Deception (in on of the links) or at the bottom of this post.
I’ve been asked by a number of people if the images seen in the video of the October 11 Minnesota riots that took place during President Trump’s rally show Ilhan Omar, Tim Mynett, and Isra Hirsi.
But alas, every garden has its resident snake, and such is the A grade serpent found in social network’s Garden of Eden. What many of us don’t realize is that the same characteristics that make the social networks so attractive are also their greatest limitation.
It was only after I played back the recording and listened to it several times that I realized how sophisticated and polished the scam was. The planners had thought of everything and had prepared for even the minutest of details.
The concept of clearance-based security (that is, non-expiring clearance) is reminiscent of cheese, especially the cheap Swiss variety, the one with too many holes.