The Illustrated Primer

Murder for Ratings

Stop media corruption

Another public gathering and another Antifa-BLM-Green Alliance assault. It turns out that what appears to the naked eye in the edited news as random violence is a carefully orchestrated media event. The case of the Denver murder this week shows clear evidence of coordination between media outlets and well-known Antifa-BLM-PSL agitators. As can be seen from the composites below, a professional agitator named Jeremiah Elliott baited and assaulted multiple peaceful demonstrators. At the same time, his Denver Post camera wing lady, Helen Richards, was busy capturing the fictitious ‘right-wing extremists’ in action.

This agitprop campaign was joined by Zack Newman, a Denver 9News producer. Unfortunately, as in any revolutionary activity, manufacturing violent news is riddled with potential casualties. This event was no exception. Richards’ and Newman’s little Pulitzer prize initiative ended abruptly when Matthew Dolloff first baited. Then another Antifa-BLM-Green activist (Zack Newman’s paid muscle) murdered Lee Keltner, all while Newman watched on, and Richards captured the act on her camera a few feet away.

Image 1:  Sampling of the coordinated media activity between Jeremiah Elliott, a violent Denver  Antifa-BLM-PSL activist, and his wing woman, Denver Post photographer Helen Richards. During Elliott’s multiple assaults on peaceful demonstrators, Richards was always right next to him, capturing the action.

Image 2: Helen Richardson, The Denver Post’s ‘crisis photographer’ in action, and Matt Dolloff, the Denver NBC-affiliated 9News hired muscle staging a scene for the 9News producer Zack Newman.

Image 3: The political footprint of Matt Dolloff includes anti-Trump, anti-Israel, pro-Islamist, anti-police, and anti-US military posts and activity

Image 4
: Zack Newman from 9News, his muscle, Matt Dolloff, and Jeremiah Elliott, the Antifa agitator, stalking their victim Lee Keltner (image was enhanced and reconstructed from the one posted by Richard Randall)

Video 1
: February 17, 2020,  Jeremiah Elliott assaulting an individual at a Bernie Sanders speech

Image 5:
Jeremiah Elliott Antifa network includes practicing Satanists and Wiccans

Image 6
: July-August 2020, Jeremiah Elliott leading BLM Antifa riots and attacks against the police in Aurora Colorado

Image 7: The affidavit and arrest warrant for Matthew Doloff [sic]




References and Sources
XRVision Sentinel AI Platform – Face recognition, image reconstruction, and object classification


Copyright 2020 Yaacov Apelbaum, All Rights Reserved.

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