The Illustrated Primer

Toxic Masculinity My Foot!

My Culture is a Toxic Death Cult

Comrades Rashida, Ilhan, AOC, and Sarsour, I would like to correct the record here. The murder of Israa Ghrayeb and other honor killings in the Palestinian society and world-wide have nothing to do with what you term as toxic masculinity–however, there is a cultural toxicity that you haven’t mentioned and that one is 100% responsible for that great Palestinian contribution to mankind: the ‘suicide bomber’. Interestingly, you and your clan members, as well as granny Muftia have been endorsing and benefiting from financially for years.

Palestinian honor killings are a common practice, with an average of 20 cases per year and about 50 documented instances between 2011-2013. But honor killings are only the tip of the societal violence iceberg. The rates of murder, rape, torture, extortion, hostage taking, cruelty to animals, hate, racism, distrust of other Palestinians that don’t belong to your clan, lying, corruption, child abuse, and oppression are also extreme and beyond any proportion, especially if you consider the Palestinian claims that they are a homogeneous society that has been living in harmony for hundreds of years.

The Majority of Honor Killings Victims are Innocent
In an overwhelming majority of documented cases, there was no proof that the murder victims had violated any moral code of Arab society–only that their families thought that their behavior was incompatible with accepted custom. Sometimes, a rumor that a woman spoke with a man was enough to seal her fate. In a large number of cases, the honor killings were perpetrated to hide that the victim was raped by the father, brother, or uncle who murdered her to save face and prevent the victim from potentially disclosing the crime after she gets married. In other cases, honor killing served as a pretext for murder for other reasons, such as a family dispute, rivalry, or vendettas.

The Real Reasons Behind Honor Killings
Samia Habib, a psychologist at the Palestinian Center for Democracy and Conflict Resolution, stated in an interview: “Sometimes it is a matter of inheritance… sometimes the father has committed deviant acts against his daughter and then murders her in a so-called ‘honor killing’ to cover up his crime… The woman is the weakest link. She is always guilty, even when she is a rape victim… The issue of honor is a very sensitive one. The families do not call for help; you can’t reach them.”[5]

As can be seen from the following four excerpts from Palestinian press, honor has very little to do with this practice.

  1. A father murdered his daughter Ahlam because she allegedly slept over at the house of a friend who had some boys in it. “The social worker who was monitoring Ahlam’s situation said that Ahlam had complained to her about her family’s strictness and about her fear of her father because he sexually abused her.” After the murder, the father said: “I told her that we were going out for shawarma. I drove her in the car, we had shawarma, and I played the songs that she loved. She didn’t suspect me [of anything]. After we drove a while, I asked her to get out, and she hesitated. When she saw the knife in my hand, she asked, ‘Papa, why do you want to murder me?’ The father took advantage of the law that mitigates punishment in such a case and was released from prison so he could enjoy the pleasures of life and forget the question asked by his daughter: ‘Why do you want to murder me?”[2]
  2. A mother strangled her teenage daughter, who she discovered had been raped by her uncle when she was little, in order to purge the shame. The uncle remained at liberty.
  3. “Najla, a 24-year-old divorcee, was strangled by her brother, who was known for his religious fanaticism when she was staying at his home. Najla worked as a clerk at a Gaza business and [due to her work] was absent from home for many hours; this gave rise to many stories about her. Her brother, whose nickname was ‘The Sheikh,’ could not bear it. Once the murder was discovered, the police arrested him for questioning. Family talks were then held, during which it was whispered in the ear of a senior police official that the matter concerned the family only and that the woman had needed to be taught a lesson. Later, that police official received a gift–one of [Najla’s] brothers, a construction worker, laid 13 meters of flooring for him. The result was that [the killer] was released from prison without anyone batting an eyelid and without any reaction from those who knew how badly Najla needed the work so that she could buy medicines for her sick mother.”[1]
  4. A young man murdered his unmarried sister when he observed that her abdomen had swelled and suspected that she was having sexual relations. Afterward, it turned out that she was a virgin and that her abdomen was swollen due to illness.[3] Hamada, who is serving a prison sentence for murdering his sister, expressed no regret over his deed and wasn’t interested in the pathologist’s report, which determined that his sister had been a virgin. He said: “I turned myself in to the police, and I don’t care if I’m sentenced even to life in prison because I believe in what I did.” Hamada’s brother backed him up: “I didn’t know he would murder her, but after he did, I wasn’t angry at him. None of us were. This is the natural outcome of her actions, which were known to everyone in the neighborhood.”[4]

“She deserved to die.”
It is noteworthy that honor killings are accepted as a norm by many women in Palestinian society. In one of a series of workshops dedicated to media coverage of honor killings held in Khan Yunis, all 60 women participants believed that a sinning woman should be punished with death.

One participant, who wore a burka, said of one of the victims: “She deserved to die. She should be a lesson to other women.” When asked whether a man guilty of similar offense should be punished, she replied, after a brief pause, “It doesn’t matter, he’s a man.”[6]

Image 1
: Honor killings are a wide-scale cultural disease that results in the murder of hundreds of women every year

According to a UN Women’s Rights report, a staggering 60%-70% of all married Palestinian women regularly experience domestic physical and physiological violence. And if this is not bad enough, about 15%-30% of all girls also experience sexual violence from their own family members. Allowing for some variance, this means that 8 out of 10 women in Palestinian society are abused. These figures are just mind-boggling!

Image 2
: UN Women statistics of violence within Palestinian society

Video 1
: An interview with a would-be Honor Killer

The Murder
On August 9, 2019, Israa Ghrayeb, a 21-year-old Palestinian woman from Bethlehem, went to a coffee shop with her fiancé and their chaperones (with her mother’s permission). There was nothing unusual about the outing, they were just sitting drinking coffee. While at the coffee shop, Israa snapped pictures and uploaded them to Instagram. Shortly after the upload, her cousin saw her update, contacted Israa’s father and brothers, and advised them that taking pictures with her fiancé before the wedding dishonored the family.

Image 3
: The selfie that started it all. Israa at the coffee house and at the hospital

When Israa arrived back home, her three brothers proceeded to beat her up to the point that she either jumped/or was pushed out of a three-story balcony. As a result of the fall, she suffered a spinal injury and was taken to the hospital. While there, she posted a picture of her bruised face and an IV. She also messaged her network that she wouldn’t be able to work for a couple of months but that they shouldn’t worry about her:

“I’m strong, and I have the will to live — if I didn’t have this willpower, I would have died yesterday,”  “Don’t send me messages telling me to be strong; I am strong…”

Image 4
: The Israa murder crime scene images

Shortly after this second posting, her father and brothers showed up in the hospital, locked the door to her room, and with no interference from hospital security, police, or the hospital staff, they beat her up again. The following day, on August 10th, she was checked out of the hospital by the family and taken home. Two days later, on August 12th, she died at home from her injuries.

After Israa’s death, the Ghrayeb family published several statements online claiming that Israa suffered from a psychological disorder and that this was the reason why she ‘threw herself’ out of the window on August 9. Their message (translated from Arabic) read:

“Due to the turbulent behavior by Israa, it was necessary to get her out of the hospital on family responsibility and complete her treatment at home, but it didn’t take her much time until she died from a stroke. Her body has been transferred to the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Abu Dis for autopsy, and we’re waiting for the medical report to be issued by the official authorities,”

On August 30, almost two weeks after her murder, Israa’s brother-in-law, via his Facebook account, denied all of the accusations against him and the family and claimed that Israa died from a heart attack (not a stroke). He stated that she wasn’t beaten up by her family, and her screaming in the hospital was due to hallucinations caused by being possessed by a Jinn (evil spirit), and that all of her problems were related to her poor mental health. He also claimed the videos taken at the hospital, in which she is heard screaming, were not because she was being beaten by her family but because “she was fighting with the nurses who wouldn’t give her her phone so she could call her mother.”

Image 5: The faces of honor killings – a small sampling of 130 murders resulting from the widespread and commonly practiced honor killing in Rashida’s noble savage society

So there you have it—it’s elementary, my dear Watson. Israa was possessed by an evil spirit, which made her jump out of a three-story window and afterward attack her three body-building brothers, who, naturally, just defended themselves.

Jinn and evil spirits notwithstanding, there isn’t enough lipstick in the world to paint virtue on this ugly pig or put a positive spin on this story. If the squad really wanted to help, they could have worked with their Qatari masters and the rest of the progressives to organize an international movement dedicated to stopping honor killings and all other forms of cruelty to women in their native Somali and Palestinian societies. But they didn’t, and they won’t.

Image 6: Rashida wearing out her own family’s honor with Hassan Sheikh

A Culture of Abuse and Exploitation
I don’t expect Rashida, Ilhan, or Sarsour to follow up on any of these issues seriously, so I’ll cut to the chase and address the elephant in the room, chiefly the problem of their inherent cultural dishonesty and the natural propensity towards violence and abuse. The problem with Rashida and Ilhan and their squad is not that they are opportunistic or manipulative—most politicians are—but that they themselves follow and benefit from the same vile practices that they preach against.

For example, Rashida, AOC, and Ilhan have been convicted of campaign finance law violations, filing false tax returns, and major ethics violations. And then, there is the issue of them regularly hanging out (both professionally and socially) with the most vile and violent characters. This includes convicted international terrorists with blood on their hands, like Rasmea Odeh and Leila Khaled, and Muslim Brotherhood aristocracy, like CAIR’s Nihad Awad and Hassan Shibly. Shibly, the paragon of enlightenment and virtue, regularly beats his wife Imane Sadrati, is a foaming-at-the-mouth homicidal anti-Semite, and is on the US Terrorism Watchlist. Yet, despite the domestic violence and clear terrorist linkages, he somehow manages to carry multiple firearms in public, including a 9mm Glock and an AK47 assault rifle with a high-capacity magazine.

Image 7: Rashida Tlaib and her friend Hassan Shibly, the CAIR-Florida Chief Executive Director. Shibly, (another vile wife beater) is the one of the promoters of Ilhan’s speech at the CAIR fundraiser in LA where she stated: “some people did something”. Shilby is on the US Terrorism Watchlist, CAIR and its members are also designated a terrorist organization by the UAE government.

Image 8: Rashida Tlaib and her links to the Muslim Brotherhood, terrorist propaganda, and her circle of convicted and wanted Islamic terrorist friends

Yes! My Name is Not Fayez Fayez
In addition to the squad’s financial and ethical dishonesty, there is also the issue of real vs. assumed or made-up identities. It’s a real puzzle why both Ilhan and Rashida and their prospective spouses collected so many identities over the years. For members of Congress who are leading the charge for transparency and honesty, it is difficult to explain why Ihan and her two husbands and Rashida and her ex Fayez Tlaib use the following multiple aliases and name/address variations:

Rashida Tlaib’s Names

Rashida’s Husband Names

Rashida H Elabed

Fayez Tlaib

Rasheeda Albeed

Fayez Awad

Rachid H Elabed

Fayez Fayez

Rashad Elabed

Tlaib Fayeze

Rashida Elabed

Sayez A Plaib

Rashida Flaib

Fayez Tlaiba

Rashida Harbi Tlaib

Fayez Taleeb

Rashida M Tlaib

Roashida Tlaib

Fady Atallah

Ilhan Omar’s Names

Ilhan’s Husband Names

Omar Ilhan

Ahmed A Hirsi

Ilhan Omar

Ahmed Aden

Ilham Umar

Ahmed Hirsi

Omar Ihan

Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi

Omar Ijhan

Ahmed A Aden

Ilham Omar

Ahmed Hrisri

Ilham A Omar

Ahmed Hersi

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar

Ahmed Haji

Ahmed Hassan

Image 9: The multiple personalities of Rashida Tlaib’s ex, Fayez Tlaib

Image 10
: Looking for love in all of the right places. The dating profile (while married) of Ilhan Omar’s husband Ahmad H AKA Ahmed Hassan Hirsi

There is No Place Like Home
There are probably multiple explanations for Rashida and Ilhan’s name/address shell game. Both families were on government welfare and a food stamp for several years so this could have been related to gaming the system. In Ilhan’s case, she married her brother in a sham marriage in order to get him US citizenship (he is a British national living in the UK). In Rashida’s case, there is at last one corroborated explanation that is related to a 2008 Election and tax fraud. In an affidavit that she submitted prior to running for office, she claimed to have lived at the 9123 Rathbone, Detroit address. But it turns out that this address is the house owned by her father, Harbi Elabed. When Harbi was asked about Rashida’s claims of residence there, he outright denied it. In a March 13, 2010, interview with Charlie Leduff, Harbi made the following statement:

“She [Rashida] lied big-time to get elected. I never teach [sic] her that way. I teach [sic] her the right way.”


Image 11
: Rashida Tlaib’s father’s home in Detroit, his interview confirmation that she never lived at this address, and her actual home in Tireman Dearborn

Residency is difficult to get but relatively easy to prove once you have it. To be an eligible candidate for office in Michigan, Rashida had to be a “registered and qualified elector” of her district. That means that her primary residence and the address on her driver’s license had to be in the 12th House district.

However, according to the official property and tax records, Rashida lived in a house on Tireman in Dearborn. The records show that her husband Fayez Tlaib (a part time autoworker) purchased the house in 2008. Both of them also filed jointly and paid taxes for that property in 2009 and claimed that it was their primary residence. However, in 2009, Rashida explained this discrepancy by claiming that in late 2008, she separated from her husband and moved to her father’s house—something that her father vehemently denied.

Rashida’s signature response to her father’s essentially calling her a liar/fraudster was:

“It’s not surprising that he did this to me. It’s not. He was abusive to me as a girl, and he’s angry at me about my grandmother…he’s also vindictive. It’s all very embarrassing. What do they say, you can’t choose your family?”

This claim of ‘abuse’ is a recurring theme in Rashida’s conversational repertoire, and she uses it frequently. She invoked the abuse incantation on her father, former husband, political opponents, former boss, business leaders, Loews, President Trump, police, a number of federal agencies, members of Congress, Israel, and the list goes on. For Rashida, the claim of abuse seems to be the gift that keeps on giving and the ultimate winning card.

In regard to her property tax fraud case, she exhibited dishonesty when she threw her husband under the bus and blamed him for the fraudulent filings. Her claim of ignorance is also doubtful because prior to her political career, she worked for a Detroit-based non-profit as an attorney offering tax and financial advice to the immigrant community. You would think that a professional who is paid to offer tax and financial advice to others would be able to properly handle their own personal taxes.

In a February 17, 2014, interview with the Detroit Free Press, she said that her husband mistakenly signed the affidavit claiming the homestead exemption in Dearborn and that:

“It actually was very much a wake-up call for many people,… It’s a very easy mistake to make.”

Political charlatans thrive on complacent media, and as soon as the apologetic story about her tax fraud went public, Rashida switched to full attack mode and seized the opportunity to lead a legislative crusade to make it ‘more difficult’ for people to claim a primary residence exemption for more than one property.

Image 12: 2014 news articles detailing Rashida Tlaib’s tax and residency fraud

Another noteworthy observation regarding Rashida’s lack of public transparency is the magical online scrubbing of non-complimentary articles about her. One example is a 2014 piece that was featured in The Detroit News METRO section titled: “Tlaib Blames Broken System Failure Pay Dearborn School Taxes”; another is: “Lawmaker to pay back taxes after error”. The removal of these articles is interesting because it confirms the practice of major news outlets purging already published content for narrative management purposes. It may also be relevant that the article’s disappearance coincided with Rashida’s election to office.

Nurturing and Enabling Sexual Harassment?
Rashida is now positioning herself as leading the charge for women’s rights, but what about her real track record on sexual harassment? Textual and keyword analysis and video analytics on media and articles related to her that go back to 1998 show a number of dubious incidents and her questionable ethics. In at least one case, she actively shielded a sexual predator for political gain. This story involves her 2013 sexual harassment charges against her former boss, Imad Hamad, the Michigan regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC).

From her own statements, it appears that she had personal knowledge that multiple women were being molested and assaulted by Hamad as early as 1999, but she opted to sit on this information for 15 whole years. She only spoke about it after 5-15 other women blew the whistle on how Hamad sexually harassed/assaulted them over the years while serving as head of the Michigan ADC. Hamad was accused of attacking female employees and women who came to him seeking help and advice—ironically enough—about sexual harassment and discrimination. Once that case went public, Rashida quickly cashed in on the political opportunity to ‘lead’ the campaign to oust Hamad from the ADC.

According to the Tlaib testimony, the ADC, like Hamad, is a debauched moral pigsty. Internal documents show that in 2007, eight other women who had worked or volunteered with ADC filed written complaints with the national office against Hamad. But the national office failed to dismiss him; they only told him to take a sexual harassment training course.

Image 13: October 3, 2013, news conference with a few of the 15 victims of Imad Hamad’s sexual harassment and abuse

In a May 31, 2013 letter to the ADC’s national president, Warren David; its national board chairman, Safa Rifka; Barbara McQuade, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan; and Gail Cober, field director of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Detroit office, Rashida wrote:

“I was a victim of Imad Hamad’s 15 years ago and regret that I did not have the courage to report it to the appropriate authorities…Imad’s sexual advances were aggressive. He made references to my breasts, played with my hair when I was on the phone, and made sexual comments throughout the day…”

Image 14: Rashida Tlaib’s Open Sex Letter regarding Imad Hamad, the ADC, and her decision to sit on the sexual abuse evidence for 15 years

What is shocking but not surprising about this case is that Imad Hamad was eventually cleared of all charges. Evaluating evidence shows that the allegations by some of the victims were overwhelming. It consisted of multiple sworn affidavits; the testimonies were detailed and consistent, had no internal or external contradictions, and provided specific details of the time and place and corroborating events. So, it does seem that the ADC’s final decision was a face-saving cover-up (and a possible generous payout) aimed at shielding the reputation of their greatest social justice warrior.

Image 15
: Imad Hamad, the civil rights activist and champion of ‘Arab women empowerment’

In the end, despite the exposure to sunlight, 15 silver bullets, gallons of holy water infused with garlic, and a wooden stake through the heart, Hamad just brushed off his blouse and walked away from this affair smelling like a rose-scented bathroom freshener. After his full-time gig with the ADC ended (he still serves as their advisor), he became the Executive Director of the American Human Rights Council (AHRC), where he continues to perform his fifth column duties, selling the same snake oil anti-American venomous propaganda disguised as human rights activism.

Image 16
: Imad Hamad in his full 5’-4” 330 lb. glory, his fight for a world free of harassment, and two of his sexual abuse accusers, Rashida Tlaib and Rana Abbas, and their abbreviated stories

A deep dive into Hamad’s past shows a real upstanding human being, just a sweetheart of a guy. He was born in 1966 in the terrorist hotbed of Ein El-Hilweh refugee camp in Lebanon and came to the United States in 1980-1981 on a foreign student visa. Just like in Ilhan Omar’s case, he too has been using multiple names that include:

Imad’s Names

Wife’s Names

Imad Hamad

Hamad Arwa

Imad M Hamad

Arwa Alkhateeb

Imad S Hamad

Arwa Izzadin Hamad

Imad Salih Hamad

Arwa Adenwala

Hamad Imad Salih

Arwa Aden

Imad Salih Hamad

Arwa Donnelson

Arwaa Hammed

Image 17:
Imad Hamad’s home sweet home at the Ain el-Hilweh Palestinian Camp in Lebanon and the World HQ for civil rights, Human Rights, and Women’s Empowerment

While in the US, Imad ended up violating his student visa by overstaying its duration. Also, despite the strict visa requirements, he only attended Louisiana Tech University briefly during the winter quarter of 1981 (under the name Imad Salih Hamad) and spent the rest of his time organizing radical terror-tied Islamic political activities. He allegedly also engaged in a sham marriage to a woman with US citizenship with whom he did not live. It was during one of these terror activism marathons in 1982 that he was picked up on FBI surveillance working for the PFLP—an organization on the State Department’s terrorist list. The INS fought for almost two decades to deport him, but under pressure from US Senator Carl Levin and the Clinton Administration (believing that this would secure them the Arab community’s vote), they finally gave up.

Image 18: Imad Hamad, the toast of Palestinian high society in Michigan, and his journey from a common refugee camp terrorist to a consummate sexual abuser

In 1997, an immigration judge ruled in his favor (mainly because of his American wife) and canceled his deportation order, clearing his path to permanent residence. In 1998, he became the executive director of the Michigan branch of the ADC. In 2003, he got his U.S. citizenship. In terms of political and ideological bent, Hamad is a crafty terrorist apologist and has been defending and promoting terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah (both on the US State Department terror list). He has even gone on Detroit local television stations to praise the Palestinian Authority’s teaching three-year-olds to become suicide bombers—calling it “patriotic.” He was also quoted in the Detroit media referring to Hezbollah—the terrorist group which in 1983 alone murdered 241 US marines and 63 US embassy employees–“the heroes” and a “resistance organization.”

Image 19: Imad Hamad’s activist fairytale story and the details of his visit to the White House, meeting with Eric Holder, and pressing flesh with another women’s rights champion, Bill Clinton

Some of the testimony regarding the specifics of Hamad’s harassment came from Rana Abbas, Hamad’s deputy director at the ADC. Abbas testified that he hired mostly women in his office so that he could take advantage of them. She also said that he constantly pressured her to have sex with him. When she refused, he punished her. Over seven victims described his assaults as consisting of:

“Aggressive groping of breast and stroking of hair, rubbing his body against women, trying to kiss them, commenting in suggestive ways on women’s body parts, paddling women, pushing women against the wall and pinning them down, and pressuring women to sleep with him.”

Image 20: Top left Imad, the woman rights champion. Middle, at an award ceremony with FBI Special Agent Bell, the US Attorneys Collins and McQuade (one of the recipients of Rashida’s Open letter). Top right, the secret life of Barbara McQuade. Bottom left at a 2009 event with Leon Panetta, who thanked Imad for “doing a great job.” Bottom middle, at a 2012 “Siham Jaafar’s Images and Perceptions workshop” event with Rana Abbas (one of his accusers). In that event, Imad let Rana wear his activist fedora and orchestrated a “Why don’t you smile a little more? It will get you places” picture. The identities of the individuals in the images were matched using an AI-based OCR, object classifier, and face recognition.

Keeping in line with the cultural toxicity and sexual depravity, this case echoes other sex scandals associated with Qatari-funded Muslim Brotherhood organizations in the US and Europe and the MO of sex predators like the ‘rape prince’ Tariq Ramadan.

Image 21
: The rape prince Tarek Ramadan, Muslim Brotherhood philosopher and a former Oxford professor of Contemporary Islam and Ethics and the sources of his Qatari legal defense fund and personal finance

We Can’t Handle the Truth
Clearly, both Imad and Rashida are lying about some of the facts in this sexual abuse case, which makes it difficult to determine who exactly abused whom. It seems that both of them participated in some form of a perverted marriage of convenience and that, at some point, the relationship got poisoned.

In 2011, Rashida was literally thrown out of a fundraiser by ADC staff in Washington, DC. Other evidence suggests that Tlaib may have been romantically involved with Hamad and that the grudge was at least partially triggered by ‘Hell has no fury as a woman scorned.’ So, these two factors could have been the impetus for the Sicilian knife fight that ensued in 2013. One thing is certain: as soon as Rashida got elected and felt powerful enough, she kneecapped Imad. Debbie Schlussel, who is the resident expert on Rashida and Imad, summarized the relationship between these two poisonous snakes as:

“Frankly, I couldn’t care less if Tlaib was sexually harassed by Hamad, as this is one of those “Alien v. Predator” cases where I hope the war lasts forever and both sides lose.”

The real Greek tragedy with this and other ‘ethnic’ sexual abuse cases is that under the pretext of women’s rights, Rashida and the rest of the squad are the active enablers of this practice and promoters of the most heinous of crimes against women. On the one hand, virtue signaling and oozing with modesty like Ilhan’s and Sarsour’s hijab charade, and on the other hand, whitewashing degenerate and depraved sexual assault and child marriage practices in their community.

Or, as Israa Ghrayeb wrote in her last tweet before she was murdered:

…May God be the judge of those who oppressed me and hurt me”.

Image 22
: Top 20 countries with the highest prevalence of child marriage and an estimated rate of about 15%-30% of this practice for Palestinians living in Jordan

Checking the CheckersThe squad’s response to accusations of dishonesty, fraud, and deception against them is to argue that these are all white privileged Islamophobic, fascist, racist, bigoted lies and that fact-checker services like have debunked all of those claims and found them to be false.

To those unfamiliar with organizations like Snopes, it is a leading progressive site that claims to impartially verify facts. But in reality, it’s a propaganda mill and one major source of fake news and for-pay information laundry service.

Following the age-old question of ‘who will guard the guards, ’ I decided to run some analytics on Snopes, which has provided the squad with close air support and a thin veil of respectability. The results strongly suggest that just like in the case of Rashida and Ilhan, key individuals in Snopes like David Mikkelson (another rapist), the CEO, his current wife, and his staff are not the most ethical or honest arbitrators of truth after all, and neither is their work product. In at least several instances, the evidence, which includes drafts of fact checks and internal communications regarding strategy and disposition objectives, suggests that Snopes is a crypto PR firm dressed up as a research organization.

Image 23: July 22, 2019, David Mikkelson’s from Snopes determination that Rashida Tlaib was not involved in election fraud and the analytics used to confirm the identity of the person in the image

Wash ‘N Clean and the Meme Laundromat
The whitewashing services that Snopes provides can be illustrated through the case of Omar Mateen. After Omar’s Jihadi-inspired terror attack in the Pulse Nightclub, during which he murdered 49 people, Snopes’s leading fact-checker Kim Lacapria (in an attempt to distance him from democratic-progressive circles) claimed that just because Mateen was a registered Democrat with an active voter registration status didn’t mean he was a Democrat. She argued that he might “have chosen a random political affiliation when initially registered.”  As can be seen in the image below, Seddique Mateen actively campaigned for Hillary Clinton and can be seen sitting behind her in a political town hall meeting. Seddique Mateen also logged over a dozen visits to the Obama administration’s white house, Congress, and State Department. In fact, both he and his son were long-term FBI assets with powerful democratic patronage. So clearly, Omar had a strong democratic party affiliation, which could have been easily verified with even superficial research.

Image 24: The CAIR-affiliated Muslim Brotherhood Fort Pierce Islamic Center and its derivative terror network

Another noteworthy observation about fact-checks is that paradoxically, in several cases, the source of some politically opposing content was traced to the same IP addresses/computing devices. So either these creators have an advanced form of bipolar disorder, or they work for a sophisticated disinformation organization. This also suggests the existence of a 3C (Communication, Coordination, and Cooperation) type of relationship between the content creators and the Snopes reviewers. In this symbiotic ecosystem, fake content is published with the sole purpose of later discrediting it and then using this affiliation to attack individuals and content.

The personalities of the Snopes CEO and his team don’t suggest that decency, ethics, character, and scruples are employment perquisites. Mikkelson’s former wife Barbara’s court filings also support this.

Image 25
: Barabra Mikkelson’s court filing alleging that her former husband, the CEO of Snopes has embezzled $98K from the company and spent it on himself and the services of prostitutes

Image 26: David Mikkelson and his Snopes truth seeker partner Elyssa Young AKA Eryn O’Bryn (a former Libertarian Party Congressional candidate from Hawaii), in a variety of dramatic roles such as the pro-women title: “big t#*s girl loves getting raped”

Dostoyevsky Need not Apply
If you are still looking for a crime and punishment style closure to the Israa murder, you won’t find it. The Palestinian police and security forces were fully aware of the multiple attacks against Israa (a patrolman came over to the house and there was a policeman at the hospital), but they deliberately avoided taking any action. The brothers, the honorable Rami, Ihab, and Mohammed Ghrayeb, have since managed to disappear. After beating their sister 3 times and recording the act for posterity on a cell phone, Ihab packed his suitcase and hopped onto a plane to Canada. The last good IP address was a commercial block on Gooderham Dr. in Toronto.

I’ll spare you the savage video of the act, but if you want, you can listen to the gruesome audio recording below:

Shortly after Israa’s death, a user by the name of Rose Alghafri posted this message in her memory:

“How can someone listen to her screams and remains without moving to help her?How can they murder their own child just because she posted a pic of herself? Arab women are still in great danger and we’ll forever be, humanity is just a word”

Rashida, Ilhan, and Linda, you should pay attention. The reason why Arab women are still in great danger is because of enablers like you. Maybe the time has come for you to re-focus your considerable political power and shift it from trying to destroy America and Israel (which do not have a real honor killing problem) and use it to help eliminate the terror in the lives of hundreds of millions of women around the world.

For the rest of us, let Israa’s final screams be a reminder of what to expect when we bulk import people like Imad Hamad, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Linda Sarsour, or other types ‘ethnically diverse’ and ‘multi-cultural’ into western democracies.

Image 27: The Ghrayeb hit squad, brothers Rami, Ihab, and Mohammed, and the father, Baha’a (Besho)


The Failed Pursuit of the Greater Good
A word of caution to our intelligence community about the ‘pursuit of the greater good’. It is tempting to use community-based HUMINT with informants like Hamad to fight domestic terrorism. But short-term tactical battle wins can’t win long-term ideological war. Once someone like Imad Hamad gets entrenched, he will operate for 40 years and survive generations of agency handlers that come and go as they pursue their short-term career goals, all while he continues to implement his Muslim Brotherhood’s long-term ideological roadmap.

To keep the anti-terror and counter-intelligence junkies coming for more, pushers like Imad create a dependency cycle that consists of squealing on some targets in their community, which in turn, results in a high visibility arrest, a media circus and a lot of political capital for his handlers and the agencies involved. In return, these agencies turn a blind eye to Imad’s vices (like being a serial sex predator) and allow him to continue to run his ‘civil rights’ business—which in reality is a terrorism incubator and its life support system. This cycle of squealing, highly visible media events, and more autonomy for the informants repeats perpetually. For agenesis who lack HUMINT skills to infiltrate and disrupt Jihadi cells, this recruitment of local informants and ‘native’ talent becomes an addiction. Unfortunately, in addition to this habit being as bad as using crack cocaine, it also allows the likes of Imad to create and operate a large number of cancerous organizations such as AHRC, ADC, and CAIR with complete impunity.

Image 28
: Now and then–the 40 years transformation of an all-American suburban Dearborn Michigan community to an extremist fundamentalist enclave with one of the largest number of residents on the US Terrorism Watchlist

For political agencies like the DOJ and FBI, this results in them stepping over dollars to pick up pennies. It may be a shocking revelation, but the fact is that the impact of all of the Jihadi attacks on US soil, including the 9/11 tragedy, dwarfs compared to the massive damage that organizations like CAIR inflict on our society. In the long run, coddling the likes of Imad Hamad, Seddique Mateen, and his son Omar frays the fabric of our society because it creates a multi-tiered justice system, rewards corruption, and destroys any government accountability through people like James Comey, who, to cover up his incompetence and mistakes ends up whitewashing the truth about someone like the Mateens.

Image 29
: Seddique Mateen campaigning for HRC shortly after his jihadi son Omar shot 100 and killed 49 innocent people at the Pulse Nightclub in Orland. Seddique’s main message was, “I support everything that Hillary says especially her gun control measures because I want the US to be a safer place.”

Image 30
: The Omar Mateen story, the life of a rouge informant

A much better approach to dealing with domestic radicalization is to demand that civic and religious leaders, schools, and other institutions in communities like Dearborn stop implicitly and explicitly supporting terrorism (as defined by the US State Department). This should include hate speech, financial and moral support, and advocacy. If that doesn’t work, their financial resources should be seized, and all guilty individuals should be deported by the busload. There should be no exception to any immigration fraud or ICE violations. I am sure that everyone, including Rashida Tlaib, would agree that the world and the lives of dozens of innocent Muslim women who were subjected to Imad’s sexual abuse over the past 30 years would have been better off if he had been deported back in 1981.

Cultural subversion, religious intolerance, and destructive foreign political influence (e.g., the Muslim Brotherhood network in the US) are complex problems to solve and may even appear to be overwhelming. But in this regard, we can draw comfort from the knowledge that in the past, successive American generations faced similar challenges and found ways to address them through legal safeguards such as the Alien and Sedition Act, the Espionage Act of 1917, and the McCarran Internal Security Act. Perhaps the time has come to start work on the next safeguard legislation, the ‘Religious Subversion Act of 2020’.


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Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi – Michigan Mosques and Imam Linked to Iranian Regime
Hezbollah religious and political rallies in Dearborn Michigan
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The War Against The Terror Masters, Michael A. Ledeen
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Image 31
: The Jumaa Hezbollah US-Lebanon-South America drug and money laundering connection

Sources and content are based on the work of C. Jacob

[1] Al-Ayyam (Palestinian Authority), December 20, 2008.

[2] Al-Ayyam (Palestinian Authority), December 20, 2008.

[3] Sawt Al-Nisaa (Palestinian Authority), December 3, 2008.

[4] Al-Quds (Jerusalem), May 15, 2009.

[5] Sawt Al-Nisaa (Palestinian Authority), December 3, 2009.

[6] Al-Ayyam (Palestinian Authority), December 20, 2009.

Muslim fraternitati fieri delenda est!

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