
You’re Invited: Stream & Download Our New Album

We are thrilled to announce the release of our album, Redemption. It is a journey of powerful lyrics, unforgettable melodies, and raw emotion. This is more than music; it’s a story of hope, resilience, and transformation. Stream it on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and more. Download your copy and let the music become part of your story.

Each track is a piece of our soul, crafted to inspire and connect. We can’t wait for you to experience it. Thank you for your support, and we hope these songs touch your heart as much as they did ours.

With love,

The Appalachian Mountain Band

3 thoughts on “Redemption

  1. It seems the options for listening w/o a login are limited to clips, if at all.

    + Spotify [login required, no previews]
    + Apple Music [plays previews, login required]
    + iTunes Music [plays previews, login required]
    + Amazon Music [no previews, login required]
    + Pandora [not available in my country]
    + Deezer [plays 30s clips w/o login]

    One humbly suggests uploading to three additional “no-login” listening platforms:
    + YouTube
    + SoundCloud
    + Bandcamp

    So that willing ears—such as my own—may partake with less barrier to entry.

    Thanks, Appalachian Mountain Band, for sharing your melodies.

    The preview clips did not sound half bad.

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