The Illustrated Primer

Gunfight at the O.K. Corral 2020

Gunfight at the O.K. Corral

In the final year of English Civil War (1642-1651), Thomas Hobbes wrote in his book Leviathan:

“Whatsoever therefore is consequent to a time of Warre, where every man is Enemy to every man; the same is consequent to the time, wherein men live without other security, than what their own strength, and their own invention shall furnish them withall. In such condition, there is no place for Industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain: and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no Instruments of moving, and removing things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continuall feare, and danger of violent death; And the life of man solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short.”   Leviathan, Chapter XIII – The Cost of War

Leviathan deals with the legitimacy of government and is one of the earliest treatises about the theory of social contracts. Hobbes observed that civil war and the brutal state of existence it creates (bellum omnium contra omnes–”the war of all against all”) can only be avoided with a strong central government.

The fundamental assertion of the social contract theory is that law and political order are not natural, but man-made. The political order that the social contract provides is a means to an end—it benefits the individuals who participate in the contract. But this contract also has a key condition; it is valid only when each party fulfills their part of the agreement. Hobbes argued that citizens are not obligated to submit to the government when its ineffective in suppressing anarchy.

The argument of a contractual relationship was also supported by other leading political theorists like John Locke, who argued that when the government systematically fails to secure the individual’s natural rights, citizens can withdraw their obligation to obey the government and defend themselves. Locke believed that personal natural rights were inalienable and came from G-d (i.e., the rights to life, liberty, and property), and were supreme to the government’s authority (which also applies to homicidal Covid-19 mandates).

My Ride Into the Sunset
Several years ago our family decided to drive Route 66. Instead of finishing at the west coast Santa Monica Pier, we opted for the southerly route and took a left-turn in Arizona. I cranked up the radio and to the tune of It’s another Tequilas Sunrise, headed into the burning desert sunset; final destination: Tombstone. We chose this destination as an educational aid for the kids, because this long-forgotten dusty town holds one of the most important civic and practical political science lessons that every American citizen should learn.

Image 2
: Destination Tombstone Arizona

On October 26, 1881, around 3:00 PM, two marshals and a deputy, stood up to the notorious Clanton gang in the small mining town of Tombstone, Arizona, and enforced the law that the local sheriff refused/was afraid to. The resulting shootout in the alleyway next to the O.K. Corral Livery and Feed Company consisted of 30 rounds and lasted for about 30 seconds. This brief encounter became one of the most iconic gun fights in the west and has come to be known as “The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral”.

Image 3: The map and site of the gunfight

Beyond simply enforcing the law, the gunfight set in motion the doctrine that the US Marshal Service has a sweeping operational authority in the US including state and local jurisdictions. It wasn’t by coincidence that when the service was looking for a visual to represent their mission, they chose the likeness of Wyatt Earp (one of marshals who fought in the gunfight) as a model for the “Frontier Marshal” statue.

Image 4: Wyatt Earp as an inspiration for the US Marshall Service Statue the “Frontier Marshal”

Regardless of place and time, the manner in which lawlessness thrives and spreads is always the same. Prior to the gunfight in Tombstone, Waytt’s brother, Virgil, said the following about the influence that the Clanton gang extorted on the town:

“This [large sums of money] is one reason they [the Clanton gang] have so many friends in town. All that large class of degraded characters who gather the crumbs of such carouses stand ready to assist them out of any trouble or into any paying rascality…They spend their money free as water.” 

In like manner, the mayor of New York city, Bill de Blasio, with the help of his funders/backers from coalition of Red-Green Alliance, is the primary enabler of the flames of lawlessness and anarchy that now engulfs the city. Just like the local sheriff in Tombstone, he issues directives to the NYPD and DA not to arrest, release, and not persecute the Antifa and BLM gangs of rioters and their leaders.

Image 5: New York City mayor de Blasio and his little Muslim Brotherhood shindig and bottomless election funding source. MB affiliated US organizations fund and fully control front civil rights’ groups like BLM

After we got back home from our trip, I wanted to help our kids visualize Hobbes’s abstract idea of the government’s role in the social contract and defending our natural rights. We decided to build a display case with some 1881 vintage Tombstone memorabilia. We packed it with the following items:


  1. A US Marshal badge – Provide consistent nationwide law enforcement standards
  2. A pocket watch – Deliver justice promptly, as, “Justice delayed is justice denied”
  3. A silver dollar – Allocate ‘non-political’ financial resources for enforcement
  4. A newspaper clip – Don’t manipulate public opinion via media leaks and censorship
  5. A sliver bar mined in Tombstone – Protect private property and enterprise
  6. A Colt revolver – Defend the 2nd amendment and facilitate open carry gun laws
  7. A sand bottle – Own-up to mistakes, power without accountably is like quicksand
  8. A Reference to Deuteronomy 10:20 – The bible as the foundation of our legal system & rights

Image 6: The moral of the “Gunfight at the O.K. Coral”

Welcome to the Minneapolis Caliphate
We know that the Red-Green alliance is behind the riots and that they fully control BLM and related organizations like ANSWER and Antifa. On the surface, It may not be obvious, but what the alliance is trying to achieve has little to do with the much needed criminal justice system reforms. The real objective behind these riots is the creation of independent nation state enclaves styled after the one operated by the Nation of Islam in Chicago. In this vision of a domestic Liberia, these ‘autonomous zones’ will quickly expand into nearby neighborhoods, metastasizing and increase their size and political influence.

Due to the rapidly growing middle eastern and south American illegal immigrant population in many of our large cities, highly saturated ethnic centers such as LA, Dearborn, Minneapolis, Queens/Brooklyn are ripe for this takeover. The funding for the expansion and growth of these city-states already comes from organizations like Open Society Foundations and foreign sources such as Qatar and Turkey (through proxies like Mustafa Gulan), and south American drug cartels which have strategic interest in establishing bridgeheads in these locations.

If you think that this is some far fetched conspiracy theory, check out the city of Chicago. The west side is controlled by the narco cartels militias and the south side by the Nation of Islam’s fruit of Islam battalions (and some of their alter ego militias like the New Black Panther, Gangster Disciples, and Black Disciples). The Chicago PD doesn’t dare enter these enclaves because of the native’s superior fire power. The following causality stats illustrate just how these self-governed territories operate. Last week, between May 29 to June 1, 2020 (one weekend) Chicago had 85 shootings resulting in 24 people killed and 61 wounded. This is despite the fact that Chicago has one of the nation’s strictest gun laws. Not surprisingly, no celebrities could be seen kneeling in protests and there were no BLM demonstrations in these locations in support of any of the 24 victims—many of which were innocent children and law abiding blacks.

Image 7: The Fruit of Islam, the military arm of the Nation of Islam and one of its alter egos, the New Black Panther militia

What’s in the Cards?
The danger of allowing the ‘autonomous zone’ to spread is the precedent it will create in large urban areas like Minneapolis, Portland, and Seattle. AOC’s, Ilhan Omar’s, and Keith Ellison’s attacks on the police and their calls to defund it are just an opening gambit in this game. The rationale for these actions is that once local and federal law enforcement refuses to take action in these neighborhoods, the local warlords would be able to form ‘Mogadishu style’ militias that will (depending on the ethnic makeup of the city-state) include either a foreign army of “cartel sicarios” ,“jihadi brothers”, or “Red Brigade” style Marxist revolutionaries. Once entrenched, the leadership will shake down the locals and make demands for millions of dollars in ‘protection fees’ from the state using the ‘no justice, no peace’ model.

When this happens, we can kiss goodbye US jurisdiction in these locations. An attempt to enforce the law through functions like executing a warrant will turn into a full-blown military confrontation—a risk that no politician or federal or police force would dare to undertake. By the time that someone in DC finally wakes up and decides that we need to re-raise the American flag over these occupied territories, they would have to conduct a house-to-house battle of Iowa Jima style operation.

Image 8
: Brooklyn then and now: A Nazi German American Bund patrol beating up people in the 1930s vs. a Muslim Brotherhood Muslim Community Patrol (MCP) doing the same in 2018.

What’s to Be Done? Or as Comrade Lenin Said Chto Delat?
We already know the funding sources of the Red-Green Alliance and who their leaders, organizers, and activists are. The time has come for the feds to act now! Anyone related to these organizations should be prosecuted, including media figures, academics, high-tech executives, and politicians. All foreign citizens involved in these subversive activities should be promptly detained and tried as enemy combatants by military tribunals. They shouldn’t have the benefit of access to our court system—where they can drag the process for years. Any foreigners who are even remotely affiliated with the subversive political activity—including foreign reporters/students/UN staff/diplomats—should have their visas canceled and be deported/expelled. Finally, violent foreign demonstrators and rioters should be treated as Ex parte Quirin; non-uniformed enemy saboteurs.

Image 9
: The profile and linkage of Israel Adam Burns, a BLM leader and a leading New York civil rights attorney who called on live TV for the rioters to burn down the diamond district in Manhattan

This past week, New York and other US cities have come to resemble the lawless Tombstone on the eve of October 26, 1881. We are now effectively on the verge of civil war and the president should invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 and the Alien and Sedition Acts. He should also strictly enforce the Smith Act in order to above all protect life and personal property.

Image 10
: Two Muslim Brotherhood soldiers and their political support network in action. Brooklyn attorneys Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman, executing a Molotov cocktail attack against the NYPD

The support of progressive politicians, governors, and mayors for the gangs of anarchists and rioters—who now, with complete impunity, attack the federal agents, police, and law-abiding citizens, tear down public monuments, and destroy private property—constitutes a dissolution of their social contract and their civil rights. Beyond the thin veneer of woke Antifa and BLM activism, what we are really seeing here are a domestic insurrection and a foreign sponsored influence operations and paramilitary activities that are designed to topple the US government.

Image 11: Hope Walz, the daughter of Minnesota governor Tim Walz, and Isra Hirsi, the daughter of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar actively supporting the rioters via real-time social media posts and intel

Over the past four years, we’ve heard a lot of talk about the need to do away with the second amendment and ‘modernize’ the constitution. On December 7, 1915, President Wilson in his third address to congress said:

“I am sorry to say that the gravest threats against our national peace and safety have been uttered within our own borders.

There are citizens of the United States, I blush to admit, born under other flags but welcomed under our generous naturalization laws to the full freedom and opportunity of America, who have poured the poison of disloyalty into the very arteries of our national life; who have sought to bring the authority and good name of our government into contempt, to destroy our industries wherever they thought it effective for their vindictive purposes to strike at them, and to debase our politics to the uses of foreign intrigue. Their number is not great as compared with the whole number of those sturdy hosts by which our nation has been enriched in recent generations out of virile foreign stocks; but it is great enough to have brought deep disgrace upon us and to have made it necessary that we should promptly make use of processes of law by which we may be purged of their corrupt distempers.

…Such creatures of passion, disloyalty, and anarchy must be crushed out. They are not many, but they are infinitely malignant, and the hand of our power should close over them at once. They have formed plots to destroy property, they have entered into conspiracies against the neutrality of the government, they have sought to pry into every confidential transaction of the government in order to serve interests alien to our own. It is possible to deal with these things very effectually. I need not suggest the terms in which they may be dealt with.”

We urgently need the DOJ to take a short break form their political activism and incessantly blaming imaginary “white supremacists” for the violence and stand up in ‘Gunfight at the O.K Corral’ style to the anarchist mob and Red-Green Alliance gangs. In the meantime, we should all put our trust in G-d and keep our powder dry.

Image 12
: Kamala Harris fund raising for the riot industry

*** Update 06/8/202-06/11/2020 ***

The Seattle Antifa and BLM leadership has captured a 6 block area which they call the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone”. The roads leading into this area are blocked with barricades and protected by AR-15 and AK-47 armed militia. The police has abandoned their precinct station located in this zone.

In true character, The New York Times (a member of group of US newspapers registered as Chinese agents, who were paid > $19 millions to publish CCP propaganda) leads the campaign promoting the riots in Seattle. In an article published on June 11, 2020  titled: “Free Food, Free Speech and Free of Police: Inside Seattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone’”, Mike Baker presents the violent anarchy as progressive street performance art:

“What has emerged is an experiment in life without the police—part street festival, part commune. Hundreds have gathered to hear speeches, poetry and music. On Tuesday night, dozens of people sat in the middle of an intersection to watch 13th, the Ava DuVernay film about the criminal justice system’s impact on African-Americans. On Wednesday, children made chalk drawings in the middle of the street.”

Image 13: Antifa and BLM self-declared Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)

Image 14: Solomon Samuel Simone AKA RAZ, one of the main arm suppliers in CHAZ delivering AR-15s and AK-47s from the trunk of his Tesla.

Image 15: RAZ The warlord of CHAZ. Sampling of his real estate portfolio, his little armory, and artistic products

Image 16: RAZ’s illegal Bulgarian automatic AK-47, one of his Glucks, and a few illegal high capacity magazines

*** Update 07/3/2020 ***

Antifa and BLM militias are engaging in countrywide attacks against private property and peaceful individuals. They are also utilizing combat techniques such as explosives devices, Molotov cocktails, and high powered green lasers against law enforcement. The following is a sampling linkages of BLM, local gangs, and the Red Green Alliance leadership behind several riots in St. Louis.

Image 17: Targeted attacks by the BLM Blue Umbrella paid for murder militia and evidence that they are stockpiling hundreds of pounds of industrial strength fireworks and illegals firearms.

Image 18
: Ben Poremba, the profile of a white BLM promoter and his Muslim Brotherhood network and linkages

Image 19: The linkages, political activism, and operational network of Faizan Sayed, an Executive Director with CAIR and leading promoter of BLM

Image 20: The riot economy in action. Open Society Foundations payment records to Jeff Ordower a professional riot organizer. The Open Society Foundations is funding a variety of militant and violent organizations and the civil unrest in Ferguson since 2015

Video 1: The US Marshall Service and police under firework and laser attacks at the Federal Courthouse In Portland by Antifa and BLM militias


References and Sources
Domestic Terror 2.0
The Fifth Column and the Pro-Iran Movement in the US
The Red-Green Alliance and the Real Devil of Mogadishu
Toxic Masculinity My Foot!
The New Black Panther militia

LEVIATHAN: Or, The Matter, Form and Power of a Commonwealth, Ecclesiastical and Civil

Abraham Lincoln – 1859 Notes for Speeches in Columbus and Cincinnati

Insurrection Act of 1807
Alien and Sedition Acts
Smith Act

The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral Participants and the Outcome
The Law: Virgil Earp, Morgan Earp, Wyatt Earp, and Doc Holliday vs.
The Clanton Gang: Tom and Frank McLaury, Billy and Ike Clanton, and Billy Claiborne
The Outcome:Virgil and Morgan wounded, Holliday grazed by bullet; Ike Clanton ran from the gunfight, Tom McLaury, Frank McLaury, and Billy Clanton were killed.

Image 21: Wyatt Earp’s and Josephine Marcus’s gravesite

Muslim fraternitati fieri delenda est!

Copyright 2020 Yaacov Apelbaum, All Rights Reserved.

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