Turkey entered World War I on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary (Central Powers). On November 13, 1914, the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed V Resad declared war on the Allies and called for a worldwide jihad (Holy War) against them. Some Western scholars refer to this proclamation as the “Berlin Fatwa” and argue that it was instigated by German Kaiser Wilhelm II’s government to incite an Islamic uprising by the Arab population of the Ottoman Empire against British and French colonial holdings. The underlying rationale for this was to siphon allied resources from the European theater of operations.
Image 1: Kaiser Wilhelm II in the uniform of a Turkish field marshal
The argument that Germany was Turkey’s puppet master and that Turkey was just manipulated into making the 1914 holy war proclamation has been around for decades. Still, this argument has several weaknesses. For starters, Turkey’s declaration was based on a long historical tradition of jihads. It was also an integral part of their domestic divide-and-conquer and foreign policies. If the 1914 jihad was indeed architected by Germany, it is difficult to explain the large number of Turkish publications that followed it for years and the never-ending stream of religious propaganda that supported it. These publications aimed at improving soldier morale and cultivating a nationalistic Ottoman identity. They continued throughout the war and after it, even after the effects of the initial jihad proclamation wore off.
In this post, I will argue that in lieu of the German influence/origin theory, the 1914 call for jihad should be viewed as just one manifestation of a broader political strategy of Turkish imperial pan-Islamic domination. In this light, persistent Turkish historical statements such as the following should be viewed as political dog whistles rather than virtuous religious proclamations:
“People of Islam! Whatever your nationality, whatever your language, the Lord has declared all of us brothers and sisters.”
The investigation of the origins of the 1914 jihad may seem pedantic and academic, but it’s not. When filtered through the prism of the European refugee crisis, the answers can help illuminate Turkey’s use of jihad tactics, language, and ideology and explain their tacit support for Muslim Brotherhood organizations worldwide and hardcore terror groups like ISIS and Hamas.
A Sampling of 250 Years of Turkish Calls for Jihad
From the 1770s to the 1900s, the Ottoman state issued several official jihad declarations. In 1773, they declared jihad during the war against Russia that led to Russia’s annexation of the northern Black Sea region. This was followed by a 1809 declaration against the Serbian population. In 1829, Turkey declared another jihad against Russia for supporting the Greek revolt and its demand for independence. This call for a ‘holy war’ against Russia—which was non-direct belligerent—was justified because the ideological Russian support for the Greek cause was a hostile act towards the Islamic faith. Turkey repeated the call for jihad during the one-month-long Greek-Ottoman war of 1897. In 1914, the Jihad Declaration targeted the allied powers of Britain, France, Russia, and their allies. In 1919, the Turkish religious leader Mustafa Kemal and his resistance movement declared another jihad against Greece. In May 1919, he followed with another call for jihad against the British-controlled government in Istanbul.
Controlling and Fine-Tuning the Jihad
Historically, Turkey exercised a high degree of control over the jihad spigot, turning it on and off opportunistically and regulating its flow. Mustafa Aksakal, in his analysis entitled: “The Ottoman Proclamation of Jihad,” makes the following observation about this strategy:
“Those at the helm of the Ottoman state were well aware of the self-destructive potential built into instrumentalizing Islam. Sultan Abdülhamid ii (r. 1876–1909) sought to use jihad as a diplomatic lever, not as an actual military policy; “the threat of cihad,” as one historian put it, “was more effective than the call itself.” Islam could be the sword that united Muslim Ottomans from the Balkans to Arabia but it could at the same time be the sword that sliced into the Ottoman body politic cutting out Christians and Jews.
In moments of violence against Christians the state rushed to punish the alleged transgressors, often summarily without adequate investigation, in the effort to calm European diplomats and, gradually, European public opinion. Thus the commander on whose watch inter-communal violence broke out in Lebanon in 1860 was put to death alongside two aides. Similarly, about 30 participants were swiftly executed for the gruesome slaying of the German and French consuls by a mob in Salonica in 1876, murders that had been prompted by the conversion of a young Bulgarian woman to Islam and the woman’s subsequent detention and concealment by her relatives. In the ensuing chaos, according to reports, the ringleaders demanding the woman’s release claimed that “the holy war is about to commence.”
When in full jihad mode, the Turkish military distributed pamphlets to army chaplains with stories intended to fortify religious fervor and impart lessons of courage and necessary martyrdom and sacrifice. This jihad propaganda always conflated and mixed religious and secular concepts, such as one’s political duty to the motherland with personal religious obligations to Islam. In some of these pamphlets, jihad meant unity, fulfilling Sharia law, contributing to the health of the nation, protecting the dignity and glory of the state, building up the empire, bringing aid to the umma (Muslim nation), and defending the homeland from the infidels. In other publications, the focus was on the virtues of the warriors of Islam (Mujahideen) and their romantic affinity with the conquest of the likes of Saladin.
One example of this mixed genre of political and religious propaganda can be found in a fictional booklet about a young Ottoman soldier published in 1910 entitled: “Little Halil”. The book’s plot revolves around Halil, who ‘voluntarily’ goes to the recruitment office to join the army. However, after an interview with the recruitment officer, Halil is rejected and sent back home when the officer learns that Halil left behind an elderly mother and unmarried sister and that his father fought many glorious Ottoman campaigns and died in service. Halil refuses to go home and explains that it was his mother who sent him to join the army to fight in the glorious jihad.
The interesting point about the plethora of these publications is that they are written by both the Sultan’s religious authorities and the political commissars from the secular Young Turk Committee of Union and Progress, the same one that in 1908/9 deposed Sultan Abdulhamid II and seized power in a coup in 1913. Suggesting that for the Turkish government—both the old guards and the Young Turks—imperial colonial expansion and anti-western colonial struggles were framed as a continuous jihad.
The Bipolar Turkish View of Jihad
In Islam (based on the Koranic references), jihad is defined as (1) the internal struggle carried on by the individual believer to fulfill certain divine expectations and (2) the mandatory external, violent warfare that must be waged against non-Muslims. The internal, peaceful form is called “greater jihad,” whereas the external, violent form is called “lesser jihad.” Keeping these definitions in mind, it is noteworthy that the Ottoman government’s 1914 declaration of war against Britain, France, and Russia (as well as Serbia and Montenegro) used the term “greater jihad” (cihad-ı ekber). This misnomer suggests either ignorance of classical jihad doctrine by the religious authorities who issued the document or a deliberate act.
To try and solve this puzzle, we must look closer at the official 1914 jihad proclamation. According to several Western sources (including Henry Morgenthau, the US ambassador to Constantinople), the document was first deliberated on November 11th. Then, it was read in public three days later, on November 14th. But there seem to have been several other dates for this proclamation. Gottfried Hagen, who published a collection of 1914 Turkish Islamic pamphlets from a collection at the University of Heidelberg, showed that the first publications of the Fatwas ruling on the point of Islamic law appeared as early as November 7th and even possibly earlier on November 3rd. This date coincides with the Ottoman surprise attack against the Russian Black Sea ports on October 29 and the Russian declaration of war on Turkey on November 2nd.
Image 1: Gottfried Hagen’s Islamic pamphlets referencing the Turkish call for worldwide jihad
Other supporting evidence for the earlier publication date is that during the first week of November, the Istanbul daily newspaper İkdam, already reported that “the declaration of jihad against these states who are the enemies of Islam” had now become a “duty for all Muslims.”
The likely explanation for the use of the term “greater jihad” wasn’t religious ignorance but rather an intentional act that was designed to erase the line between the individual’s jihad and the state’s political war effort. Thus retrofitting the old and obsolete concept and harnessing it to support the state belligerence. This was a new type of call for war, a politicized and secularized version upgraded for use by a modern industrial state. This concept is similar to promoting the 13th-16th century feudal bushido code in 20th-century industrial and imperial Japan.
This synthetic version of the original holy war now became the leading strategy in the service of imperial objectives (both German and Turkish) and anti-colonial struggles against England and France. The politicization of Islam paradoxically also lead to the inverse process of the Islamicization of politics as is demonstrated by the 1914 jihad against the allies.
Both of these inverse trends lead to the convergence of politics and religion. This new concept of secular holy war, which never before existed in Islam, was now fueled by German industrialization of the Turkish war effort and the mandatory national military conscription. This large scale mechanized effort became the main reason for the success of the mass Turkish genocides that followed the 1914 proclamation and became the blueprint for another large scale jihad 15 years later, the one that we now know as the ‘final solution’.
So, it seems that the Turkish jihad is an age-old, well-lubricated political machine that functioned efficiently long before the Germans got into the picture. If German machinations in the 1914 Proclamation played any significant role, it may have been just to try to align it with their colonial objectives.
Morgenthau and the 1914 Proclamation of Holy War
Henry Morgenthau, the US ambassador to Constantinople (and the grandfather of the historian Barbara Tuchman), described in detail the Armenian genocide and the persecution of the Albanians, Jews, and Greeks that followed the 1914 call for jihad. He wrote that “the great massacres and persecutions of the Armenian race” were to be kept secret to complete the annihilation of the Armenians before the Allies could intervene to stop it.
Morgenthau based his opinion that Germany was the architect behind this holy war on several meetings with Baron von Wangenheim, the German ambassador to Constantinople. Morgenthau became convinced that Germany’s objective was to unleash millions of Muslims against the English and French worldwide through a steady campaign of assassination and terror and that this ultimately would be the quickest means of forcing England to sue for peace.
Image 2: The architects and actors of the 1914 Turkish jihad. Kaiser Wilhelm II, Sultan Mehmed V Reşâd, the “Red Sultan,” AKA the “Great Assassin”, Ürgüplü Mustafa Hayri Efendi, the “Sheik al-Islam”, and Baron von Wangenheim, the German ambassador to Constantinople
Morgenthau describes one such meeting where Wangenheim explained Germany’s rationale for forcing Turkey into World War I:
“Sitting in his office, puffing away at his big black German cigar, he [Wangenheim] unlolded Germany’s scheme to arouse the whole fanatical Moslem world against the Christians. Germany had planned a real “holy war” as one means of destroying English and French influence in the world. Turkey herself is not the really important matter, her army is a small one, and we do not expect it to do very much. For the most part it will act on the defensive. But the big thing is the Moslem world. If we can stir the Mohammedans up against the English and Russians, we can force them to make peace.”
Image 3: The 1914 Turkish Jihad Senior Leadership Team
The “big thing” that Wangenheim was referring to became obvious on November 14, 1914, when Sultan Mehmed V Resad issued his declaration of war and an appeal for a jihad against the infidels. Soon afterward Urguplu Mustafa Hayri Efendi, his Sheik al-lslam (top religious cleric) published a fatwa summoning the whole Muslim world to rise and massacre their Christian oppressors. The fatwa was followed by a statement by the top Turkish military commander, Enver Pasha, and then by a few comments by the publication’s director, Halim Sabit.
Image 4: The 1914 reading of the jihad fatwa by Urguplu Mustafa Hayri Efendi, the “Sheik al-Islam”
The Details of the 1914 Call for Jihad
The jihad fatwa was drafted in the form of five linked legal opinions. The document was a collaborative effort endorsed by 29 senior Turkish religious authorities. It was blessed formally by the sultan, accepted by the members of the Ottoman chamber of deputies, and on 11 November, presented in a closed pre-publication ceremony to political, military, and religious dignitaries such as Talaat Pasha (the leading mastermind of the Armenian Genocide). Then, with great fanfare on Saturday, November 14, it was read out publicly by the custodian of the fatwa (Fatwa Emini), Ali Haydar Efendi, to a large crowd assembled outside the Mosque of Mehmed the Conqueror in the Fatih neighborhood of Istanbul.
Several days later, Ali Haydar Efendi instructed the Ottoman governors to distribute the jihad fatwa, and orders were issued to display it in all city shrines. The Mujtahids (a person of religious authority in Islamic law) churned out a plethora of fatwa editorials in a short period, and the local Ottoman telegraph offices sent copies of these fatwas to every major town in the Ottoman Empire. These publications helped the Turkish authorities recruit local militia and strengthen the resistance against the advancing British army. In the meantime, the Ottoman Minister of War, Enver Pasha, dispatched Sueyman Askeri,, the director of the Ottoman National Society of Defense, responsible for executing the document’s strategy to Iraq and other major cities, with orders to create a universal local resistance movement.
A day before the official declaration of the global jihad, meetings were attended by all leading mujtahids of the shrine cities of the Ottoman Empire. One such meeting in Najaf, Iraq, was attended by an audience of > 40,000 worshipers, local sheiks, and tribal leaders. The Mujtahids told the crowds in fiery Arabic language that they must actively participate in the jihad and promised those who would die in the process direct entry to paradise. Following the initial presentations, the Ottoman sub-governor of Baghdad organized a jihadi militia force of 5,000-6,000 men to be followed later by a new army of volunteer reinforcements.
Image 5: The 1914 Turkish Fatwa calling for worldwide jihad against the infidels. The left side contains the 5 sub-fatwas that form the master fatwa. The right side contains the verbiage of the proclamation
The Language of the Jihad Fatwa
The following is the translation of the 1914 jihad fatwa:
“O brothers of the Religion! The time has come when you should know that the great Holy War has become a most imperative duty, and you ought to begin it and not to lose a single moment of the
time, for the time is very short, and the life of Islam is on the verge of being swept away as by a flood. And let every one of you choose one of these kinds of war, each one according to his condition and the manner of his life and the geographical and intellectual conditions of his country.
… “It is necessary to consider well, differentiating and distinguishing between the enemy from these peoples, and the one who is not an enemy, and the decrees of the Islamic law in this respect must be the guide for you to follow, and this honored verse is to be placed before you as a direction, and it is the saying of the Most High:
They wished you to become infidels as they are infidels and that ye should be like them. Therefore, take no friends from among them until they flee their country in the path of Allah.
And if they turn back, take them and kill them wherever you find them, and do not take from them any friend or helper except those who are allied with one of your peoples by covenant between you and them, or those who come to you, their hearts forbidding them either to fight you or to fight their own people; if Allah pleased, he would have made them rule over you, and they would have fought you; but if they depart from you, and do not fight against you and offer you peace.
Allah doth desire to enter into confidence with you, and to preserve the confidence of their people, as often as they return to sedition they shall be subverted therein, and if they do not depart from you and offer you peace and restrain their hands, take them and kill them where-so-ever ye find them. Over these we have granted you manifest power.”
The Jihad Proclamation
Once this proclamation was sent out, local religious leaders read it as a legally binding order to the congregations in every mosque; the newspapers printed it, and it was distributed outside the Ottoman Empire to countries that had large Muslim populations like India, China, Persia, Egypt, Algiers, Tripoli, Morocco, etc. In all these locations, the assembled multitudes were ‘strongly’ encouraged to obey the mandate.
Image 6: A 1915 cartoon showing Turkey’s Sultan, Abdul Hamid, praising Kaiser Wilhelm II (who seems to be doing all of the work for Turkey), slaughtering scores of Ottoman Christians and brandishing a sword dripping with blood
Morgenthau observed that the Turkish newspaper Ikdam, published in Constantinople and which up to that point primarily focused on spreading anti-Allies propaganda, now changed its tone and was inciting the masses to wage holy war with articles like:
“The deeds of our enemies, have brought down the wrath of God. A gleam of hope has appeared. All Mohammedans, young and old, men, women, and children, must fulfill their duty so that the gleam may not fade away, but give light to us forever. How many great things can be accomplished by the arms of vigorous men, by the aid of others, of women and children! The time for action has come.
We shall all have to fight with all our strength, with all our soul, with teeth and nails, with all the sinews of our bodies and of our spirits. If we do it, the deliverance of the subjected Mohammedan kingdoms is assured. Then, if God so wills, we shall march unashamed by the side of our friends who send their greetings to the Crescent. Allah is our aid and the Prophet is our support.” The Sultan’s proclamation was an official public document, and dealt with the proposed Holy War only in a general way, but about this same time a secret pamphlet appeared which gave instructions to the faithful in more specific terms. This paper was not read in the mosques; it was distributed stealthily in all Mohammedan countries-India, Egypt, Morocco, Syria,
Oh, Moslems! Ye who are smitten with happiness and are on the verge of sacrificing your life and your goods for the cause of right, and of braving perils, gather now around the Imperial throne, obey the commands of the Almighty, who, in the Koran, promises us bliss in this and in the next world; embrace ye the foot of the Caliph’s throne and know ye that the state is at war with Russia, England, France, and their Allies, and that these are the enemies of Islam. The Chief of the believers, the Caliph, invites you all as Moslems to join in the Holy War!”
The Secret Pamphlet
Following the proclamation of jihad by leading Muslim cleric Ürgüplü Mustafa Hayri Efendi, the fatwa was then followed by a detailed pamphlet in Arabic written by Sheikh Shawish, who was described by British Intelligence as
“an incredibly venomous opponent due to his unreasonable fanaticism, his overwhelming egoism, and his malignant perversion and disregard of the truth”.
The document was distributed outside of Constantinople and provided detailed ‘how to’ instructions for waging the upcoming war. In April 1915, the American consulate in Cairo obtained a copy of the pamphlet; Ambassador Morgenthau had it translated and analyzed. In his memoirs, Morgenthau described it as:
“This paper was not read in the mosques [in Constantinople]; it was distributed stealthily in all Mohammedan countries–India, Egypt, Morocco, Syria, and many others; and it was significantly printed in Arabic, the language of the Koran. It was a lengthy document–the English translation contains 10,000 words–full of quotations from the Koran, and its style was frenzied in its appeal to racial and religious hatred. It described a detailed plan of operations for the assassination and extermination of all Christians–except those of German nationality.”
Image 7: Translation of sample of 4 pages by the US consulate in Cairo of the “Kill them the best way you can”, the 1915 Turkish pamphlet describing how to wage the jihad
The pamphlet called for a war against Christians and Jews in Muslim lands worldwide and included instructions for starvation, mass expulsions, massacres, and the confiscation of property. The pamphlet provided the ideological justification for acts of murder as well as a detailed plan of execution. The following excerpt illustrates some of the messaging:
“ And let every individual of the Muslims, in whatever place they may be, take upon him an oath to kill at least three of four of the ruling infidels, enemies of Allah, and enemies of the religion.”
“You will find that you are forbidden to have friendship with the Jews and the Christians; you will find that you are denied to have social intercourse with those who deride your religion…”
“It is necessary that they should know from today that the Holy War has become a sacred duty and that the blood of the infidels …
They must know that the killing of the infidels who rule over the Islamic lands has become a sacred duty, whether it be secretly or openly, as the great Koran declares in its words: (Take them and kill them whenever you come across them, and we have given you a manifest power over them by revelation.)
To whoever kills even one single infidel of those who rule over Islamic lands, either secretly or openly, there is a reward like a reward from all the living ones of the Islamic world.”
Image 8: Letter from the US consulate in Turkey describing the 1915 proclamation calling for the confiscation of property and mass expulsion of the Armenian citizens of Turkey
Image 9: The actual Turkish government proclamation of the confiscation of all Armenian property before their deportation to concentration camps. This identical strategy and tactics were used 15 years later by the Germans against the Jews in Europe. It is worth noting that as a teenager, George Soros used to hand deliver similar deportation and proper confiscation notices to the Jews of Budapest on behalf of his father, Tivadar. Tivadar Soros was a ranking civil servant in the pro-German Hungarian administration and worked closely with SS commander Kurt Becher.
The execution plan for carrying out this holy war included these phases:
- “There shall be a “heart war”–every follower of the Prophet, that is, shall constantly nourish in his spirit a hatred of the infidel; a “speech war”–with tongue and pen every Moslem shall spread this same hatred wherever Mohammedans live; and a war of deed-fighting and killing the infidel wherever he shows his head. This latter conflict, says the pamphlet, is the “true war.”
- There is to be a “little holy war” and a “great holy war”; the first describes the battle which every Mohammedan is to wage in his community against his Christian neighbors, and the second is the great world struggle which united Islam, in India, Arabia, Turkey, Mrica, and other countries is to wage against the infidel oppressors.”
Image 10: 1915-1923 – Images showing the results of the jihad against some of the Christian groups and minorities of the Ottoman Empire
In addition to the ideological justification and strategic phased plan for the violence to come, the document also provided the following tactical instructions on how to ‘properly’ assassinate the infidels:
- First: Wage individual war with knives, daggers, and other cutting and sharp killing instruments. Following the examples of “one of the faithful made against Peter Galy, the infidel English governor, like the slaying of the English chief of police in India, and like the killing of one of the officials arriving in Mecca by Abi Busir (may God he pleased with him).”
- Second, They form killing bands and go forth and kill as many Christians as they can find. These bands should be organized and operated in secret. “It is hoped that the Islamic world of today will profit very greatly from such secret bands.”
- Third: Organize and coordinate campaigns by trained armies to handle large-scale exterminations.
Image 11: Images of Armenian children starved and murdered by Turkish forces. Source: photo collection of Armin Wegner and John Elder
Image 12: Ravished Armenia, the story of Aurora Mardiganian, one of the Armenian survivors of the Turkish genocide. The movie details some of the actions of the jihad, including the crucifixion of young girls, wide-scale rape, murder, and the sex slavery of tens of thousands of Christian Arminian women.
To highlight the extent of this premeditated and systematic extermination campaign, let me point out that prior to the 1914 jihad, there were close to 2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, but by 1923, when the massacres ended, over 1.5 million of Turkey’s Armenians were dead. It is poignant that even today, it is still illegal in Turkey to talk about what happened to Armenians and Greeks during World War I.
Contemporary Turkish Calls for Jihad
On October 25, 2019, Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, attended the Friday prayers at the Great Çamlıca Mosque in Istanbul. He was accompanied by Istanbul’s governor, Ali Yerlikaya, mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu, Istanbul’s chief of police, Mustafa Çalışkan, and the head of the Istanbul branch of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), Bayram Şenocak. After the prayers, the hafiz of the mosque recited the Koranic Verse Al-Fath, which means “victory, triumph, conquest”. Then, Erdogan took the microphone and recited a part of the verse, first in Arabic and then in Turkish. He told the crowd:
Our God commands us to be violent towards the kuffar (infidels). Who are we? The ummah [nation] of Mohammed. So [God] also commands us to be merciful to each other. So we will be merciful to each other. And we will be violent to the kuffar. Like in Syria.”
Erdogan then referred to another Koranic verse, As-Saff-13, in Arabic:
Inshallah, God has promised us in Syria: ‘Nasrun minallahi ve fethun karib ve beşşiril mu’minin.’ [‘Victory from Allah and an imminent conquest; and give good tidings to the believers’]. We see it is happening right now. With the permission of Allah, we will see it even more… I will meet some presidents of foreign countries [Russian and Iranian] at the Dolmabahce Palace today. I ask for your permission now to go there.”
The congregants then cheered Erdogan on, shouting “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is great).
What in 1915 started as a cynical German exercise in realpolitik reflecting their belief that they could leverage the Turkish call for holy war, ended up unleashing a worldwide jihad Jin that resulted in the murder of millions of people in the Armenian Genocide, the Assyrian Genocide and of the Greek Genocide, with the consequence that we are still paying the butcher’s bill 100 years later.
Replaying the moves in the 1914 Turkish German chess game suggests that instead of Turkey being manipulated by Germany to enter the war, Turkey, manipulated Germany to provide it with training, economic and military support, and a diplomatic umbrella so it could cleanse its empire once and for all from unwanted ethnic elements like the Armenians, Greeks, Jews, and other minorities. In the process, it created the prototype of the modern political jihad.
After the war and under British supervision, Turkey quickly recovered while Germany took the full brunt of Allied retribution. The net-net result of Turkey’s holy war was a smaller imperial territory but a homogeneous one and plentiful Western post-war support for modernization. In World War II, they again played both sides and only joined the war in February 1945 on the Allied side, when the Allied victory was guaranteed.
Not surprisingly, since 1914, Turkey has continued to repeat the same jihad gambit over and over again. In the 1970s, they used their membership in NATO as a shield to invade Cypress and annex parts of it. In the 1990s, they helped Saddam Hussein break the oil embargo by being one of his largest black market customers. During the Arab Spring, they blackmailed Europe to gain full EU membership by flooding it with refugees. In 2010, they waged a jihad against Israel. In recent years, they tried to extort the US by holding hostage the US nuclear weapons and demanding a leadership role in post-Gaddafi Libya. The latest Turkish game of playing everyone against each other, which mirrors the Turkish German league of 1914, is their close military and economic alliance with Iran and Russia; this includes joint military exercises and the purchase of the Russian S-400 air defense system. Turkey also continues to purchase Iranian oil despite US sanctions on these transactions. In 2018 and 2019, they again launched another formal jihad against the Kurds and invaded Syria.
Image 13: Turkish government publications calling for worldwide jihad against Israel
Image 14: October 21, 2019: Turkish government-sponsored jihad posters in wide public circulation. Central Konya province Turkey: Billboards feature Koranic Verse (5:51) admonishing Muslims not to befriend Jews And Christians. “…Do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.’’
To all of you post-modernists who still think that the current Turkish or other calls for jihad only apply to ‘radicalized extremists’ or that they are just bygone byzantine ideas that have no bearing on your hip urban lifestyle, think again. You may want to put down the NYT literary section for a minute and take a few minutes to read the 1914 jihad proclamation and the ‘How to kill infidels’ guide in its entirety (the full text is at the bottom of this post). You are in for a big surprise. These fatwas and proclamation of holy war that were published by Turkey in 1914 are identical in language, content, and methods to the ones issued just recently by the likes of Ayman al‑Zawahiri, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and Abu Musab al‑Zarqawi.
Jihad Language and Relevance
The next time a Muslim Brotherhood operative like Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellison, or Turkish President Erdogan talks about waging jihad, rest assured they are not using a figure of speech or metaphor. Today’s most violent Islamic groups, such as ISIS, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and Hezbollah, use the same religious text fatwas and operational templates. They are talking about doing to you and your family exactly what they have done to millions of minorities during WWI, and they are counting on the fact that now, just as then, they will get away with murder.
The fact is that the Turkish recipe for waging jihad has not changed in the past 300 years. It continues to use the same mixture of political and religious elements to be served today to perpetuate attacks against the West, including those used on 9/11. Despite the MSM working overtime in an attempt to rehabilitate Turkey and whitewash it as a moderate Western country, it is not. Turkey and its axis of influence is no more extremist nor radicalized than the one that executed the latest Armenian and Greek genocides. They are just doing their job in the best way they know, using an age-old proven formula for playing one power against another, targeting minorities, and killing the infidels via the same traditional 1914 methods that include:
- Personal terror action using lone wolf targeted attacks
- Bands of murderers like in the 9/11 style international terror cell operations
- Large organized armies such as ISIS/ISIL and their ability to wage a wide-scale war
Image 15: 2017 Ilhan Omar and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan chilin at the UN. Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood (via Qatari) are a major funders and logistics supporters of Ilhan Omar’s election campaign and worldwide Muslim Brotherhood activity
Image 16: Contemporary sampling of jihadi murder (with the full support of Turkish intelligence) against various Christian groups and other minorities in the Middle East
*** Update 07/24/2020 ***
The top Turkish Imam holds a Friday sermon in the Hagia Sophia cathedral after it was reverted into a mosque. Imam Ali Erbas deliveries his jihadi sermon with a sword in hand, which represents Sayfullah (سيف الله), the sword of Allah and Erdogan’s new jihad.
Image 17: July 24, 2020. Sermon and mass prayer at the newly established mosque in Hagia Sophia
References and Sourcing
XRVision Sentinel AI Platform – Face recognition, image reconstruction, and object classification
To our Great Detriment”: Ignoring What Extremists Say About Jihad – Stephen Collins Coughlin
Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story – Henry Morgenthau Sr.
Jihad And Islam in World War I – Edited by Erik-Jan Zürcher
A Universal Proclamation To All The People Of Slam – Published by the Ottoman National Society of Defense The Seat of the Caliphate 1333 (1915 AD)
A Peace To End All Peace – David Fromkin Chapter 24 of Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story – The murder of a nation
Image 17: Records of the Department of State Relating to the WWI Turkish jihad against the Christians, Jews, and other minorities
Image 18: The front page of the November 4, 1918, Turkish newspaper Ikdam reads: “Their [the jihad leadership] response to eliminate the Armenian problem was to attempt the elimination of the Armenians themselves”
The 1915 jihad pamphlet
Due to its vile and violent language and most likely in order not to ‘offend’ Turkey (a NATO member) and other Middle Eastern allies, the 1915 jihad pamphlet remained hidden in the State Department archives for nearly 50 years and was only declassified on March 21, 1961. This lengthy composition is a comprehensive religious legal document that cites multiple Koranic, Hadith, and Sunna sources (see text in quotes and parenthesis). The following English translation was produced by the American Agency consulate in Cairo, Egypt.
Praise be to him who ordained brotherhood between all the believers by his saying (the believers are brothers) and grace and peace be upon our Lord and our Beloved Mohammed who said (No one of you believes until he loves his brother as he loves himself) and then, Oh Company of the House of Faith and Oh Moslems from whatsoever people you may be and in whatever language you may speak, Allah (Let Him be praised be and exalted) has made us and you brothers and has revealed that to us by His saying (Oh ye who have believed, fear Allah a true fear and do not die except as true Moslems) and be bound together by the covenant of Allah all of you and do not be separated, and remember the Grace of Allah upon you when you were enemies and he made friendship between you and joined you together as brothers by His grace when you were on the verge of the pit of fire and he delivered you from it; in like manner Allah reveals to you his verses the ye may be converted.
Allah enjoined upon you four things in these honored verses and informed you of four things. He commanded you the fear of Allah, and the being bound by the covenant of Allah. And that ye avoid the causes of separation and difference, and that ye remember His grace towards you. And he informed you of the hatred and enmity which existed among you before Islam, and that He after it had graciously bestowed upon you grace and love and friendship, and that He by His grace joined you together as brothers. And there is no doubt that we the Muslims believe this precious verse and give credence to its contents, for without doubt we ought to hold the doctrines that all the Muslims from all peoples and nations are brothers, and as this brotherhood has been knitted between peoples as also between individuals of these peoples, every one of whom is to be reckoned as a true brother from other nations as he suffers in the affliction of his brother from his own mother and father or from his own tribe which shelters him.
It is the duty of every people of the people dignified by the religion of Islam that their sympathies towards others of the Islamic peoples should be the same as their sympathies towards their own people and families, and it is incumbent upon their individuals and their communities to strive and put forth every effort to deliver any people of the peoples of Islam and any nation of the nations which believe in the Unity of Allah if they have fallen into the grasp of the infidels who are idolaters, and of the oppressive enemies.
Yea, it is an important duty of all the Muslims that they should despise all difficulties and exert their utmost power to help those of them who have fallen under the rule of the infidels and to deliver them from oppression with all their power and whoever violates this duty is guilty of a great iniquity and whoever denies it deserves from Allah painful punishment in hell continually. And this is the case if the hostility falls upon a people of a tribe of the Moslem communities, and how will it be if the oppressive infidels should, by their enmities, attack the center of the Caliphate, and if they erect enmity toward the Caliph and apostle of Allah (May Allah be gracious to him and give him peace!), and if they spread from their mouths hatred toward him, although he is the great example to all Muslims spread abroad on the face of the earth, and the one who descends from them like the descent of the spirit from the flesh! There can be no doubt that it is an imperative duty in the case upon all the people of the Faith in this case that they should vie with one another in striving for his victory, and for defending the whiteness of Islam with all the power that can be put forth.
Therefore, every Muslim without exception must be considered as a soldier, and therefore it is an imperative necessity that everyone who is able to bear arms should learn the military duties, and be ready for the Holy War in case of need. And these duties are incumbent upon all individuals, and communities, and peoples; for they are called to that and responsible for it in accordance with the saying of the Most High (And oppose to them all that you can command of forces.). For this speech includes all of them.
And it is the duty of every Muslim whatsoever his race and birthplace the he should be ready to rise up for the purpose and expend the utmost effort to accomplish it, considering that this message is addressed to him personally. For the Muslim world had arrived at a condition in which it is not fitting that anyone should consider his personal advantage of bodily repose or any private consideration, but it is the duty of every Muslim that he should leave his own amusement and part with his own pleasure and that he should cast all worldly business behind his back and that he should occupy himself completely with the deliverance of his religion and his nation from the wiles of the enemies.
It is the duty of the whole Muslim world today to gather all its resources at one point and interrupt every work temporarily except the work of the rescue of the religion of Allah and Holy War in the path of Allah. A very holy office is presented today to every people of the peoples of Islam, the inspired Holy War.
O people of Faith, and O beloved Muslims, and O true brothers, consider, though it be but for a little, the condition of the Islamic world. For if you consider this little, you will weep long. You see before you an important matter. You see a bewildering condition which causes the tear to fall and prolongs the thought and causes the fire of grief to blaze. You see the great country of India which contains hundreds of millions of Muslims has fallen on account of the divisions and the weakness of religion into the grasp of the enemies of Allah, the infidel English. You see forth millions of Muslims of Java shackled in the fetters of captivity of and of affliction under the rule of the Dutch, although these infidels are much fewer than they in number and they are not much more elevated than they in their civilization and knowledge. You see Morocco and Algeria and Tunis and Egypt and the Sudan groaning from the extremity of suffering in the grasp of the enemies of Allah and of His Apostle.
You see vast Siberia and the great Turkestan and Khiva and Bakhara and the Caucasian and the Crimea and Kosan and Kaderhan and Kosakastan, their Muslim peoples who believe in the unity of Allah ground under the conquering power of the oppressors who are of the enemies of the religion. You behold the Land of Dairan in preparation for division and you even see the center of the Caliphate which has not ceased since long ages to combat the enemies of the religion breast to breast, has become the target for oppression and violence by means which its enemies renew every day in new form.
And, in brief, you see that the enemies of the religion, and especially the English, the Russians and the French have gone to great lengths in the oppression of the Islamic world and the invasion of its rights, and in injuring it to a degree that cannot be enumerated and that passes all limits, by which they desire to destroy Islam and the Muslims from the face of the earth. But let them beware! They will not be able to accomplish their purpose whatever tyranny and obstinacy they may put forth and in whatever numbers they may appear, and with whatever implements.
The Most High (may His name be praised!) will perfect His light and will manifest His religion and will cause a word to Islam which is the highest according as the precious Koran has said in His saying (“They desire to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah is perfecting His light in spite of the abhorrence of the infidels. It is He who sent His apostles with guidance and the religion of the truth that He might make it manifest over all religion in spite of the abhorrence of the idolaters.”)
We hold perfectly to this doctrine and we are determined that Islam shall be elevated greatly whatever happens, but it is the duty of the Muslims that they should exert their utmost effort in this path also for the Pride of all creatures (May Allah be gracious to Him and give Him peace!) along with Allah’s bestowal on Him of dazzling miracles fought the greatest fight for the elevation of the dignity of the revealed religion, until His honored companion assisted in the digging of the ditch by His noble self in the day of the confederates, and He alone clearly manifested himself to the infidel world in the day when he was in Mecca.
Then he invited the idolaters to the true religion when the word of the Most High descended upon Him from heaven in the verse (Expound what you are commanded.). And after the Hegira he fought for several years more than fifty times between campaigns and bands, and his successors, the followers of the Right Way adopted his noble example and they spent the days of their Caliphate to the utmost of their ability of lift up the
work for truth, and in a word, the generation in which the word of Islam was manifest above all religions and the Muslims were rulers over the rest of the nations that was the generation in which the fighters of the Holy War of the Muslims assailed with all violence and fought in Allah a true fight for the elevation of His Word and the defence of His Law.
And therefore, Allah firmly established them in the land and caused their word to be the highest and the words of those who denied the Faith to be the lowest. But when possessions and their own selves became dear to them, and they turned aside to rest, and were immersed in the temporary pleasures, there settled upon them a malaria, and they began to sink down from the height of their glory and misfortunes increased greatly among them until they turned the edges of their sword which they were using on the necks of their enemies against the chests of their brothers in the religion as if there did not remain upon the face of the earth an infidel to fight or an oppressor to be pushed away, until they gave up their weapons to the enemies as the weakest of women do. And they forgot what Allah commanded them in His holy book in His word: (and oppose in them all the force that you are able) and they magnified every weakness and were terrified by the illusory power of the infidels.
When this befell, the Muslims began to pass from misfortune to misfortune and the Islamic world began to tumble down in the pit of degradation and to go backward from one distress to another until its moon set and its lights were put out on every side and until the Muslims became the most humiliated captive in the hands of the blamed infidels.
The Muslims labored and toiled wearily and bore hardness of life that they might gain something with which to satisfy their needs, and the oppressive conquerors of the Christians subdued them and robbed them of that which was in their hands of the means of living. And they spend this booty in the West upon the churches and upon the priests and places of shame and iniquity, in short, the Muslims work and the infidels eat, the Muslims are hungry and suffer, and the infidels are satiated and live in luxury. The Islamic world sinks down and goes backward, and the Christian world progresses and is exalted; and the sum of it all is, that the Muslim is enslaved and the infidel is the grand ruler. This is the sum of the humiliation and the bitterness in which the Muslims live since they left the plan of their great book and turned aside from the way of the Holy War which their honored prophet prescribed to them, and in which his successors followed in other times and in other climates.
And now, O people of Islam, and O beloved brothers, is it not enough what has come upon us of shame, rise up, awake, this weakness and this subjection has reached its limit, and this humiliation and this belittling has arrived at its end. The bonds of the Islamic world have been out and His word has been spread abroad. The Muslims have awakened under the feet of shame. Their honor has been reduced and their nobility has been put to shame, and their places of worship are in ruins, and bells and crosses have been placed on their minarets.
Today the Holy War has Become a Sacred Duty for Every Muslim.
Arise, awake, and know that today the Holy War has become a sacred duty for all the people of the Faith. And it is enjoined upon all the peoples of Islam who are spread abroad upon the face of the whole earth that they should unite among themselves and hasten to run for the deliverance of their native lands from the hands of the infidels, and that they should hasten to use every means and every plan for this purpose. The host of the Islamic Caliphate is prepared today for the Holy War, and thousands of Muslims who surge to and from on the borders and the sides of it delight in praising and in reciting the Tekbir and they are expecting the raising of the flag of the Holy War.
Know then that the Holy War has today become an especial duty for all Muslims and the time has come when every means must be used for the deliverance of the native land of Islam from the power of the oppressive infidels.
It is necessary to form secret and public unions in the land of Islam
The time has come when every people of the peoples of Islam should form secret and public unions and stand up in the face of the enemies who rule over them, proclaiming the Holy War against them that they may preserve their native lands from the extremity of extermination and that they may obtain the grace of independence, and they should know that afterwards there will not come to them an opportunity in which it will be possible to do this.
It is necessary that they should know from today that the Holy War has become a sacred duty and that the blood of the infidels in the Islamic lands may be shed with impunity (except those who enjoy the protection of the Muslim power and those to whom it has given security and those who are confederate with it).
They must know that the killing of the infidels who rule over the Islamic lands has become a sacred duty, whether it be secretly or openly, as the great Koran declares in its words: (Take them and kill them whenever you come across them, and we have given you a manifest power over them by revelation.)
To whoever kills even one single infidel of those who rule over Islamic lands, either secretly or openly, there is a reward like a reward from all the living ones of the Islamic world.
And let every individual of the Muslims in whatever place they may be, take upon him an oath to kill at least three of four of the ruling infidels, enemies of Allah, and enemies of the religion. He must take upon him this oath before Allah Most High, expecting his reward from Allah alone, and let the Muslim be confident, if there be to him no other good deed than this, nevertheless he will prosper in the day of judgment and we ask the Most High to extend the People of the Faith by the favor of their Lord.
O people of the Faith, and O brothers, we are suffering greatly because of your afflictions, we the company of Islam in the world of the Caliphate, Dar ul Khalifat, are greatly grieved because of your subjection to a small number the infidels and your obedience to them without opposition. Yes, the enemy is powerful, but that does not form a pretext for you which can be allowed. Remember the raid of Badr, one man, and the rest of the prophetic raids for the power of the infidels appeared greater than the power of those fighting the Holy War, but the Prophet (May Allah be gracious to Him and given Him peace!) and his honored companions did not attach any importance to that apparent strength and did not consider it, but they acted in accordance with the word of the Most High. (Those who believe fight in the way of Allah, and those who are infidels fight in the way of the demon. Then fight the friends of the devil, for the force of the devil is weakness.) And they were reciting this verse with perfect faith.
You know that the Muslims who live in the boundaries of the world of the Caliphate have fought the Holy War against the enemies in these last years at another time, and that they still are bearing arms expecting the Jihad, all of them from the youth who does not show his beard to the old man whose head is crowned with white hair. You know that our brothers the Sinnoussiya in Africa are fighting the Jihad against a nation of the strong nations of Europe, that they have been pushing them back from their native land for years, that these are the times of the arising of Islam. Yes, this generation is the generation of the Jihad. This is the day of the exaltation of the word of Allah.
In truth, if you do not rightly esteem all this, and if you do not awake from the state of carelessness, and if fear and timidity causes you to draw from arising to deliver your native lands, and you remain given over to the infidels who rule over your native lands, dread lest the wrath of Allah should light upon you and Allah should take away what remains of the light of faith in our hearts. Dread lest Allah (Let His name be praised and exalted) should cause you to be of those concerning whom he has informed us in his saying.
Why do you not fight in the path of Allah since those who are the weakest both of men and of women and of children say (“Our Lord take us out from this village whose people are oppressive and send to us from before Thee a defender, and make to us from before Thee a helper.”) Have you not remarked those to whom it was said (“Refrain you hands and offer prayer and bring alms, and when the battle was written upon them, behold a company of them dreaded men like the dread of Allah, or even a greater dread and they said, “Our Lord, why was battle written upon us unless our end to eternity is near.” Say, the enjoyment of the world is little, and the last day is the true good to him who is pious, and do not darken the lamp when death shall overtake you although you may be in strong towers.)
O brothers, beware of that which shall overtake you if you do not rightly regard all this, and do not arise for the deliverance of your native lands at the proclamation of a Holy War in A proper manner against the enemies of religion who have robbed you of your independence and who have trodden under foot your rights. Yes, beware of what shall overtake you, for he who believes in Allah and the last day neither the mind nor the sacred law nor the precious Koran permits him to be in any way whatever given over in subjection to the enemies of Allah and His Apostle or a friend of them or conforming to their commands. And it is easy to judge that one who is in this condition is weak in faith in spite of his prayers and his fasting.
Yes, and he who is in the condition is not allowed to call himself a believer if we regard the meaning of the saying of the Most High (You shall not find a people who believe in Allah and the last day who spare from the service of Allah and of His Apostle even their fathers and their children and their brothers or their relatives. They have written in their hearts the faith and they have themselves by a Spirit from Him. And He causes them to enter into a paradise from under which flow rivers eternal, and in it Allah is gracious to them, and the host of Allah is gracious to them, and the host of Allah they are who shall prosper.)
And we see that you have understood from this precious verse the judgment of those who make friendships with the infidels. A you have understood who are the party of Allah and who are those who it is expected will be in this world and in the last day the prosperous one, it is not possible that we, when we read this verse, should not be sorrowful and pity the condition of those who make friendships with infidels who trust in them.
These will say, “We do not love the infidels and do not incline toward them.” But we say to them, “If we accept that as it appears what will you say when you are asked why you continue under the rule of these infidels and consenting to their governments.” Would that I knew what excuse will avail you in the last breath better than his who knows the unseen world and the Testimony. Believe that there is no excuse for you that will heal the breast o will be a cause for escape in the day of dread. If there is in your heart a grain of faith and if you are in any doubt in regard to this, hear the word of the Most High.
(O you have believed do not take the Jews and the Christians as friends. They are friends to one another and he of you who becomes a friend to them is of them and Allah does not guide the people of oppressors.) And the saying of the Most High, (O true believers, take not such of those to whom the Scriptures were delivered before you, or of the infidels, for your friends, who make laughing stock and a jest of your religion, but fear Allah if ye be true believers). O brothers have you considered carefully these precious verses? Look and meditate, you will find them as if they were sent down in you by inspiration.
You will find that you are forbidden to have friendship with the Jews and the Christians, you will find that you are denied to have social intercourse with those who deride your religion so that Allah Most High has said that he who makes friends of the Jews and the Christian, let him become of them, and there is no doubt that the command and the prohibition in the verse points to this duty, as the saying of Allah Most High guides to it: (And if they believed in Allah and the Prophet and in what has been sent down to him they would not have made friends of them, but many of them are impious.)
If we carefully consider this verse how can we assent to the faith of those who do not desire what constitutes a part of the trust, the withdrawal from the friendship of the infidels and the lordship of the enemies, and do not strive for the release from their hands and do not arise to drive them out from their native lands, even if we hesitate to say that they are not believers (14) without doubt we may not hesitate to say that they are impious, and near to infidelity, for the Most High has clearly named them impious. O brothers, think and see and deliver yourselves from this difficult time while the bow of hope is still:(O you who believe, do not make friends of your fathers and brothers if they have sought the friendship of infidelity against faith, and whoever of you makes friends of them, they are oppressors.) See, O brothers, the strictness of the prohibition in this verse which you must believe from your whole heart.
And if you do not melt with dread before the strictness of it, and if you do not give the importance that due to its contents, then know that your hearts over which the ideas of the infidels have increased in influence have become steeped by that in hardness which has no end. And if there is doubt lest the Creator of all creatures and the Ruler of the day of retribution should apportion to you that you are unjust if you remain in this condition.
O brothers, seize the opportunity and strive to deliver yourselves before it pass, and read the following verses with all carefulness and consideration: (They who take the infidels as friends, rather than the believers, do they desire from them strength? All strength belongs unto Allah.)
O you who believe, do not take the infidels for as friends rather than believers. Do you wish that Allah should place over you a revealed ruler? It may be that your perseverance in the friendship of the infidels, and your slowness in driving them out of the land of Islam grown out of your fear of the passing away of the repose and pleasure which you falsely think are found in your country, or the glory and honor which you imagine for yourselves in your native lands, but be perfectly assured this your condition is in truth shame and disgrace and that is has no other meaning than delight in captivity and submission to servitude, for the glory belongs to Allah and to the party of Allah. And in any case, you must know truly that this your sitting down in this condition is greatly abhorred of God the Most High.
And if you shall continue ensnared in the meshes (ukn) of delusion and dazzled by the violence of cowardice, then know that there is before you nothing else but that the word of punishment should be verified against you by the Lord of Lords and that the afflictions of torture will begin to be poured upon your heads, and that this outpouring will increase day by day. And it will in a gradually increasing measure and you are not conscious of it.
Beware lest you be of those in whom carelessness has thrown a veil over their eyes and their ears, and they do not see and they do not hear. Allah, Allah is in yourselves! Do not be confirming by your works and your negligence the word of the Most High: (Allah has decreed a dullness upon their hearts and upon their hearing and upon their sight, and there is for them great torture.) And we will conclude our discourse by citing the following verses: (Let not the believers take the infidels as friends rather than the believers, and he who does that is not of Allah in anything, on the contrary you should abstain from them completely, and Allah himself warn you, and to Allah belongs the victory.).
Continue to look at the strictness of the prohibition in this honored verse, and remember that in it the Most High has clearly expounded that he who makes friends of the infidel is not of Allah in anything. Now go your way thinking, and if there be in your hear the with of a grain of faith (and it absolutely exists) no doubt that there will open before you a wide road to the Holy War. And your consciences and your faith will reveal to you the obligation to the Holy War, and call you to begin the work.
And if you desire to be established in your faith, and not to be driven out from the assembly of the Mohammedan nation, then answer this call immediately, and fight in the path of Allah with your substance and with yourselves, and know that there is not possibility of deliverance today or tomorrow or after that from the divine warning, which refuses all exception in His word: (You must abstain from them completely.)
For the world of infidelity today is in a condition of weakness and retrogression, especially the English, the French and the Russians, who are most oppressive to the Islamic world and the most covetous of its lands, and the most persecuting to its people. Or these infidels are busy now with themselves and think about the matter of their life and possessions. Therefore it is the most imperative duty of the Islamic kingdoms whose geographical position aids them that they should proclaim the war absolutely in the face of the oppressive rulers. Seeing that the condition greatly aids the Muslims who are in the lands of India and Java and egyuupt and Morocco and Tunis and Algeria and Caucasia and Khiva and Bokhara an Turkestan and Iran to drive out the Infidels who have obtained rule over their lands and to gain deliverance from captivity. But if this opportunity passes them by or if they neglect it, no-one but Allah knows there will come to them a like opportunity.
Therefore it is the duty of those who truly profess Islam in those countries that they should proclaim the war immediately, and that they should drive out those weak ones, of those who are corrupt, who have sucked the life of the Islamic world, and have expended its treasures and dispersed all its good things. And let every one of us be confident that if the Islamic peoples in its Holy War is sufficient for driving out all infidels and casting them out of all its lands.
And let us be firmly confident that if the Islamic peoples unite in taking up weapons in the face of those enemies who have no connection with the countries of Islam, except by the most brittle of causes, you shall scatter them without delay hither and thither and disperse them completely. And let us be confident that if the united war is proclaimed, the Islamic peoples are enough to drive out these infidels who have seized the rule in their countries and to take the trenches and fortresses and weapons and essentials of war which they possess in these countries.
Then will they be driven out by their own power and killed by their own weapons without necessity of any other expense. Believe O Muslims, and if you do not believe, then the great Lord who is all-powerful has sworn to you that the situation of the Dutch in Java and the situation of the Italians in Tripoli and the situation of the Russians in Iran and Bokhara and Caucasia; the situation of all these governments in these lands is greatly weakened.
It is necessary that we know this truly and believe it, for the evidence which point to it are more than can be mentioned, and there is nothing back (above it) of it in the establishment of the true knowledge except inspiration. And it has been decreed, as you know, and you must believe and resolve and unite and determine, for in every kingdom of the Islamic kingdoms there are five hundred thousand or six hundred thousand at least of native Muslims, and it is not a strange thing that Allah Most High should prosper them to purify their lands from these infidels. Indeed there is no doubt if they are resolved and patient, that He whose name is praised will extend to them an unchangeable good fortune, and it is sufficient for this blessed movement that there should lead in it a company of those whose faith is strong and whose resolves are sound and whose command is intelligent and who have taken the protection of Allah as their support.
From this time on it must be the purpose of the Islamic peoples and their target at which they aim, to release the Islamic kingdoms and the native lands of Islam from the infidels who have usurped the rule over them. There can be absolutely no partnership in the native lands of Islam, for the rule of Infidels over Muslims is not lawful, and it is not allowable that the Muslims should be judged by a non-Muslim at any time whatever, and he cannot be patient under the rule of infidels, and the honor of the Muslims is that they should not be subjects to others, and it is their glory that they should have lordship, and that they should always be allowed by others.
This is what Islam requires. And Islam will be completed and perfected in the Muslim if he knows it and practices it. Since we are in a day when war has risen with the infidels who have usurped the rule over the Islamic kingdoms and who do not cease to put to shame Islam in enmity and who wish evil against it, it is the duty of Muslims that they should not comply with the commands issued by them, that they should buy nothing of their goods, since compliance with their commands is compliance with their rule, and we have before shown the strictness of the prohibitions of this and the abhorrence of it. And since the buying of any of their goods, though it be but a little, is reckoned as assistance to infidelity and an assistance to the victory of infidelity, and Allah (May His glory be exalted!) says (Give no help to iniquity and enmity.)
And in summary, dealings with these people in any respect whatever, even giving taxes to them, and customs, is considered as a help to infidelity and contributing to its victory, and this no Muslim will assent to, meaning except the land-tax, it is an important necessity that Muslims should not be bound by it, for they cannot endure this land-tax which implies a meaning of humiliation and shame: for the Muslim who accepts the land-tax imposed upon him on the part of the infidels is impious, crazy, and degrades the honor of Islam – ignorant of the height of the Faith.
So he must dread the decree of evil against him and the loss of the protection of Allah Most High. The sacred law, which is the attachment of Mohammedans, has decreed that they should lay aside a portion of the alms which are due for the local necessities and the local war, and they should send the rest to the center of the Caliphate to be placed in the treasury and to be expended by the Caliph for the elevation of the word of Allah.
Therefore, we have seen fit to direct to all the people of the Faith the following proclamations concerning the following matters:
- That the buying of anything although it be a trifle from the infidels who have usurped the rule over the Islamic kingdoms and who continually manifest enmity to the Muslims is absolutely interdicted.
- Compliance with the commands issued by the infidels who have usurped the rule over the Islamic kingdoms and who are openly hostile to the Muslims, is absolutely interdicted.
- That the giving of the taxes to the infidels who have usurped the rule over the Islamic countries and who are hostile to the assembly of the Muslims, is absolutely interdicted.
- The duty of sending the lawful amount of pious gifts to the center of the Caliphate is enjoined.
Otherwise, the condition of the Muslims which has been spoken of above does not harmonize in any way whatever with the spirit of Islam. And in truth, the question of the Islamic kingdoms, for which infidels employ the name of colonies, is exceedingly difficult. For it is not correct to describe kingdoms as the Dar-ul-Islam (World of Islam), since the designation Dar-ul- Islam does not fit it because of its lack of any bond with the seat of the Caliphate, and because of its being under the rule of the infidels.
Neither is it correct to describe it as Dar-ul-Harb (The World of War), for all its inhabitants are Muslims. Therefore the prayers of the assembly are not true prayer in it, according to the traditions which have been delivered concerning them. But whoever of their peoples is satisfied with this condition, he is absolutely impious, as may be understood from the verses Mentioned above. And it is more fitting that these countries should be called the World of Impiety (Dar-ul-Fesak) than that it should be called Dar-ul-Islam or Dar-ul-Harb.
But let the Muslims wake up. Is it not necessary that they should arouse themselves from the slumber of carelessness, must we not repent to Allah and return to Him seeking forgiveness for his political crime of which we have become guilty? And we should hasten to the deliverance of all the Islamic kingdoms from the hands of the infidels.
Yes, the time for that has come, and it is incumbent upon us, the company of the Islamic peoples, that we should rise up as he rising up of one man, in one of his hands the sword and in the other the gun, and in is pocket balls of fire and annihilating missiles and in his heart the light of the Faith, and that we lift our voices to the utmost, saying –India for the Muslim Indians, Java for the Muslim Javanese, Algeria for the Algerians among the Muslims, Morocco for the Moroccans, Tunis for the Muslim Tunisans, Egypt for the Muslim Egyptians, Iran for the Muslim Iranians, Turan for the Muslim Tureks, Bokhara for the Bokharians, Caucasus for the Caucasians, and the Ottoman kingdoms for the Muslim Turks and Arabs.
Such must be the aim of all Muslims from now-on, and they must strive for this end and fight with their goods and their selves for this end, seeing that the Holy War is a duty laid down for this object. And we hope that the native land of Islam will be saved after this from being called the World of Impiety, and that it may be closely bound to the seat of the Caliphate, and it may rightly be called the Dar-ul-Islam in all the meaning of that name; and that likewise may be of those whose faces are white in the last day between the hands of the All-Knowing and All-Wise, and that we may escape from the reproach of the honored Prophet (May Allah be gracious to Him and give Him peace!)
Oh brothers, it has before been said that the Holy War is a duty enjoined upon us and that the hosts of the Caliph are in universal conflict; and know that the Holy War like the prohibition against denial should be of three kinds.
- The heart-war — and that is the lowest form of the war. And it is that the Muslim should believe in his heart that the infidels are enemies to him and to his religion, and that he should desire their disappearance and the destruction of their power.
And no Muslim can be imagined who is not under obligation to this degree of the war. Verily all the people of the Faith are under obligation to this amount without any question whatever, in whatever place they may be and in whatsoever condition they may be found. And that those concerning whom the exception made in the verse presented in the saying of the Most High holds good (You should abstain from them completely) to these it is permitted that they should be satisfied with this degree of the heart-war. Otherwise it is not lawful today for any of the Muslims to content himself with the heart-war while we remain in this condition. The contentment of the people of the Faith today with the heart-war, has no other meaning than that impiety, as has been established, and therefore let no one deceive with false interpretation.
- The war of speech, and that may be with the tongue and the pen, and that in the condition of some of the Islamic kingdoms before this date. This applies in times like those of the Muslims of Caucasia which were before in a condition which did not admit of there being under obligations to do more than the war of speech, because their condition did not aid them to do more than this. And if there do not exist an excuse which permits contentment with the heart-war, the war of speech is strictly enjoined upon all Muslims, and it is the duty of the masters of the pen to dissipate the darkness of the infidels and of infidelity with their pens, and the people of eloquence with their tongues; and the war of speech today is a duty decreed on the Islamic world in its entirety. Not one is excepted from it, not even the Muslims who dwell in the interior of the land of Russia. But this kind of war is strictly enjoined upon all of them.
- The true war — and it is fighting and killing in very deed as it is known to every Muslim.
- (a) The little Jihad — is the local Jihad which some of the Islamic peoples are compelled to proclaim against their enemies of he infidels without needing to call to their assistance any other Islamic peoples.
- For example, the war of the Sennousiya against the Government of Italy. But all Muslims ought to aid their brothers in the little Jihad materially or spiritually as much as they are able, and if it is permitted to any people of the Muslims that they should not take part materially in the little Jihad for any hindrance whatever, it is not lawful to them to refrain entirely from helping, but they must certainly help although it be only spiritually. And since this is so, the proclamation of the Egyptian government which it issued in the Ottoman- Balkan war, and in the war of Italy, in subjection to the commandment of the English infidels must be reckoned as a gross crime against Islam, and therefore our Egyptian brothers did not give heed to this decree of their government, and did not consider themselves bound to obey it, but they helped the World of the Caliphate with material and spiritual assistance through both of these two wars. The little Jihad may be proclaimed alone from the presence of the local Muslim chiefs, but it is in accordance with the Islamic political code of morals that it should also be presented to the center of the Caliphate, as the late Sheikh Waday presented to the seat of the Caliphate his proclamation of the war against the French.
- (b) The Great Jihad — It is the war which the Islamic world unitedly wages against the lords of infidelity from the enemies of Islam. And since the proclamation of the Jihad is one of the rights of the Caliph, it is strictly enjoined upon every one of all the people of the Faith who are scattered over the face of the earth to whom this invitation comes, that he should take part in it by deed. And an example of this is the Jihad which the Caliph has proclaimed today. And this is also named the Holy Jihad.
To those who participate by deed in the Jihad, whether it be the little of the great, there is great reward. And if they die they are without doubt martyrs. And we ask you, O God, the All-Powerful, that the nation of Mohammed (May God be gracious to Him and give him peace!) may know by Thy power the greatness of the reward of martyrdom and that their hearts may be inspired with the degree of its merit and of its greatness, O God! Amen.
The Jihad may be of three forms:
- Personal Jihad — First the individual Jihad, and it consists of the individual personal deed, and it may be by the use of cutting, killing instruments like the Jihad of the late Wurdanee who killed with his “musdis” Peter Galy Pasha the infidel, the English governor, and like the slaying of the chief of the English Police in India by one of our brothers there, and like the killing of one of the officials arriving from Mecca by Abi Busir (May Allah be pleased with him) in the age of the Prophet (May Allah be gracious to Him and give Him peace!) and in like manner a similar thing took place when the Prophet (May Allah be gracious to Him and give Him peace!) commanded Abdullah the son of Atik that he and four of his companions should go to kill Abi Rafi, the chief of the Jews of Khaibar, well-known for his enmity to Islam, and they went against him by night in the fortress in which he had taken refuge, and killed him. And the killing of Asir the son of Razim, of the chiefs of the Jews, by Abdullah the son of Rahet and his companions was of this kind.
O Lord, what is incumbent upon the Muslims today also, if there be found in the Islamic world those who fight like this fight? What will be the event if there shall go out from them some of the deliverers, and kill one of those who belong to the Triple Entente of the infidels who are known by their hostility to Islam, and so purify the face of the earth from his existence. O Allah, O our Lord, be a helper to us and cause the spirit to the jihad to live in our souls! - The Jihad by Bands — It may be described as a Jihad by bands known in our time by the name of Brigands, and it is know that the formation of bands or brigands was well known and notorious in Islam and the benefit of these bands was magnified in consideration of the fact that the power of Islam was weak and the power of its enemies great. And it is enough for you that the Prophet (May Allah Most High be gracious to Him and give Him peace!) began the Jihad by bands when permission was given to him for killing in the word of the Most High (Fight in the path of Allah with those who fight against you), and He (May Allah be gracious to Him and give Him peace!) was sending bands, when it was necessary, composed of private soldiers of those who were fighting the Jihad under the guidance of he leaders of good repute to combat some of the enemy. And He took great pains to choose the leaders of a band from those who were distinguished by their military endowments. And those who He sent (May Allah be gracious to Him and give Him peace!) increased in this way to more than fifty bands.
- And among the first of them was the band of Tomzah the son of Abdoul Mutlib, and the band of Obeidan the son of Harith, and the band of Sa’ad abi Wakas, and among the most distinguished of them was Abdullah the son of Hajesh, and the band of Zeid the son of Haritha and the band of abi Muslima, and the band of Asim the son of Thabit, and the band of Mundhir the son of Omir, and the band of Abdurrahman the son of ‘Auf, and the band of Ali the son of Abi Talib. Andtehn it was the duty of the Muslims to take advantage of the formation of bands when it was necessary; and the greatest benefit is to be expected from them now, and especially in the lands of Causasia and Turkestan and in Java and Hindustan, although the continual annihilation of the commerce of the enemy is more profitable than the formation of bands.
- The formation of bands in our time is of different kinds, and the most profitable of them is that which makes use of secret formations, and it is hoped that the Islamic world of today will profit very greatly from secret bands, and therefore it is in the degree of duty to him who wishes to participate in the Jihad that he should take council with people of experience in the formation of secret bands and gain profitable information of this kind. And these formations may take the oath of excess in which the Prophet (May Allah be gracious to Him and Him peace!) participated before sending them out originally.
- The Jihad by Campaigns — and the meaning of it is War upon well known principles, but the leadership is either for the Caliph alone, or for a Muslim Emir whom he shall appoint from before him. The Pride of all creatures (May Allah be gracious to Him and give Him peace!) was leading the host in many of he campaigns Himself, as took place in the campaign of Badri and in the campaign of Abdul-Ahad and others; or the leadership may be by means of an appointed deputy as befell in the Ottoman-Balkan war, where the deputy of the Caliph was the leader of the host. O brothers of the religion! The time has come when you should know that the great Holy War has become a most imperative duty, and you ought to begin it and not to lose a single moment of the time, for the time is very short, and the life of Islam is on the verge of being swept away as by a flood.
And let every one of you choose one of these kinds of war, each one according to his condition and the manner of his life and the geographical and intellectual conditions of his country. Now the time has come for action indeed, and you know that the center of the Caliphate cannot send out hosts in every direction, for that is impossible, and therefore it is imposed upon you that you should perfect the necessary formations even thought it may be by the introduction of some foreign elements when it is necessary.
and you should begin the matter of the Jihad by yourselves on the condition of the observance of The Islamic was customs continually, and you may refer to the center of the Caliphate also when it is necessary, for counsel in certain political questions, and among the things to which you must give heed is that it is absolutely unlawful to oppose any of the peoples of other religions between whom and the Muslims there is a covenant, or those who have not manifested hostility to the seat of the Caliphate of those who have entered under the protection of the Muslims and their guaranty.
For the high precepts of Islam decree the prevention of hostility against these classes of those who differ from us in religion, and because it is not the purpose of the Holy War in which we are engaged to fight all the nations of infidelity. But it purposes the duty of fighting those who have usurped the rule over the Islamic kingdoms without any right, and who have shown hostility to the Caliphate; therefore we repeat the saying in this respect, and we say, “It is necessary to consider well, differentiating and distinguishing between the enemy from these peoples, and the one who is not an enemy, and the decrees of the Islamic law in this respect must be the guide for you to follow,” and this honored verse is to be placed before you as a direction, and it is the saying of the Most High:
“(The wished you to become infidels as they are infidels and that ye should be like them. Therefore, take no friends from among them until they fly their country in the path of Allah. And if they turn back, take them and kill them wherever you find them, and do not take from them any friend or helper except those who are allied with one of your peoples by covenant between you and them, or those who come to you, their hearts forbidding them either to fight you or to fight their own people; if Allah pleased, he would have made them rule over you, and they would have fought you; but if they depart from you, and do not fight against you and offer you peace, Allah doth desire to enter into confidence with you, and to preserve the confidence of their people, as often as they return to sedition they shall be subverted therein, and if they do not depart from you and offer you peace and restrain their hands, take them and kill them where-so-ever ye find them. Over these we have granted you manifest power.)”
And let us conclude this address of ours by citing the following verse; and it is the saying of Him (let Him be praised and exalted!)
(O you who have believed, if there be among you those who deny their religion, Allah will bring a people whom He loves and who loves Him, humble toward the believers, proud toward the infidels. They fight in the path of Allah, and they fear no blame from anyone. This is the favor of Allah. He accords it to whom He will, and Allah is generous toward them.)
God and His Apostle are your friends, and those who believe, who offer prayer, and who present pious gifts, and who prostrate themselves in devotion, and who are friends of Allah and His Apostle, and who believe; for the party of Allah are the victorious ones!
Praised be your Lord, the Lord of Glory above all that can be described, and peace be to His messengers, and praise be to Allah, the Lord of all creatures.
Sampling Statistics of 2019 Jihad-Related Death
A sampling of the last 30 days of jihadi attacks worldwide. The total for 2019 is 12,288 killed and 15,277 injured. The site TheReligionofPeace.com is a source for these figures and also contains attack stats that go back to 2001.
Date |
Country |
City |
Killed |
Injured |
Details |
2019.12.18 |
Pakistan |
Lower Dir |
2 |
0 |
Militants attack a polio vaccination drive, killing two guards. |
2019.12.17 |
Chad |
Kaiga |
14 |
18 |
Fourteen residents of a peaceful fishing village are murdered by Boko Haram. |
2019.12.17 |
Kenya |
Fafi |
2 |
0 |
Two construction workers are killed by al-Shabaab. |
2019.12.17 |
Afghanistan |
Alisher |
10 |
18 |
Three women and two children are among ten bus passengers purged by the Taliban. |
2019.12.17 |
Afghanistan |
Shiberghan |
1 |
5 |
A mine planted by ‘insurgents’ kills a passerby. |
2019.12.17 |
Iraq |
Saida |
1 |
1 |
Terrorists shoot at a couple, killing the husband and wounding the wife. |
2019.12.16 |
Syria |
Idlib |
3 |
20 |
An attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leaves three dead. |
2019.12.16 |
Iraq |
Abi Saida |
1 |
0 |
A farmer is aerated by ISIS explosives. |
2019.12.15 |
Iraq |
Kirkuk |
2 |
0 |
Two Iraqis lose their lives to ISIS gunmen. |
2019.12.15 |
Iraq |
Ayadiya |
2 |
0 |
Two civilian lives are claimed by ISIS explosives. |
2019.12.15 |
Iraq |
Maqdadiyah |
6 |
4 |
In attack by the Islamic State leaves six dead. |
2019.12.15 |
Kamango |
10 |
9 |
Ten innocents are shot and hacked to death by ADF Islamists. |
2019.12.15 |
Afghanistan |
Herat |
3 |
0 |
Religious extremists kill three local cops in a shooting attack. |
2019.12.14 |
Nigeria |
Fuhe |
19 |
0 |
Boko Haram kill nineteen in clashes related to attacks on villages. |
2019.12.14 |
Afghanistan |
Qara Bagh |
23 |
1 |
A Taliban infiltrator machine-guns two-dozen sleeping Afghan soldiers. |
2019.12.14 |
Indonesia |
Salubanga |
1 |
0 |
Islamic extremists open fire on a rival mosque, killing a guard. |
2019.12.14 |
Beni |
22 |
11 |
Thirteen women are among twenty-two farmers brutally slain by ADF. |
2019.12.13 |
Iraq |
Baqubah |
2 |
3 |
Muslim terrorists lay out two civilians with a hail of shrapnel. |
2019.12.13 |
Yemen |
Sirwa |
22 |
30 |
Ansar Allah fire rockets into a rival mosque, killing twenty-two. |
2019.12.13 |
Beni |
6 |
0 |
A pregnant woman is among a half-dozen murdered by ADF Islamists. |
2019.12.13 |
Pakistan |
Tank |
2 |
4 |
Fundamentalists machine-gun two local soldiers. |
2019.12.13 |
Afghanistan |
Jaghatu |
10 |
6 |
Four women and a child are among ten exterminated by roadside bombers. |
2019.12.13 |
Iraq |
Fallujah |
643 |
0 |
A mass grave is found containing the tortured remains of over six-hundred Sunni men and boys executed by Shia militia in June, 2016. |
2019.12.12 |
Yemen |
Masaqira |
5 |
24 |
A woman is among five villagers murdered after refusing to join a Shiite militia group. |
2019.12.12 |
Nigeria |
Magumeri |
15 |
0 |
Boko Haram pump anti-aircraft fire into a small town, taking down fifteen. |
2019.12.12 |
Iraq |
Samarra |
7 |
3 |
A Shahid suicide bomber takes out seven Shiites. |
2019.12.12 |
Afghanistan |
Shahr-e-Safa |
7 |
0 |
A Taliban protégé in police uniform shoots seven unsuspecting officers to death. |
2019.12.12 |
Iraq |
Samarra |
4 |
0 |
A second suicide bomber strikes the site of an earlier one, killing four first responders. |
2019.12.12 |
Yemen |
Abyan |
2 |
3 |
Ansar Allah is suspected of an attack that leaves two dead. |
2019.12.12 |
Iraq |
Shirqat |
3 |
0 |
Mujahideen bombers take out three children on their way to school. |
2019.12.11 |
Afghanistan |
Taraqen |
4 |
6 |
Four worshippers are left dead after a shooting at a mosque. |
2019.12.11 |
Afghanistan |
Parwan |
2 |
73 |
A woman and one other civilian are blown to bits by suicide bombers. |
2019.12.11 |
Iraq |
Yarmouk |
1 |
0 |
A civilian is shot to death by suspected ISIS. |
2019.12.11 |
Pakistan |
Mingora |
1 |
0 |
A secular-leaning politician is shot to death by radicals. |
2019.12.11 |
Pakistan |
Lakki Marwat |
1 |
0 |
A Shia religious leader is assassinated by rivals. |
2019.12.11 |
Somalia |
Hilweyne |
4 |
0 |
Two women are among four civilians murdered by al-Shabaab. |
2019.12.10 |
Afghanistan |
Ghazni |
1 |
0 |
A government official is assassinated by militants. |
2019.12.10 |
Mali |
Inates |
71 |
12 |
At least seventy are left dead when Islamic hardliners overrun a local security base. |
2019.12.10 |
Nigeria |
Benisheikh |
3 |
0 |
Sharia proponents release a video showing the execution of three severely tortured captives. |
2019.12.10 |
Somalia |
Mogadishu |
3 |
6 |
At least three guests are killed when Islamist gunmen storm a hotel. |
2019.12.10 |
Cameroon |
Werwack |
5 |
0 |
Five people are put down during a Boko Haram attack on a ranch. |
2019.12.09 |
Afghanistan |
Toor Pul |
8 |
2 |
Eight Afghans are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. |
2019.12.09 |
Mali |
Agando |
3 |
0 |
Three are left dead after an attack by Muslim ‘rebels’. |
2019.12.08 |
Syria |
Aziziya |
1 |
1 |
Sunni radicals send rockets into a neighborhood, killing an adult and injuring a child. |
2019.12.08 |
Iraq |
Karbala |
1 |
0 |
A prominent Shia activist is assassinated by suspected Sunni militia. |
2019.12.08 |
Egypt |
Rafah |
1 |
2 |
A young police officer is cut down by extremist gunmen. |
2019.12.07 |
Afghanistan |
Baghlan-e-Markazi |
7 |
0 |
Seven are killed when the Taliban storm a security checkpoint outside a market. |
2019.12.07 |
Pakistan |
Lahore |
1 |
4 |
Extremists set off a bomb near a rival mosque, killing a passerby. |
2019.12.07 |
Iraq |
Danadish |
2 |
3 |
An ISIS attack leaves two dead. |
2019.12.07 |
Nigeria |
Marte |
1 |
0 |
Boko Haram set off an IED near a passing police patrol, killing one officer. |
2019.12.07 |
Iraq |
al-Azim |
1 |
0 |
A farmer in his field makes easy pickings for Islamic State warriors. |
2019.12.06 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
25 |
103 |
An Iranian-backed Shiite militia is suspected of firing on anti-government protesters, killing two dozen. |
2019.12.06 |
Kenya |
Kotulo |
9 |
0 |
Nine Christian bus passengers are murdered after refusing to recite the Shahada. |
2019.12.06 |
Pensacola, FL |
3 |
8 |
A Saudi national shoots dead three students at a naval air station. |
2019.12.06 |
Iraq |
Kirkuk |
1 |
2 |
A local cop is aerated with Jihadi shrapnel. |
2019.12.05 |
Kolokoko |
3 |
0 |
Three people are murdered by Islamists – one by beheading. |
2019.12.05 |
Oicha |
3 |
0 |
Three villagers are murdered by ADF Islamists. |
2019.12.05 |
Pakistan |
Charkhel |
2 |
3 |
Tehreek-e-Taliban attack a local security base and kill two members. |
2019.12.05 |
Afghanistan |
Kandahar |
1 |
0 |
A man is shot to death by two terrorists on motorcycles. |
2019.12.05 |
Iraq |
Nasr |
2 |
0 |
Two brothers are vaporized by ISIS explosives. |
2019.12.05 |
Iraq |
Nineveh |
1 |
0 |
Terrorists gun down a service employee for an education department. |
2019.12.05 |
Afghanistan |
Imam Sahib |
10 |
0 |
Ten Afghans lose their lives to two separate Taliban attacks. |
2019.12.05 |
Mantumbi |
14 |
0 |
ADF Islamists slaughter fourteen villagers. |
2019.12.04 |
Afghanistan |
Kandahar |
1 |
0 |
Taliban shrapnel claims one life. |
2019.12.04 |
Syria |
Kaljibrin |
10 |
13 |
Eight children and a woman are among ten disassembled by a Hayat Tahrir al-Sham mortar round. |
2019.12.04 |
Afghanistan |
Jalalabad |
6 |
0 |
Six aid workers are machine-gunned by Religion of Peace advocates. |
2019.12.04 |
Iraq |
Diyala |
3 |
4 |
An Islamic State attack produces three Kurdish bodies. |
2019.12.03 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
1 |
0 |
Militia kidnap a young Kurdish activist and shoot her in the head. |
2019.12.03 |
Syria |
al-Wadihi |
1 |
3 |
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham hit a 6-year-old boy with a rocket. |
2019.12.02 |
Orototo |
11 |
0 |
Eleven villagers are massacred by ADF radicals. |
2019.12.02 |
Mali |
Diougani |
2 |
7 |
A local security patrol is hit with a Mujahideen bomb blast that kills two members. |
2019.12.02 |
Afghanistan |
Alishing |
1 |
3 |
A fundamentalist group sends a mortar round into a neighborhood, killing a resident. |
2019.12.02 |
Afghanistan |
Kabul |
2 |
3 |
Terrorists open fire on a passing vehicle, killing two occupants. |
2019.12.02 |
Chad |
Lake Chad |
4 |
3 |
Four border guards are cut down by Islamists. |
2019.12.02 |
Cameroon |
Zangola |
3 |
1 |
Militant Muslims loot a village, killing three residents in the process. |
2019.12.01 |
Afghanistan |
Chahardara |
5 |
21 |
Religious radicals send a shell into a police station, killing five inside. |
2019.12.01 |
Cameroon |
Kotserehé |
4 |
3 |
Muslim gunmen open fire on a Christian funeral, bringing down four mourners. |
2019.12.01 |
Iraq |
Islah |
1 |
6 |
The Islamic State attacks a small village, killing one resident. |
2019.12.01 |
Iraq |
Jalaway |
4 |
16 |
An ISIS attack on an oil facility kills four guards. |
2019.12.01 |
Yemen |
Aden |
1 |
0 |
A criminal investigator is assassinated by al-Qaeda. |
2019.12.01 |
Burkina Faso |
Hantoukoura |
14 |
3 |
A barbaric attack on a church leaves fourteen dead, including five children. |
2019.11.30 |
Iraq |
Silo |
1 |
0 |
A local cop is gunned down at his post by Islamic State loyalists. |
2019.11.30 |
Afghanistan |
Marjah |
1 |
3 |
A journalist is among the casualties of a Taliban bomb blast. |
2019.11.29 |
Kukutama |
14 |
0 |
ADF Islamists hack to death or behead fourteen innocents at a small village. |
2019.11.29 |
Pakistan |
Chauburji |
0 |
12 |
Ball-bearings rip into passersby as a bomb goes off on a rickshaw. |
2019.11.29 |
Iraq |
Garmiyan |
3 |
8 |
Two children are among three liquidated when ISIS sends shells into a small town. |
2019.11.29 |
Afghanistan |
Sar-e-Pul |
0 |
13 |
A Taliban car bomb goes off in a residential neighborhood. |
2019.11.29 |
England |
London |
2 |
3 |
A radical Muslim stabs two young people to death on the London Bridge, one a woman and the other a graduate student. |
2019.11.29 |
Iraq |
Shuhada |
2 |
0 |
Two village guards are smoked by ISIS gunmen. |
2019.11.28 |
Afghanistan |
Darqad |
8 |
10 |
Eight defenders are killed during a Taliban attack on a local security base. |
2019.11.28 |
Biakato |
4 |
6 |
Four health workers are killed by suspected ADF. |
2019.11.27 |
Maleki |
28 |
0 |
Twenty-eight civilians are killed and mutilated by an Islamist group. Some were beheaded. |
2019.11.27 |
Nigeria |
Babbangida |
1 |
2 |
Boko Haram fire randomly into a village, killing a toddler. |
2019.11.27 |
Afghanistan |
Imam Sahib |
15 |
2 |
Fundamentalists hit a wedding party with a well-placed bomb, killing fifteen members – including a dozen women and girls. |
2019.11.27 |
Iraq |
Daquq |
2 |
0 |
A man and wife are assassinated by ISIS gunmen. |
2019.11.26 |
India |
Badasgam |
2 |
7 |
Islamists throw a grenade into a meeting, killing two civilians. |
2019.11.26 |
Iraq |
Abi al-Khasib |
1 |
0 |
Suspected Shiite militia shoot a civilian to death. |
2019.11.26 |
Iraq |
Baghdad |
6 |
9 |
Six innocents at a market are blown to bits by a Religion of Peace motorcycle bomb. |
2019.11.26 |
Iraq |
Bayaa |
2 |
6 |
Two people bleed to death following a Mujahideen bomb blast. |
2019.11.25 |
Pakistan |
Tank |
2 |
0 |
Islamic militants target a passing car with a bomb, killing a man and his son. |
2019.11.25 |
Iraq |
Uhlila |
2 |
0 |
Two victims of sectarian violence are discovered tortured to death. |
2019.11.24 |
Afghanistan |
Teora |
1 |
2 |
A group of religious radicals fire on a group of police, killing one. |
2019.11.24 |
Beni |
8 |
0 |
Eight civilians are massacred by the ADF. |
2019.11.24 |
Afghanistan |
Makrorayan |
1 |
5 |
A grenade hurled at a UN vehicle kills an American aid worker. |
2019.11.24 |
Iraq |
Islahiyah |
5 |
8 |
An ISIS attack kills two civilians and three first responders. |
2019.11.23 |
Syria |
Ain Issa |
4 |
22 |
Four villagers are killed during an attack by an Islamist group. |
2019.11.23 |
Afghanistan |
Daykundi |
8 |
4 |
A group of fundamentalists storm a security post and kill eight members. |
2019.11.22 |
Iraq |
Rasheed |
2 |
1 |
Two local cops are ambushed and killed by the Islamic State. |
2019.11.21 |
Burkina Faso |
Sahel |
3 |
0 |
Three lose their lives in two separate attacks by militants. |
2019.11.21 |
Algeria |
Tamanrasset |
8 |
0 |
The Islamic State claims eight kills over a 24-hour period. |
2019.11.21 |
Syria |
Aleppo |
7 |
33 |
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham members send rockets into a city, killing seven civilians. |
2019.11.21 |
Burkina Faso |
Tabankort |
13 |
0 |
Thirteen more al-Qaeda victims are discovered. |
2019.11.21 |
Pakistan |
Wahi Pandi |
1 |
0 |
A 10-year-old girl is stoned to death after a jirga authorizes the honor killing. |
2019.11.20 |
Burkina Faso |
Arbinda |
1 |
7 |
An attack by armed fundamentalists leaves one victim dead. |
2019.11.20 |
Nigeria |
Tor-Musa |
1 |
1 |
A woman is shot off a motorcycle by Muslim militia. |
2019.11.20 |
Afghanistan |
Nimroz |
1 |
0 |
A border guard is picked off by radicalized snipers. |
2019.11.20 |
Syria |
Kah |
8 |
4 |
Eight refugees are killed when Shiite militia send rockets into their camp. |
2019.11.20 |
Afghanistan |
Kunduz |
13 |
5 |
A Taliban attack on a local security base leaves thirteen dead. |
2019.11.20 |
Iraq |
Abi Gharq |
1 |
0 |
A former official is assassinated in front of his home. |
2019.11.20 |
Afghanistan |
Kabul |
1 |
0 |
Jihadists on motorbikes shoot dead a journalist. |
2019.11.20 |
Iraq |
Zgheitoun |
3 |
1 |
ISIS members ambush and kill three local cops. |
2019.11.20 |
Afghanistan |
Khost |
1 |
3 |
A bomb set off at an intersection by fundamentalists claims a crossing guard. |
2019.11.19 |
Egypt |
Sheikh Zuweid |
1 |
4 |
The Islamic State kills one person with a roadside bomb. |
2019.11.19 |
Mavete |
3 |
14 |
The lives of three villagers are claimed by ADF Islamists. |
2019.11.19 |
Beni |
7 |
2 |
Seven people are cut down by Islamic terrorists. |
2019.11.19 |
Iraq |
Mosul |
1 |
0 |
A village mukhtar is assassinated by Mujahideen. |
2019.11.19 |
Turkey |
Diyarbakir |
1 |
0 |
A Christian evangelist is stabbed to death on the street. |
2019.11.19 |
Cameroon |
Tourou |
1 |
0 |
A 12-year-old Christian boy is hacked to death for refusing to join Boko Haram. |
Muslim fraternitati fieri delenda est!
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